Question about modular power suits

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
my personal setup for full setup: Solar & Kinetic Generators, 5x Elite Generators, Tool & feet set at 50% bat power, everything else at minimum. with this I've found myself never having to recharge even with all the bonus features. it works wonderfully!

Barbarian Kitten

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I've got full energy shields, glider wings, autofeeder, one max elete battery, and a jetpack at i think about 80% setting. It seems to do everything I need it to.

Edit: Using the t3 chargepad with the range upgrade is great. I have it in the lobby of my base, and just walking over it causes the field to activate and recharge most if not all of the power in the suit.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I've got full energy shields, glider wings, autofeeder, one max elete battery, and a jetpack at i think about 80% setting. It seems to do everything I need it to.

Edit: Using the t3 chargepad with the range upgrade is great. I have it in the lobby of my base, and just walking over it causes the field to activate and recharge most if not all of the power in the suit.

Why do NONE of the chargepads work with my MPS? What am I doing wrong?

Barbarian Kitten

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I don't have any upgrades installed in the chargepad besides the range and some basic storage upgrades. You still need to stand on the pad to first activate, but then you can walk anywhere in the field. It will keep the field up until everything is fully charged or you leave the radius. Are you standing directly on the pad?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I don't have any upgrades installed in the chargepad besides the range and some basic storage upgrades. You still need to stand on the pad to first activate, but then you can walk anywhere in the field. It will keep the field up until everything is fully charged or you leave the radius. Are you standing directly on the pad?

Yes. They're plugged in, they have power, and yet my suit doesn't charge.

Barbarian Kitten

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Yes. They're plugged in, they have power, and yet my suit doesn't charge.
What modpack are you running?

Edit: Ah! Are you using the Lapotronic charge pad? I have not tried using the weaker chargepads on my suit, i expect that might affect what types of internal suit batteries the chargepad can run.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
In general, MPS start somewhere between Nano/Quantum and (in Ultimate modpack) shoots past Quantum when fully upgraded. Granted you'll be investing a lot more into MPS than Quantum if GT is turned on.

As long as sum weight of all your MPS pieces is below 25kg, you won't be encumbered. And the amazing thing is that with the tinker table you can readjust your settings without too much difficulty so it's possible to optimize your setup as you add/replace your armor with more MPS pieces.

The sprint assist does make travel a bit trivial as you're able to zip through the world (esp. when paired with an advanced electric jetpack).


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
In general, MPS start somewhere between Nano/Quantum and (in Ultimate modpack) shoots past Quantum when fully upgraded. Granted you'll be investing a lot more into MPS than Quantum if GT is turned on.

About 4x as much. Right now it's probably not worth it because of the advent of the Advanced Nanosuit body that gives you jetpack flight. Wear that around the other MPS pieces for infinite win.

The MPS gives you access to a lot of amazing side features and non-flight mobility very early even in gregtech. You are crazy to not build the legs and the feet at least even with GT on. But, it takes a long time to reach superflight. We've talked on the other thread about it, and weirdly MPS considers flight to be endgame. Given IC2 has had electric jetpacks smack in the middle of its tech tree for a very long time, I'm confused on why; but that's what the designer has said and so it shall be! Too late to argue now ;).

The sprint assist does make travel a bit trivial as you're able to zip through the world (esp. when paired with an advanced electric jetpack).

The most basic dedicated MPS layout w/out an external jetpack is 4 pieces, put a battery in the helmet along with night vision and the breather. In the chest, just get the glider for now. In the legs, get sprint assist and jump assist and kinetic generator and advanced plating. In the feet, fall compensation and advanced plating. Tadaa.And if you want flight, swap your relatively bare-bones chestpiece for an advanced or ultimate jetpack. Your decision to put the battery in your headpiece means that IC2 tools will not drain your suit's battery but rather whatever chestpiece you're wearing. And the kinetic generator's output substantially exceeds the walking costs; to the point where you can run around to recharge. This is a relatively inexpensive build even with GT recipes turned on. The most onerous component is titanium and also a lot of silver used for the wire.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
About 4x as much. Right now it's probably not worth it because of the advent of the Advanced Nanosuit body that gives you jetpack flight. Wear that around the other MPS pieces for infinite win.

Woah... never heard of this before. What mod adds this? I guess its only just been added since its not in NEI.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Woah... never heard of this before. What mod adds this? I guess its only just been added since its not in NEI.

You'll get it when your pack updates Gravisuite. I have to update it for our server pack this weekend and I am going to laugh with nearly full armor pre-quantum, with jetpack flight at MPS speeds, rocking a cool million EU on my back, with a second independent power supply that is perpetual for movement and hand mining.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I use full armor with 4 Elite Batteries configured so that I'll have exactly 25 Kg (leaves me at something around 12.5 MJ, which is more than enough) and Energy Shields for armor (no battery on my Power Tool because that's kind of a waste). I also have a Solar thing on the helmet and no Kinetic Generator. This setup has been pretty comfortable for me, and I don't think I need anything else (other than future modules, keep'em coming MachineMuse!).

