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  • every time I try to load up agrarian skies it crashes on me and wont let me play, do you know how I could fix this problem?
    I posted my answer in my thread but i think you have too much work here to view every single post. Its ok for me if you will use my pics. If you like and have the time, you could join my server and take as much screenshots as you need from my upgraded Islands.
    Btw. thanks for your great work with the agrarian skies modpack. I love it.
    Whenever I start the Agrarian Skies pack everything is white... ya just pure white even the inventory screen... plz help
    Hey Jadedcat enjoying your modpack like a crazy fool just amazing by far the best in my personal preference, I wanted to ask you for some help I noticed none of the forge microblocks are craftable did I broke something? or is this intended
    Franco I.
    Oh great! good to hear! do you know anything I can to to get to use microblocks to be craftable?
    Franco I.
    Jadedcat, so I have searched through the folders and files of the magic farm 2 mod and everything seems to be in place I have no errors or disabled mods. While I can craft the saws to be used in microblocks creation I can't craft the blocks I cannot access the crafting recipe though NEI either. Any clues of what I might be doing wrong?
    Franco I.
    Jadedcat I resolved it! So basically I believe there was something corrupted about my installation so I backed my worl manually added forge microblocks in the mod back and then restored my world and so far so good.
    My favourite thing to do is Watch Direwolf20 Youtube vids but as soon as you are in a vid it is like finding your first piece of iridium :-D
    Hey Jaded. Everyone loves you for the work you do and the effort you put into what you do for us. Instead of a bug report or a crash log, I just wana give you my thanks for your hard work. People like you need lots of thanks and appreciation.
    Hey Jaded! Thanks for the quick reply on my last bug report. (If I find more I will post them in the proper thread this time!)
    Was wondering if sprinklers were supposed to be disabled by default I've heard mixed thoughts on this.
    Love the pack, this is what I've been looking for in minecraft for a long time!
    no they are fine. the bonemeal portion was turned off. All they do is supply water.
    Do the sprinklers themselves help things grow faster, or just hydrate?
    Hello Jadedcat I love your pack precisely for the reasons you made it! I totally love you for just an amazing thing. I have only one question: Is there a way to move spawners around? or a way to create specific spawners?
    yup. Portaspawners and auto spawners from MFR.
    Franco I.
    Thanks jadedcat you rock!
    Hello milady! Hope I'm not doing any bad thingy when posting my problem here.I wanted to try out MagicFarm2 but launcher always crashed after a while. Reinstalled the launcher so many times after deleting all the folders. For example I tried it with 1.1.7/1.1.8/recommended on MF2, but after FTBlauncer downloaded the modpack, getting the Mojang screen, after a while kaboom crashed and closed.
    I seem to be having problem with the twisted fate mod (its on the infamy mod pack) i think.It is with the modpack's server. The server crashes i'm not to sure but it looks like twisted fate that is crashing it.
    You'll need to talk to the pack creators. Infamy is a third party pack.
    Where would i find them
    Under third party modpacks forum.
    I have a question Could Project red be added to Tech World 2? Thx For your time :D
    you are welcome to add it yourself. But Tech 2 has just gone to stable which means I have no plans to add any more mods to it.
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