Naw, I'll solidly concede that one to PowerCrystals. Fact is that MFR and TE have a lot of parallels - each team is 2 coders and an artist. The difference is that the MFR team has time to do stuff. Zeldo, Cynycal, and myself are all ridiculously slammed with work and life right now. By the end of the summer, I'd expect TE to maybe have a dozen new blocks at most and power armor. I have no idea what MFR will be able to whip up, but it will be extremely impressive.
Also, it's not a quarry, it's a Deep Core Mining mechanic.

Same thing I had planned for months and months, but it's further down my tech tree and we have slightly different takes on it.
Also, PC and I coordinate on a lot of stuff - we share code and fixes, I'm integrated on his Straw API, he added TE-based recipes, I just added laser support on all of my ores, he's using my new liquid code, etc. That's really what you're seeing here.