
  • FTB will be shutting down this forum by the end of July. To participate in our community discussions, please join our Discord!
FTB is committed to keeping your personal information safe, the following privacy policy outlines our policy for and all sub-domains *

What information do we collect about you? When using any of the feed-the-beast site we may gather some the following information

Email address
Information related to any financial transactions which may be carried out
We may also collect the following information when you use the FTB site
Internet Protocol (IP) address
Geographical location
Browser type and version
Operating system
Referral source
Length of visit, page views, website navigation and any other related browsing activity

The information you provide to Feed The Beast is required for, but not limited to, the following reasons:
Internal record keeping
Access to the Feed The Beast website, associated websites and sub-domains
Account management
Account or password reset
Confirmation of email address
Sending notices of relevant information or updates

Information disclosure
Feed The Beast will not, at any time, disclose any of your personal private information stored on our servers to a third party without your consent or a legal request found valid by our administration team. Your information (IP Address, Email etc.) will never be given to untrusted third parties, but may be disclosed to those who assist in the management of the website and/or it's services. Information such as statistics for the website that contain no identifiable information may be disclosed to third parties such as advertisers and researchers at the sole discretion of the Feed the Beast administration.