PowerConverters setups?

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Now that PowerConverters are in the Ultimate pack, what are your ideal setups using it? How much does affect the way you handle your energy distribution throughout your base?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I used it to consolidate my lava power room from geothermals/magmatics to just geothermals and the converter blocks. While it works well to supply a separate MJ grid, I wish there was still a one-block solution available for EU -> MJ, as then I wouldn't even need an MJ grid. I can't have 3 converter blocks attached to every pulverizer. :)

Actually, what I'd really like is to see more mod machines that are able to accept multiple power grids, like how MFFS can use MJ, EU, or UE inputs. My dream of the future has RP2 managing all of my electrical needs.

Edit: And while on that subject, an alternative to a blutricity paradise could be Thermal Expansion's machines passing their power along to adjacent blocks, the way blulectric machines do. That would be VERY COOL.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
At first I tried the steam -> EU conversion but it was more trouble than it's worth. You have to pipe steam into the steam consumer on all five faces (the sixth face is connected to the energy bridge) and do some liquidduct combination magic to max out steam input to the energy bridge. At 720 mb/t of steam, the math works out to be about 350 EU/t. In testing on the ultimate server I'm on, a single 36 HP steam boiler was able to power a IC2 HV producer ok if you could get around the piping.

So I scrapped that completely and went with MJ -> EU. It works the same but now I can use all my MJ bleed-off into feeding the energy bridge. This did mean that I had to shuffle my magma crucibles/thermals around a bit. Now that I found MineFactory Reloaded's lava fabricator, I'm testing to see if it's worth switch to (20k MJ per Bucket of Lava from MFR whereas Cobble->M.Crucible is 24k MJ BUT MFR only consumes 10 MJ/t compared to the 30 MJ/t for a M.Crucible).