Agrarian Skys help, venting, and discussion thread

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Um, is there any reason why pulverized gravel is not being inputted into my autonomous activator, even though an itemduct is supposed to output items from my pulverizer to my AA? Also, I should go back into the nether to hunt for gold, if for no other reason so that I can craft more cyclic assemblers. However, I'm running out of flight potions, and once I run out, it's going to be a while until I get to blood alchemy (seeing how my current Blood Magic progress currently consists of "I crafted the sacrificial orb".
Check to make sure that your AA has an input face(blue) where the pipe connects, as that seems to be the most likely problem.
Um, is there any reason why pulverized gravel is not being inputted into my autonomous activator, even though an itemduct is supposed to output items from my pulverizer to my AA? Also, I should go back into the nether to hunt for gold, if for no other reason so that I can craft more cyclic assemblers. However, I'm running out of flight potions, and once I run out, it's going to be a while until I get to blood alchemy (seeing how my current Blood Magic progress currently consists of "I crafted the sacrificial orb".
Any chance for a screenshot? I'd say the most likely cause is either that your itemduct next to your pulverizer isn't set to export mode. Alternativly, the pulverizer isn't setup correctly. Or the Autonomous activator isn't set to import from that side... Or you've set up a blacklist instead of a whitelist...
Um, is there any reason why pulverized gravel is not being inputted into my autonomous activator, even though an itemduct is supposed to output items from my pulverizer to my AA? Also, I should go back into the nether to hunt for gold, if for no other reason so that I can craft more cyclic assemblers. However, I'm running out of flight potions, and once I run out, it's going to be a while until I get to blood alchemy (seeing how my current Blood Magic progress currently consists of "I crafted the sacrificial orb".

Is your AA sided correctly? (blue)
Is your pulveriser sided correctly? (red/output colour)
Have you set your Itemduct correctly? (red arrow) - screenshots would help a lot here.

FYI- this map can be beaten without using the nether; thats an optional and very dangerous way out if you find yourself stuck.
If that isn't a typo- gold is very easy to come by.
Any type of crushed stone pushed through a sieve should drop the basic ores
Thanks for the help. The problem was with the AA: It was orange at the output side. Now, if nothing else, it's sieving gravel and a vacuum hopper is putting the contents into a gold chest due to a lack of cyclic assemblers. I've got a lot of resources to get, made even worse that I lost my fortune 3 diamond hammer after my so far only death. All I can hope for is to get a flight potion from a reward bag to give me more time to fly in the nether...I think I got one of those previously from a bag, if I remember correctly.
Um, is there any reason why pulverized gravel is not being inputted into my autonomous activator, even though an itemduct is supposed to output items from my pulverizer to my AA? Also, I should go back into the nether to hunt for gold, if for no other reason so that I can craft more cyclic assemblers. However, I'm running out of flight potions, and once I run out, it's going to be a while until I get to blood alchemy (seeing how my current Blood Magic progress currently consists of "I crafted the sacrificial orb".

Make sure the AA is set to blue mode to accept items. That one got me for over an hour until I figured it out.

You can also get to flight via thaumcraft. But honestly, for metals, just setup a sifter with an AA (or 3) and let it run while you do other things. You don't have to fully automate it. For a long time, I just manually filled up one of the activators by hand periodically and pulled the contents from a chest. You can use the water over the sifter trick that DW20 showed in his AS LP, and let the water push the items into a hopper that feeds a chest. You don't need and vacuum hopper. As you sift more types of materials, you will want to upgrade the chest to copper, then silver, and eventually gold. Pull out what you need and throw it in a smelter (or better yet a high oven for ore tripling). Don't worry about hammering the ores. It's not really worth the time.
Well, I've got a new favorite design of cobble gen.

Have to admit, it's rather pretty, takes up little space on the island, is absolutely safe, and for the brief period of time you need one works just as well with hammer and with pick. If one has a problem with sometimes overbreaking due to tool leveling, at least only the water spills.

So, I'm peeking at the thread, and I do understand it can be rough at times to skyblock, but I've always found it to be a deeply spiritual, almost zen way to live. An ascetic authentic. I did not even let myself have a cabin, I awake on a stone slab. No free dirtchest of dirt, I eschew such pleasures.

2 reeds, 2 melon, 2 wheat, 1 carrot, 1 potato, 1 cactus and the simple needs of cooking. Life is a slow rotation between crooking trees, and fishing, with sieve and hammer filling the time that I have not ants enough as bait. Only one furnace, and as few chests as I can spare the space for. Sure I built a wooden platform, with 4 dirt and 4 trees, but I don't live out there.

Peace spins out of my efforts, the calmness of the passage of time, the food stockpile grows or it diminishes, as long as I live my life in the calm center, all is well.

Course, it won't always be this way, the Igneous Extruder means that I've all the space I could use, stacks at a time of it. 8 stacks to the chunk, as I always build 2 thick for peace of mind. Such things are important to me.

