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  1. E

    I propose a name change

    Names in general are too good. I propose that the world would be more balanced if nothing was named at all.
  2. E

    How do you get diamond shards?

    Read the post. I have no idea why you would post this honestly. I'm sorry but seriously... read the post. OP: If NEI fails you again, wiki it. Edit in response to above edit: I don't think it's a matter of it not working, just that that machine is too obscure to have a NEI plugin or whatever...
  3. E

    Automating quest ram...

    The version of MFR in Ultimate 1.0.1 doesn't have exact mode. I tried this in a recent version of MFR and it seems you can't catch Quest Rams in a Safari Net anymore.
  4. E

    Ask a simple question, get a simple answer

    Yes, only 1.0.2, which still isn't the recommended version (so not many servers if any are using it. I assume "config changes not possible" means he's on a server).
  5. E

    IC2 is slowly dying out ?

    Yeah, bio-generator is nice. Now if only we had a solid fuel MJ producer that was that smart, and as fast and cheap as an IC2 Generator (10EU/t converts to about 4 MJ/t), and a good way of transporting that power that doesn't require 3 different machines (I think I heard conductive pipes aren't...
  6. E

    Solar Powered Matter Fabricator, I'm really proud of this!

    Technically, it accepts more than that, but only USES 8192 eu/t from its internal storage. You don't need to worry about connecting 5 or more Plasma Generators to it for example. I wouldn't try a 1000000 EU packet from a Supercondensator though, there's really no point even if it works.
  7. E

    Starting off....

    And I think he's playing FTB (if he's posting in the right forum). If he really wants to advance in GregTech he's going to want the most efficient ore processing he can get. The clockwork engine is more expensive than the Hobbyist's Steam Engine.
  8. E

    Any way to auto refill frames in Apiaries? Looks like the Magic Frame is exactly the same as the Impregnated Frame, and just eats Vis for no good reason.
  9. E

    Ask a simple question, get a simple answer

    Only about 12.5% longer, but they are a hell of a lot harder to mass produce.
  10. E

    Ask a simple question, get a simple answer

    Necrotic Frames were never worth it in the first place if you ask me. Much easier to just add more Chocolate Frames than use a frame that makes you use the Infusion Altar TWICE, requires research, consumes Vis, releases Flux, and reduces production instead of increasing it.
  11. E

    Ask a simple question, get a simple answer

    They are for killing your bees faster.
  12. E

    Any way to auto refill frames in Apiaries?

    "Fix" is the wrong word. It is intended that you can't do this.
  13. E

    1.5.1 Beta Pack-DIY Edition (now with 1.5.2)

    Back when they spawned in the overworld, which was the last time I was able to kill one without it exploding first (I think they have a much shorter fuse since moving to the Nether), I noticed they drop a lot more gunpowder than regular creepers.
  14. E

    Ask a simple question, get a simple answer

    MPS has a ridiculously good EU->J conversion by default in the current pack, so the reverse conversion is very bad. You can change the conversion rate in the config so your Powersuit will hold an amount of EU closer to that of a lappack, but that may make other MPS functions reasonably expensive.
  15. E

    Ask a simple question, get a simple answer

    It still accepts as much as you give it, but only uses 8192 eu/t from its internal storage, so if you attach say 5 plasma generators the internal storage will fill up even while it is working. And for anyone who doesn't know, this limit isn't even implemented in Ultimate 1.0.1
  16. E

    tinkers construct steel

    TC doesn't add its own steel recipe.
  17. E

    Need Savant Bee Advice

    According to the 2 lists I looked at there isn't one in FTB, so you will need to use heater(s), fan(s), and/or hygroregulator(s) depending on your biome.
  18. E

    why can't I make a lapis blocks?

    You're crazy. Lapis blocks are a vanilla item.
  19. E

    Max Power for the Matter Fabricator

    That is just another case of people mixing EU/t with EU/p. It can take (practically) unlimited EU/t but only in packets of 8192 EU. And in newer versions it will only use 8192 EU/t but you can still fill up its internal storage as fast as you want as long as it's in packets of 8192 EU.
  20. E

    [HELP REQUEST] How to turn off a Mass Fabricator at night?

    RedPower has a light sensor.