Forge: My list of grievances

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Getting lambasted hasn't really affected me at all, I will admit. I wrote in the OP that I was not expecting it to be well-received in all quarters.

I still can't figure out why you wrote it. What did you expect to happen? Were you just spoiling for a fight?
By the end of the summer, I'd expect TE to maybe have a dozen new blocks at most and power armor. I have no idea what MFR will be able to whip up, but it will be extremely impressive.

Power armor? I seriously can't wait to see what you come up with. I really like your brain.

TE is hands down my favorite mod. You do good shit.
Yes, we all know Slowpoke isn't a coder. Did you have a point?

And do you think it would have mattered if he instead heard it through some other source? If you do you're a bit naive considering how much he gloated about it and to the level he took it to make it impossible for someone to use regardless of configs.
Well....they kinda are Pseudo Celebrity's, and they have the right to feel as such. A lot of the things you are talking about revolve around forgecraft and how they get things before the public does, and that is for testing purposes, hell if i remember correctly eloraam actually added project tables in and they realized she hadnt implemented their functionality, so rather than get flamed by the crazy people who we all know are out there for releasing a bugged build she has opted to test it first.

And yeah, they kinda are a clique, so what? they enjoy each others company and have all probably had bad experiences with seemingly rabid fans turning against them and bugging them 24/7. Have you ever heard of the Rat Pack? Frank Sinatra, dean martin, Joey Bishop and a slew of other famous people who hung out together because basically there is such a thing as too many friends, and if you give special treatment to one fan, you would have to be fair and give special treatment to them all, or risk being torn to pieces by the media, or just by public opinion, and no-one wants that.

So what im saying is, you hang out with people who share common interests. They all make mods, therefore they share an interest in Modding Minecraft. They are people too and can do as they wish lol. dont take everything so offensively, its not exclusion, its more like isolation for the sake of there selves and thats pretty understandable given there circumstances.
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so in other words it was QQ for the sake of QQing? Fair enough. I am known for being the most negative person anywhere. You know you could always just not play. Find another game or maybe work? Earn some money and invest it in something wise like silver.
Power armor? I seriously can't wait to see what you come up with. I really like your brain.

TE is hands down my favorite mod. You do good shit.

I wouldn't get your hopes up too high - it won't "compete" with MPS in any real sense, nor is that really the goal. Anything I put out there is meant to be sort of a bridge between vanilla and tech mod. Generally I'm not a fan of "tiering" things, but in the case of armor, I can see a need for multiple sets, especially if one directly upgrades into the next. That sort of progression makes sense.
I wouldn't get your hopes up too high - it won't "compete" with MPS in any real sense, nor is that really the goal. Anything I put out there is meant to be sort of a bridge between vanilla and tech mod. Generally I'm not a fan of "tiering" things, but in the case of armor, I can see a need for multiple sets, especially if one directly upgrades into the next. That sort of progression makes sense.

I've never made any sort of powered armor before, I always just stick with diamond. So this sounds good to me.
And do you think it would have mattered if he instead heard it through some other source? If you do you're a bit naive considering how much he gloated about it and to the level he took it to make it impossible for someone to use regardless of configs.

Heard what? That fillers can be used for mining? This was well known. It took pressure from "somebody important" to cause it to happen.

Of course, you're too busy laying blame to realize it is good balance this way.
Heard what? That fillers can be used for mining? This was well known. It took pressure from "somebody important" to cause it to happen.

Of course, you're too busy laying blame to realize it is good balance this way.

No it didn't. It needed to give him a reason to gloat. Etho popularizing it gave him that.

And it's good balance for some people. But of course most people on this forum assume if people don't want to do the same amount of tedious work mod authors or they see as necessary it's the same as using creative.
I wouldn't get your hopes up too high - it won't "compete" with MPS in any real sense, nor is that really the goal. Anything I put out there is meant to be sort of a bridge between vanilla and tech mod. Generally I'm not a fan of "tiering" things, but in the case of armor, I can see a need for multiple sets, especially if one directly upgrades into the next. That sort of progression makes sense.
Honestly, I had a germ of an idea for doing something like that. The suit was more utility than protection.

Basically, you had the following:

Miner's Helm: movable light source (since that is now possible) on an Iron Helm frame. No power is needed, it's got glowstone for a light source.
Engineer's Belt: Requires a Redstone Energy Cell to create. Pants slot that automatically recharged tools, ala lappack mechanic. Basically, the tools physically plugged in to the redstone energy cell, and the belt would store the tools when not in use.
Drill: Everyone's gotta have a drill. But this one requires that you replace the drill bits every so often. It is the drill bits itself which modify the performance of the tool. Diamond tipped drill bits last a lot longer and go through more things than a plain iron bit. Also a 'grinding' option for a drill bit which is more expensive but basically pulverizes on the fly.
Chainsaw. Because what is life without your Chainsaw of Natural Selection? You'll have to replace the blade every so often, but it's fairly inexpensive (no more so than repairing an axe with an ingot). This functions as Axe, Shears, and does a decent amount of damage. Options to switch out your blades for a more damaging but slower chopping one, or vice versa.

Drill bits and chainsaw blades can receive a limited selection of enchantments, which are then conferred to the power tool in use. Yes, a grinding drill bit can be enchanted with looting to increase your pulverized drops, however it will run out of endurance VERY quickly, and requires Invar ingots to craft.
Chainsaw. Because what is life without your Chainsaw of Natural Selection? You'll have to replace the blade every so often, but it's fairly inexpensive (no more so than repairing an axe with an ingot). This functions as Axe, Shears, and does a decent amount of damage. Options to switch out your blades for a more damaging but slower chopping one, or vice versa.