So, comes the days of automation, I can still know there's a chest filling with stone for me. Soon there will be a chest filling with resources sieved from gravel, or perhaps sand too.

Honestly, the early game uses of aluminum is going to be the tricky thing for me today. I'm so used to thinking "piston, 1 redstone, 1 iron" that it's a hard ship to move. Bucket, at least there I'm spoiled by way of tin buckets, hrm...

I didn't see the sign on the road block, what's it say?


Also don't forget a bucket of water (or milk) cycled through your crafting square nets you four fresh water (or milk) which not only stack but quadruples your output for making food with. Cycle water through your crafting square sixteen times, and you have a stack of fresh water, that you can combine with a pot to make a stack of salt. Salt + Water + Flour (wheat cycled through a Mortar and Pestle) + Mixing Bowl = Dough. Triple your food output!

auto-spawner, lead the mobs to a 3x3 area with an activator with scythe, and in the center a sewer with a 1x1 radius upgrade to pick up the experience and a vacuum hopper to pick up the items,


other option for getting leather is smelting fish in a crucible furnace. the best fish for this is cod, as you can fish cod without having to breed them, and they produce quite alot of fish oil.

you can use reactant dynamo with a grinder to make an automatic mob farm. the dynamo can run off mob essence and gunpowder, producing more power then what's needed by the grinder.

gelid and liquid glowstone can produce glowstone blocks. for more information on how to do this, click this link

if you want a toggleable nether portal, use a drawbridge to deploy 1 obsidian that's part of the portal, this way you don't need to mine the obsidian yourself

I'd suggest to put the extruder ontop of the crucible, that way the extruder can keep filling your crucible with cobble which gets turned into lava, another way to automate something on your island.

in the meantime you also need to set up a mob spawner. it doesn't need to be an efficient one, as you only need to get 1 enderpearl.

- You don't have to wait for rain to fill up your barrels, even before you have buckets. Glass bottles can be be used to put water into a barrel, even though they can't normally create source blocks.

- The following have crafting recipes that you wouldn't expect: Cetus quartz, ender portal (the portal itself, not frames!), builder's wand, ender lilies, passive mob spawn eggs (beyond what is in the quests)

- Survivalist generators only take 1 iron and 2 redstone, so if you're trying to get a pulverizer running early, they're easier to make than dynamos. Of course you'd need 8 to power one at full speed.

- Water source blocks and normal hoppers can collect output from sieves and hammering when you don't yet have enough ender pearls to use for vacuum hoppers. You'll probably need to use item pipes to extract items directly from the hopper. Get this running ASAP; the grind of the early game goes away once you have your mineral production even partially automated.

- Gendustry is borderline OP; its mutator gives you purebreds immediately, cutting the time to get to useful bees drastically. It can do the same for trees as well, though you must get forestry saplings, not vanilla (apple oak instead of oak).

- If you plan on doing the later questlines, design _everything_ with the intention of keeping lag low. Some of them need massive builds to complete within a reasonable timeframe. Keep sections distinct so that you can turn them on and off individually; with the abundance of platinum, you can make lots of tessaracts instead of trying to share them.

- One of the questlines involves making blue and green slime blocks. This will be a lot easier if you take the slimy sapling and blue slime bucket rewards.

Cetus seems to not have one anymore, but as I'm getting it from sieves, things seem to be okay. Shocking really about some of the rest. Quest reward advice noted.

Nah a better way to do so is to use the rope ladders, you just need one of them and it will extend downwards as far as it possibly can. 10000% cheaper than using ladders.

To be honest, a rope ladder, over the void, worries me just a little. Might want to practice using it some I suspect.

endstone via Ex Nih
you make a stone barrel with lava in it, and rightclick with GLOWSTONE! I'm not sure if it's the dust or block, but this is just such a game changer for ender lily farms.
stone barrel with lava and a piece of redstone dust....

Next part you have to setup mariculture's multiblock smelter and melt the limestone into quicklime.
Then you need to setup a 2x2 vat---took me awhile to figure out that this was even possible---pump it full of water and then pump your quicklime into it.
Then take the dusts the vat produces and throw them back in the smelter this time moving the output to an ingot caster. This will give you mostly magnesium ingots.
Then you need rutile---most of which I got from mining the nether. You then smelt/combine the rutile(impure titanium) with your magnesium bars in the smelter or in a TiC smeltery to make titanium.


hrm, mushrooms you say?