And since we always compare similar things in this forum, I'd say that QuantumSuits are the OP thing here. Sure, they take Iridium and time to make, but the helmet protects you from any status effects and the chestplate protects you from all damage. Hey! Also I'm disregarding GregTech because everything takes forever with that on. By the way, without GregTech, wouldn't it be faster to make a full QuantumSuit than a MPS with all top tier stuff?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
And since we always compare similar things in this forum, I'd say that QuantumSuits are the OP thing here. Sure, they take Iridium and time to make, but the helmet protects you from any status effects and the chestplate protects you from all damage.

Man, the quantum suit is a pale shadow of what MPS does for damage reduction. Several things that kill you through a quantum suit are stopped by MPS. And the status effect reduction is really not as good as it used to be now that it doesn't stop hunger. The MPS helmet is better in most regards.

Hey! Also I'm disregarding GregTech because everything takes forever with that on. Also, without GregTech, wouldn't it be faster to make a full QuantumSuit than a MPS with all top tier stuff?

Sure, but that's not a fair comparison. Most people build the quantum legs and feet first because of the radical mobility boost it gives you. MPS makes that part much cheaper on all recipes, and does it better. The real competition is the Gravity Suit, and that's where things get more nuanced.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Man, the quantum suit is a pale shadow of what MPS does for damage reduction. Several things that kill you through a quantum suit are stopped by MPS. And the status effect reduction is really not as good as it used to be now that it doesn't stop hunger. The MPS helmet is better in most regards.

What things exactly? The only way you can die with quantum armour on is if it runs out of charge (or the void). MPS does protect you from the void, but isn't that a glitch anyway?

By the way, gravisuit is added by gravisuite not GT.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
What things exactly?

Swim in lava and see which one lasts longer. :) Interestingly, it seems that turtles do a bit less damage when hitting an MPS target. Not sure how that works, but it does in all my packs. Probably the same glitch as the void. A maxed out MPS can eat more nukes in the face, too.

By the way, gravisuit is added by gravisuite not GT.

I am not sure why you would tell me what I already knew, have already talked about, have pointed out earlier in this thread, didn't bring up, and is entirely applicable since GraviSuite is part of GT packs in FTB. But I have double-triple-checked the box next to, "GregTech is not GraviSuite." In 4 colors of pencil and 2 colors of pen.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I just thought of something: is quantum still enchantable? If it is, that could be something else (albeit glitchy) in favour of it.

Also, does the weight of the power tool actually make any difference? I tried it in & out of my inventory - didn't notice any difference.

Finally: Am I the only one with everything maxed out on my MPS - including armour & batteries? Because the whole suit weighs 70kg or so now, but I don't want to dump any batteries or go eith energy shields because at the minute the solar helmet + kinetic generators mean I don't use any power at all, i'd like it to stay that way :D


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
its the 5 elite batteries that weight me down with the full strength kinetic gen. did not know about the K, either way i have a flying helm and a everything else helm. we have bout 9 people on the server, gt is disabled by majority vote.
Seriously, chuck most of your batteries. 2 elite batteries will give you all the power you need. You do not need maxed out batteries on every piece.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I use all four pieces and the power tool, but they are vary heavy (i have to take the boots and legs off to fly faster then i can run and if i hold the power tool with all armor on, i am too heavy to fly or glide) as i have put almost all the modules into them, flight control is nice if you need to do any hovering for constructing, say a bridge across a canyon, or just to take one of the billions of amazing views the world gen comes up with. Though with night vision it is a hard (impossible, almost) to tell the true light/darkness so suggest taking it off when underground so i you know where to put torches at. step assist may bug you a tad when your trying to dig a level tunnel with the power tools.

Ive got everything turned up as far as it will go. The parashoot does not work when the helm equipped because its hover is default for flight mode likewise swim and jump and to an extent sprint also conflict with flight, but its a simple matter to either make a second helm or simply remove it. While it runs on MJ power 25m for the five upgraded batteries, the power is shared between all the units you use, it does drain from itself first but when empty will pull from the others, atleast for me.

We did find a bug or glitch that if you break a MFSU with the power glove, it would feed back and act like a supercharged explosion, with the armor and gloves power of MJ combining with the MFSU's shared EU power and make a massive explosion, it took our our pair MFSU's, trio of generators(basic), our extractor and compressor and a pair of both electrolizers and centrifuges, also the mv and lv transformers. As well as everything that the guy had on him, and our barrels of diamonds, rubies and redstone.

Needless to say we moved the IC2 stuff down a floor and put a double layer of xzy-shields in place above it, and spread out wit no machines near the mfsu's or each other.. the walls are 20x20 and the line follows the wall, stepping down each side from high to mid to low. We also implimented a no touching IC2 machines (to move, not for usage) while wearing the armor. And installed one charging pad. Its quick enough, but i like the idea of a 4 square pad, will have to impliment that once i finish this rail tunnel.
If you had done a bit of research you would find that this has nothing to do with MPS at all and in fact is entirely a Gregtech feature which causes all machines on the power net to explode whenever one of them is broken incorrectly.

As for everyone else: yay :D it makes me very happy to see people learning how to use them and having different choices about the final product.