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  1. E

    Mod Feedback ChromatiCraft questions and suggestions

    If by inactive you mean not making sound/zapping things then you probably did it wrong. In my experience they do that as soon as you fix them. But yeah they will have to recharge before you can do anything useful with them.
  2. E

    Best source for power in this pack?

    In that case, if you decide to go with a spawner you can add salt to the zombie flesh to get about 9 times the RF per piece. Salt is just water + a pot so it's trivial to do with aqueous accumulator + cyclic assembler. If you left out any magic mod that lets you convert flesh to leather you can...
  3. E

    Best source for power in this pack?

    As long as you don't go AFK next to it or put it in the one place you spend the most time in you'll be fine. The explosions are quite weak. If it happens to spawn an explosion right under you it's like 3 hearts, and I'm testing unarmoured.
  4. E

    Best source for power in this pack?

    You could always just use the TNT generator. If you use TNT you get 96k RF per gunpowder (minus some for whatever cobble->sand machine and autocrafter you use) compared to the Reactant Dynamo's 160k but no liquid is required. You could also just use gunpowder directly but then you only get 32k.
  5. E

    Enchanting a Bound Blade

    Unbreaking X doesn't stop time-based LP cost. Doesn't seem to affect per-hit LP cost either but it's hard to say for sure since the time intervals for taking LP seem to be a bit random. Either that or I'm getting an inconsistent tick rate on my tiny test world, but I can sit there mashing right...
  6. E

    What cool little thing have you discovered today?

    That's only for items.
  7. E

    What cool little thing have you discovered today?

    Today I discovered just how much better RotaryCraft's Item Vacuum is than the Vacuum Hopper. When my 2x extractor + 2x friction heated furnace all running at 1 operation per tick started processing a metal that gave way more XP than it should (no idea what part of my pack is causing that), my...
  8. E

    Mod Feedback ChromatiCraft questions and suggestions

    Ok, I guess since it's capped at 24 right now it's not what I need to do to unlock the casting room.
  9. E

    Mod Feedback ChromatiCraft questions and suggestions

    How do you unlock "Painful Loss"? It seems obvious it's hinting at dying and either dropping an info fragment or losing exp. I've done both several times. I'm guessing it's a bug/mod conflict. And is that what I need to unlock the info fragments for crystalline stone? Other than that I just have...
  10. E

    Mod Feedback [By Request] RotaryCraft Suggestions

    Wasn't talking about you. Without other mods? RotaryCraft adds nothing for manipulating enchantments AFAIK and we know it's not possible with vanilla. But with other mods you might have a disenchanter that lets you get the bedrock sword's enchantments on a book. Although if that was...
  11. E

    Mod Feedback [By Request] RotaryCraft Suggestions

    I did consider the possibility he was just posting an idea without actually knowing for sure if it's possible but I figured I might as well ask. And I assume there's no way to enchant the machine other than books.
  12. E

    Mod Feedback [By Request] RotaryCraft Suggestions

    I tried vanilla anvils, 2 Looting III books = Looting III book.
  13. E

    Mod Feedback [By Request] RotaryCraft Suggestions

    Which mods let you go past the normal enchanting limit to get a Looting V book?
  14. E

    Looking for interesting ways to power a base!

    Serenade of the Nether to generate lava or use the Lava Crystal as a solid fuel. Although I once modified TE configs to allow liquid LP in the reactant dynamo so I could power my base on blood and tears.
  15. E

    Looking for interesting ways to power a base!

    You can't ward a master ritual stone, and warding the rest gave me the message that means it didn't detect a ritual around it. Don't know why you would go to the trouble anyway, I just tested it and you can still block the meteor with a single angel block (or anything else if you build a column...
  16. E

    Looking for interesting ways to power a base!

    Did he nerf it? It used to be possible to protect the ritual by simply building a small platform in the sky for the meteor to land on.
  17. E

    Ask a simple question, get a simple answer

    Same machine.
  18. E

    Dumb Tricks - Dumb/OP Mod Interactions Edition

    The whole point of flesh golems is their natural regen is very high. All you need is spring water or the ritual (not recommended as all your golems could die if you or some idiot you're working with isn't careful to keep your network full). No fezzes needed (and a fez alone isn't enough). Unless...
  19. E

    Latest news: FTB removes compatibility with TE?

    Mojang denies Hats causes bees when used with Extra Bees What could be causing the bees then?
  20. E

    Best Melee Weapon (Damage) in Monster

    And some people don't like wasting time, getting shot by skeletons any more than necessary, and having creepers explode after surviving the first hit, even though they're too far away to damage anything but the landscape. Some people also like to 3-hit (IIRC; it's been a while) the wither. :)