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  1. S

    AE - Level emitters, ME Interface, ARRGH!

    Not necessary, I just tried configuring a fermenter and I found that I only needed 1 Export Bus (Configured to stock fertilizer then saplings without the need of a red stone signal) and it works just fine. Moreover, you get better fertilizer production with Ash over Sand. Also, if you have a...
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    AE & Multiple Input Processes

    I haven't tried this but what if you put a second interface/export bus on the bottom side configured for the item that you need to put in? Would that work?
  3. S

    Ask a simple question, get a simple answer

    I suppose this would work for SMP, but on a server, wouldn't you have to update both the client and the server?
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    [Ultimate] Client side updates without Server Updates?

    As the title states, is there a list of mod updates you can apply client side without having to update the server without crashing the game? For instance, the current version of Ultimate 1.0.1 has an issue with the Indexer from the Extrabee's mod. However, manually patching the client (and...
  5. S

    Ask a simple question, get a simple answer

    It should. You might want to tweak the ratio of saplings that get passed through the diamond pipe. If using Oak saplings, you'll end up with more saplings than needed. If you want to boost production, also use a fertilizer machine with industrial fertilizer. A fast way to get a lot of...
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    Question about modular power suits

    In general, MPS start somewhere between Nano/Quantum and (in Ultimate modpack) shoots past Quantum when fully upgraded. Granted you'll be investing a lot more into MPS than Quantum if GT is turned on. As long as sum weight of all your MPS pieces is below 25kg, you won't be encumbered. And the...
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    Need Assistance With an Automated Boiler

    This link is to a railcraft boiler calculator. It has a nice function to allow you to compute the number of items you need to heat a cold boiler to max temperature (and tell you it's consumption per hour once it's reached max temp). I'd use that as a starting place for anyone who wants to...
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    Ask a simple question, get a simple answer

    With the removal of the link modifier in the latest version of Mystcraft, the best way now to do this is to make a "Nexus" room in a different dimension which has books on pedestals to places in the overworld. Then you can make a book linking this nexus room so that you can use it from your...
  9. S

    PowerConverters setups?

    At first I tried the steam -> EU conversion but it was more trouble than it's worth. You have to pipe steam into the steam consumer on all five faces (the sixth face is connected to the energy bridge) and do some liquidduct combination magic to max out steam input to the energy bridge. At 720...
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    More efficient/completely safe nuclear reactor setups?

    Well technically, there are reactors that can produce large amounts of EU at the expense of requiring user input from melting down. It's even possible to automate these non-mk 1 reactors to start/stop/restart but there are some underlining issues (i.e. server lag) that can cause a redstone...
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    More efficient/completely safe nuclear reactor setups?

    How is that copperless? According to resource needed, the amount of copper you need is 674.
  12. S

    Efficient IC2 power set-up

    As other posters have mentioned, packet size is important to pay attention to as machines can only handle x sized packets (without transformer upgrades) before blowing up. If you have multiple machines running at the same time, I've heard that it's more efficient to use a transformer to split...
  13. S

    lava power trouble

    For the OP, you're best bet if you insist on running lava is to BC pump it from the nether using liquid tesseracts. Cobblestone -> Lava takes up a lot of energy in the Magma Crucible but if you have something like a 36HP Steam Boiler then it's possible to setup this following system: HP steam...
  14. S

    Ask a simple question, get a simple answer

    Previously I would have flown around (go jetpack) and removed the source blocks but BC pump to void waterpoof transport pipe is now what I use. You might have to move the pump around if you start draining from a corner.
  15. S

    SC Treefarm and Making Insufficient Sapplings

    For multifarms, the basic managed arboretum will provide wood, saplings, and apples when you supply it with water, power,dirt, fertilizer and saplings. The multifarm is smart enough to keep saplings till it's full (6 stacks) before outputing them through the farm hatch. I wouldn't deviate from...
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    How to make a good tree farm?

    How do you switch between the two? I couldn't figure this one out.
  17. S

    About nuclear reactor cooling.

    So here's a tangential question related to this breeder. At zero heat, the classification is a Mark II-1 Breeder EA+ but as the hull heat increases (let's say at the end of 1 cycle) it shifts to being a Mark I Breeder EA+. Why does this happen? As the breeder gets hotter, how can it shift from...
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    Most eficient power generation from saplings

    Except that I've found that the apple production doesn't seem to be fast enough when try to utilize apple juice instead of water for the fermenter. The sapling production is enough in the (bugged?) multifarm default that it can feed into 2 fermenters decently. The mulch can be used to make...
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    Most eficient power generation from saplings

    From forestry: Saplings & Fertilizer are placed in Fermenters to yield biomass which can be used in Biogas engines. It's possible to take Biomass into a Still to yield Biofuel to be used in combustion engines but it's less efficient than refining oil into fuel to be used in combustion engines...
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    Sengir.... New farms ...

    It might be faster/more efficient to use apatite with 8x ashes to yield fertilizer. A full stack of ashes plus just 8 apatites equals 2 stacks of fertilizer. Could you not place two whole sets of farm blocks close enough to each other that you get a continual even side at the expense of not...