I haven't been able to find any other way to drain and store liquid XP, is there a method with other mods to do the same thing?It is intentional.
I haven't been able to find any other way to drain and store liquid XP, is there a method with other mods to do the same thing?It is intentional.
Minefactory Reloaded has Mob Essence, which is the liquid xp of this pack. You can drain your own levels to make essence with the XP Extractor item, which will turn 1 level and a empty bucket into a full bucket. You are better off setting up some Grinders on a dark room.I haven't been able to find any other way to drain and store liquid XP, is there a method with other mods to do the same thing?
1. Use grammarHi I wanted to know if there's a way to upgrade hammers. I have the stonehammer and I'd like to replace it soon-ish but I can't seem to get another one done... the Tinkers Tooltable doesnt have a hammer option... do I need to try the hammerecipe with 2 iron/gold/diamonds insteand of wood/stone or is this also done with Tinkers Construct? I cant seem to make sense of this so a short explanation would be great!
Redstone torch on the other side of the block, forgot to mention that, my bad
Why are alot of stuff from openblocks disabled, like the xp stuff, the fans and everything ?
Another titbit advice thing i think some other people may find useful, A toggle-able nether portal
I'm glad fans are disabled, can you imagine the chaos which could be caused with SMP servers and fans with people blowing others off skyblocks?
Not sure if intended, but you can complete the 8th Quest tab quite easly( the reactor one is a bit more tricky) all you gotta need is cobble gen, handful iron( 27), 3 gunpowder, 3 redstone, 3 sand and a charcoal block. Also 1 lapiz for the tank quest.
To save up extra crafting/trouble pick yellorium as reward when you do the quest with the steelwork book, because the next quest requires 1 Yellorium.
Set up your high oven and just smelt blocks of iron, each will require 1 gun/red/sand instead of 9 if you smelt them normally.
Talking about the 8th tab, how do you get it? It's in an update?
There are other ways of getting water into a barrel.It rained on my first night of a new AS map, and collected 2 barrels.
Now it's 3 minecraft weeks, with no sleep whatsoever.
Still no rain - getting desperateI can't continue without clay. Should have made a bucket first, not a crucible D:
Given the circumstances, I don't think anyone would blame you for turning rain on in NEI =)It rained on my first night of a new AS map, and collected 2 barrels.
Now it's 3 minecraft weeks, with no sleep whatsoever and still no rain - getting desperateI can't continue without clay. Should have made a bucket first, not a crucible D:
It rained on my first night of a new AS map, and collected 2 barrels.
Now it's 3 minecraft weeks, with no sleep whatsoever and still no rain - getting desperateI can't continue without clay. Should have made a bucket first, not a crucible D:
I haven't been able to find any other way to drain and store liquid XP, is there a method with other mods to do the same thing?