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  1. E

    DartCraft Force Infuser Questions

    Craft is put on item cards to turn them into crafting cards. You can program a recipe into them that will automatically be performed when the Force Pack with the crafting card in it picks up the ingredients (great for compressing cobble so it never fills your inventory).
  2. E

    Most ridiculous power supply

    I just tested it and they do. It's like 1 MJ a minute with 8 queens working nearby. It definitely qualifies as ridiculous if you can get that to power anything.
  3. E

    Ask a simple question, get a simple answer

    You sure? It doesn't look like any of your liquiducts are in extract mode (right click with a crescent hammer/omniwrench). But if it really doesn't, try a buildcraft pipe with a gate on it.
  4. E

    Ask a simple question, get a simple answer

    They shouldn't, since it's the main machine block that needs to check if the casings are set up correctly and not the casings themselves.
  5. E

    Ask a simple question, get a simple answer

    Yeah, it should change into "both 1", but I think it takes longer than getting from neutral to 1 up.
  6. E

    I know I'm probably beating a dead horse here but.. Dartcraft.

    Yeah, I don't get it either. According to my math 1 sapling from one of my blue mahoes is worth over 10 times the MJ of a force log (even before considering ethanol can be used in a boiler), and in addition I also get over a stack of logs per tree that can be used for more power whereas force...
  7. E

    Bees what would you say is the must have ones.

    Hmm, I just tried it again and got a part Abnormal bee. I thought Nova Frames were supposed to guarantee mutations as well as reducing lifespan to one tick but I guess not.
  8. E

    Bees what would you say is the must have ones.

    I know, those are the ones I'm talking about. They can't be bred yet, or if they can, they require special conditions nobody knows about yet (I couldn't get the Abandoned bee with a Nova Frame, and I also tried breeding in the End). Edit: I mean Abnormal (I think. Whichever one you need to get...
  9. E

    Bees what would you say is the must have ones.

    Yep. Every bee in the Primary and Secondary (colours) branches has a 75% base chance of producing a Honey Comb as well as a 25% chance of producing a Tinted Comb which has an 80% chance of giving a honey drop. As long as you breed 'slow' or better speed onto them they'll be making more...
  10. E

    Bees what would you say is the must have ones.

    Quantum bees. They make Certus Quartz dust. :D
  11. E

    I know I'm probably beating a dead horse here but.. Dartcraft.

    Oh yeah, forgot about that. It's a fairly uncommon situation though since the drill can break just about anything in front of it so you don't end up with those little holes. Somehow my powersuit's generators keep it fully charged at all times for the amount of digging I do, so I don't really...
  12. E

    I know I'm probably beating a dead horse here but.. Dartcraft.

    Wait, you can get a tool that breaks 18 blocks at a time, both dirt and stone type blocks, and can have Fortune IV with TC and MPS? You're right that MPS beats the armor most of the time though, except getting 11 nether stars from one wither thanks to the ridiculous Luck stacking is nice.
  13. E

    Is GregTech just going to keep getting harder?

    He temporarily changed something's texture to that image as some kind of joke related to a user on the IC2 forum that used it as their avatar. I forget the details.
  14. E

    Tree Breeding (Spoilers)

    yes, really. Anyone breed any 1.5.1 trees yet?
  15. E

    Problem breeding bees

    If you're able to cheat anyway why not use an Imprinter or /giveprincess and /givedrone commands?
  16. E

    If YOU had only one mod to take out of Ultimate, forever, what would it be?

    I'm the same way, but for a mod like obsidian plates, well it only really adds one thing, which I don't use because when I use doors, I don't go through them often enough to feel I need a pressure plate on a side that monsters can get to, especially on a server where I can just teleport back...
  17. E

    If YOU had only one mod to take out of Ultimate, forever, what would it be?

    If he didn't want answers like that he should have made it more clear that removing a mod is not optional. Just sayin'. He looks angry to you? Looks more shocked or horrified to me.
  18. E

    If YOU had only one mod to take out of Ultimate, forever, what would it be?

    So, what is the point? What is the hypothetical situation that makes me want to remove a mod? I can think of at least 3 in which I'd give different answers. 1) I'm being forced to remove a mod against my will: I'd pick something low-impact, that I think nobody would be particularly hurt by...
  19. E

    And so I'm making a Galgadorian Drill...

    Eh, not even one. You're going to want a jetpack eventually so why not craft one before hunting ghasts? Then you can catch the tear before it lands in lava. Even easier if you are able to make a Coin of Fortune as well.
  20. E

    Most efficient way of making Fart gas without huge mob "generators"

    It's something like 49k EU to get a 45k methane cell. I've done the math before (going off this which says it's something between 2000 and 2055 EU per fish) but I forget the exact number of fish required. It's another way of converting MJ->EU if you don't have power converters or think they're...