Drill bits and chainsaw blades can receive a limited selection of enchantments, which are then conferred to the power tool in use. Yes, a grinding drill bit can be enchanted with looting to increase your pulverized drops, however it will run out of endurance VERY quickly, and requires Invar ingots to craft.
Chainsaws don't have blades... funnily enough, they're actually chains.
Pffftt... Why have streamers.. If anyone says someone like Direwolf doesn't deserve to do what he does you have no idea what your talking about.. He knows what he is doing.. And most important he has worked his way up from the bottom, and I don't think anything was handed to him on a silver plater.. Just like the developers get flack for what they do and the work they do.. I also can't stand the Flak a lets Player gets.. (Me being one of em) Some people have no idea the amount of man hours that go into a lets play.. And Direwolf certainly put that time in.

You do the work and it pays.. You bitch and moan on some forum because your not them... That gets you what we have with the OP... And I won't say any more.. This thread proves were those people go.

Wait... Did you say power armor king.... Holy Flying Pig Monkeys.
I came reading the first post thinking it would be a list of actual facts that made him dislike Forge.
There definitely are points that are not all good, and having a factual thread about what could be done better, and how it could be enhanced would definitely not be a bad thing.

Sadly, all I see is someone whining about mod authors wanting to play what they work on.

Seriously, is ForgeCraft elitist? Maybe, if you count the fact that it's mostly people coding some of the most known mods.

The main point is that they have a place to test their mod, and the interaction with other popular mods, in a multiplayer environment filled with people actually able to beta test and that can help each other with specific technical problems.

You feared to take some fire by posting that, and you were right.
Most of the post is calling modders elitists, and built from self entitlement, when all they do is taking personal time in creating pieces to enjoy the game more, and happen to give us what they created so that we can enjoy it too.
I do kinda agree with the OP but at the same time, i dont consider what they're doign selfish or clickish at all. It is their product, we shouldnt feel self entitled. of course they'll do it for their enjoyment, if they dont enjoy the work that they themselves are doing? then it no longer becomes fun and once it ceases to become fun then why should they continue to do it? Out of some sense of "we owe it to the community" ... well maybe? but even if someone was slugging along continuously updating their mod just for the communities sake? than you're going to see a lesser product because their hearts not into it.

I dunno man, i do get it but at the same time i think you're taking it a little too personally. I personally dont have the opinion that all this was created just for us, it was probably started as a pet project... As for the "celebrity status" you think they have? well its not unusual to adore someone for work that they do... Do i wish that someone like Eloraam would communicate more? heck ya, i mean, lets be honest, most of us have smart phones... so send out a twitter while you're taking a shit saying you're busy and you dont know when you'll be back... that way you're multitasking. At the same time does she owe us her time? No... I dont feel any of hte modders do.

To end it.. We should be thankful for what we have and expect nothing more. The grass is always greener on the other side and it is human nature to be greedy... Take a step back and try to see the whole picture. If they wanted to relase the mods just for their friends and not for us at all? they're well within their rights to do so, some may argue that because they get donations and all this other stuff that they owe it to us... well no, the donations and other such stuff is for the work that was already done and not for "future" work unless stated directly by them.

Take if from someone that did kinda feel the same way as you, it helps to look at the whole picture and just be happy with what we have.
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snip for attention

I would just like to say that you, powercrystals, and AtomicStryker are my favorite modders and I have the utmost respect for you. For all the modders really. Just don't tell the rest that you guys are my favorites. :P
Naw, I'll solidly concede that one to PowerCrystals. Fact is that MFR and TE have a lot of parallels - each team is 2 coders and an artist. The difference is that the MFR team has time to do stuff. Zeldo, Cynycal, and myself are all ridiculously slammed with work and life right now. By the end of the summer, I'd expect TE to maybe have a dozen new blocks at most and power armor. I have no idea what MFR will be able to whip up, but it will be extremely impressive.

Also, it's not a quarry, it's a Deep Core Mining mechanic. ;) Same thing I had planned for months and months, but it's further down my tech tree and we have slightly different takes on it.

Also, PC and I coordinate on a lot of stuff - we share code and fixes, I'm integrated on his Straw API, he added TE-based recipes, I just added laser support on all of my ores, he's using my new liquid code, etc. That's really what you're seeing here.

Can I have your baby?
Alright, you've made me end my hiatus :(

Anyway, I only read the first few pages of replies, so i'll try to make this short and sweet so as to not over-repeat what other people said.

You seem to have two problems with Forgecraft; First, that they're supposedly an "elitist group" and that they make fun of you for not having the same toys.

Sorry dude, but IMO the modders can play with their mods.
It's a testing server; you can test BC all you want in singleplayer but how are you going to see if it works with 30 other mods?
It seems logical to invite the modders themselves to play with their own creations.....
And the videos/streams (which are more effort to create than you might think) are made NOT to annoy you or show off, but to give people a preview, sneak peak point of view. They also double as semi-interviews because you can hear the modders talk about their creations.
This seems perfectly reasonable to me.

Your second complaint is that you never hear from the modders or get ETAs etc.
Seriously >.>

I know that you have problems with Eloraam, just like, it seems, everyone else here, but she's entitled to her life. If she can't keep up with the others then Slowpoke should cut Redpower from FTB; it'll be a loss, but that doesn't mean she's a terrible/selfish person, it means she's busy. Deal with it.

I honestly find it hard to believe you've felt this way for "months" when your arguments are so childish. Sorry, but you just come off as a jealous child with abandonment issues.
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