Make an area 9x9 and get the mycelium started. Place 4 wooden barrels in the corners but 2 blocks in. Use an aqueous accumulator with fluid ducts to fill the barrels with water from the bottom. Use fluid ducts with servos set to filter witch water from the top and output to drums or ME storage system. As the water turns, it will spawn 2-4 mushrooms. Use a harvester set to harvest small shrooms. Since you are constantly replacing the witch water with fresh water you will spawn mushrooms at a very high rate. Setup correctly, a 9x9 area will accumulate 10k of each mushroom in about 8 hours. Use a level 3 area upgrade on the harvester to cover the area. If you have a lot of sand, you can start a soul sand farm by piping the witch water from the drums or your ME system into 1-2 barrels from the side and pipe in sand from the top and pipe out the resulting soul sand from the bottom.



Passive Mobs

Cows do not appear to spawn in all biomes. jungles tend to get chickens and ocelots constantly, while forests get's pigs and cows more often/quote]

Specifically, they won't spawn in either desert or river biomes.

Drop down to the 45-62 height range (rope ladder, pistons, or swimming in a waterfall), and at get least 28 blocks away from where you normally are. Even a 1 deep layer of water should be enough for them to spawn. The usual cause of people having problems with them is the height.

And I better stop a while, 10 pages is a bit to digest... wonder if the topic author will do advice collection...
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And I better stop a while, 10 pages is a bit to digest... wonder if the topic author will do advice collection...
I have been putting that off for a while. It amazes me how fast this thread amasses information. I will get started tomorrow.
Does anyone know where to find the recipes for the Extra Utilities Pipes? Clicking "R" only shows me some text explaining what these things do, but since I don't know how to craft them that text is more or less useless to me.
oogle didnt help me find anything more then wiki-pages with "missing/not created" content.
Does anyone know where to find the recipes for the Extra Utilities Pipes? Clicking "R" only shows me some text explaining what these things do, but since I don't know how to craft them that text is more or less useless to me.
oogle didnt help me find anything more then wiki-pages with "missing/not created" content.
The recipes are disabled in this pack for balance reasons.
I am now trying to automate my smeltery, but I've ran into a roadblock: My itemducts, once again, refuse to send any items into the smeltery. Everything's set up correctly. I even put in a pneumatic servo and made it into a whitelist that only sends broken ores into the smeltery. Before that it just sent everything in my chests. At least, I think that's how the whitelist works. Anyway, I did that, but it's not sending any items now (FYI, the output face of the itemduct is powered and is directly connected to my smeltery control.
I really suck at modded minecraft, in case you couldn't tell yet.
Ugh, nevermind...the problem was the smeltery was still stuffed full of coal, flint and other stuff that can't be smelted. Removed them, the smeltery started working fine until for some reason it stopped creating ingots because, appearantly, at the bottom there's 0 ml of invar. Yeah, that makes no sense, but it's preventing aluminum brass from being poured.
EDIT: The invar somehow got removed.
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Ugh, nevermind...the problem was the smeltery was still stuffed full of coal, flint and other stuff that can't be smelted. Removed them, the smeltery started working fine until for some reason it stopped creating ingots because, appearantly, at the bottom there's 0 ml of invar. Yeah, that makes no sense, but it's preventing aluminum brass from being poured.

While setting up my cyclic assemblers and white listing specific items, I ran into the same thing. I found I had to set the white list, AND set the redstone control to disabled in order to get the filter on the servo working properly. Once I set that, the items started flowing through correctly.
Well, I've got a new favorite design of cobble gen.

And I better stop a while, 10 pages is a bit to digest... wonder if the topic author will do advice collection...

Take note that the Tool Forge and several other things require steel, which requires the High Oven from Tinker's Steelworks. In fact, you can use the High Oven for ore tripling, as laid out in my quasi-guide here.

Sifting soulsand (put sand in witch water), nets you the nether quartz, sifting sand nets you the certus quartz, so you can get at least a basic AE system going as soon as you have stable powergen.
RE the 0MB of an alloy issue, I think I know what the problem is.

Basically, it takes x from one metal, and y from another metal to make an alloy. If, for some reason, you have briefly both metals in the smeltery, it will attempt to create an alloy. However, if you have a liquiduct automatically pulling out, there could be a very small (1 nugget's worth) amount of the material, just enough to start the alloying process but not enough to actually create a full ingot's worth. When that happens, you get this.

Please be careful when smelting up silver and gold, or iron and nickel, or copper and tin that you do not automate the output with a liquiduct before all of the alloy has a chance to finish alloying.
I'm not automating the process with liquiducts. I'm using itemducts to bring broken ores to the smeltery. I'm still going to make 2 different smelteries to avoid making alloys.
I recommend having a High oven with liquid ducts for pure ore processing and a smeltery with liquid ducts BUT set on high with levers on the spouts for alloying.
That way you get the fast pouring of liquid ducts and don't run in to the problem since you yourself can verify that you have your alloys made properly before pouring.
I'm having some issues with Bees and Trees - Analysing the Results. I'm unable to get the Centrifuge to register that i've actually built it; so far i have 2 centrifuges and its not triggered as completed.

I cant find this mentioned in this thread so far, so any advice?
(the carpenter triggered sucessfully fwiw)