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  • I saw your post, why not apply for PR? The team is always looking for volunteers.
    I won't be online, it's 1:10am and I should be sleeping for Friday's rush :p I'll get Slow to have a look at that application as well along with the others that will be waiting in his inbox.
    You should get some rest :)

    I have quite a lot of ideas for fun things to do with the community. I've passed a few onto Slow, but I've got lots more! I really appreciate your help on this.
    Okay, added, and chilling on le Teamspeak.
    I'm virgo, too. I know a lot of Virgos, actually...Weird. I think it's because I live in a wintery area, so people stay inside during those months...get bored...get it on...and August/September is around the proper time frame for the results...Yeah. Lots of Virgos around here XD
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