How to make a good tree farm?

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
lol that is what i ended up doing...a lot of steps to make a simple rail.

Does assembling a cart in steve's carts always take 250 coal? Is there a better method than standing there waiting till it runs out of coal?


Trusted User
Nov 11, 2012
Plus, if you find chests in the mineshaft system, Railcraft puts a lot of loot in them. I have around 20 creosite bottles, 15 steel ingots, a steel block, couple of steel tools, dynamite and a chest cart.
Haven't needed a coke oven as a result.

The longer it takes to build the cart (due to complexity of the cart), the more fuel you need supply. I think you can only do this manually, so put a stack of coal in it, and come back in 10-15 minutes to check on progress.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
So I have my cargo set up the same as the guy with the guide in this thread...what's the best way to extract items from the cargo manager? Will a filter just pull out of all of it's inventory slots? I'd like to pull the logs and saplings and apples and stuff out, but I don't want to pull so many out that the cart runs out of fuel since it is burning logs. What do you guys do? Or should I set up some other system to go along with this? Mine is also using the solar panel for when it can but the trees seem to block it a lot.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
manager one is emptied with a wooden pipe/autarchic gate... goes through a dia pipe that filters out 1/3 of the logs into a furnace, that is then pumped out with a wooden pipe, to a dia pipe. 1/3 of the charcoal then gets put into a second manager, which supplies the cart with fuel.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
that sounds good...can i safely remove all sapling too? I guess the cart will pick up all that it needs and not run out?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
that sounds good...can i safely remove all sapling too? I guess the cart will pick up all that it needs and not run out?
the first manager takes saplings/logs/apples.. they're filtered out to wherever by the diamond pipe


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
The cart will first its internal storage of saplings, before putting them into general storage (only general storage gets emptied at the cargo manager). So you are safe with the saplings.
If you use the logs as fuel: Add a detector rail each 2 tracks before and after the advanced detector rail and put their signal into different inputs from a rs latch from RP2. When the rail before the CM fires, stop your emptying mechanics (e.g. filter with a timer). When the other rail fires, your cart has started again on its way, so you can restart your timer or whatever you use. Thus the cart can refill itself safely from the logs, before the CM is emptied.
If you use other fuel, like charcoal: Empty the CM but leave charcoal in and refill it with exactly a stack of charcoal (e.g. via a RP2 manager). This way you can skip those detector rails and just let the RP2 manager, or whatever you might use, running. Since you won't burn through a whole stack of charcoal on the tour, only charcoal can refill the internal fuel storage, so everything is fine.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I fail to see why one would bother using managers when it is easily done at a fraction of the cost/effort with my method.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
The manager was just an example. I just give ideas for different methods. And since those managers are still shiny new, many people don't have the slightest idea for what they could be used. So a small idea here and there, to get people started with them, until they (and I ;)) start getting ideas for what they can be used.

Ember Quill

Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2012
The longer it takes to build the cart (due to complexity of the cart), the more fuel you need supply. I think you can only do this manually, so put a stack of coal in it, and come back in 10-15 minutes to check on progress.

I think you can insert fuel from the bottom with pipes/tubes. I'm not entirely certain, but I put it on top of a pipe without realizing it (the pipe was hidden by a facade) and I came back later to discover some wheat had somehow gotten into the fuel slot.


Trusted User
Nov 11, 2012
I use 3 detector rails positioned after the cargo manager, with 5 normal tracks between them. The redstone signal then pulses a filter attached to the cargo manager. Cart will always fill up what it needs first, then you get 3 pulses of the filter to empty the cargo manager. Even if you have more then 3 stacks in the manager, the cart doesn't always harvest stuff every loop, so the cargo manager will always empty out eventually.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
- Do you mean as liquid? Apple juice and liquid honey boost the production of biomass by 1.5x. Water is easy, but only 1.0x. Currently I sometimes switch the water to apple juice (from the farm), whenever my buffertank fills up with juice. (Automated switch to juice and back.)

How do you switch between the two? I couldn't figure this one out.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I have a functional SC2 tree farm and for what it's worth I regret my solar panel decision greatly. If I could do it all again, I'd just let the system collect resources off the top.

Consider that one fermenter can feed enough stills to run two full sized liquid steam boilers. Consider that you can precisely tune the size of your SC2 tree farm with just a few extra rails. Consider that oak trees often grow into monstrously large beasts.

You will have enough wood. If you don't, you extend the track until you do. You will have enough wood.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
manager one is emptied with a wooden pipe/autarchic gate... goes through a dia pipe that filters out 1/3 of the logs into a furnace, that is then pumped out with a wooden pipe, to a dia pipe. 1/3 of the charcoal then gets put into a second manager, which supplies the cart with fuel.

I have a slightly different setup. Cargo manager on top, the cargo distributor below (used for input/putput) and below that a sawmill. All the logs are pushed into the TE sawmill which is configured to output the planks to the distributor. Because it can only fill one slot in the manager the rest of the wood goes into my sorting system (where it gets turned into charcoal).

You could do exactly the same with a TE furnace ofcourse, but planks are slightly more efficient.



New Member
Jul 29, 2019
The cart will first its internal storage of saplings, before putting them into general storage (only general storage gets emptied at the cargo manager). So you are safe with the saplings.
If you use the logs as fuel: Add a detector rail each 2 tracks before and after the advanced detector rail and put their signal into different inputs from a rs latch from RP2. When the rail before the CM fires, stop your emptying mechanics (e.g. filter with a timer). When the other rail fires, your cart has started again on its way, so you can restart your timer or whatever you use. Thus the cart can refill itself safely from the logs, before the CM is emptied.
If you use other fuel, like charcoal: Empty the CM but leave charcoal in and refill it with exactly a stack of charcoal (e.g. via a RP2 manager). This way you can skip those detector rails and just let the RP2 manager, or whatever you might use, running. Since you won't burn through a whole stack of charcoal on the tour, only charcoal can refill the internal fuel storage, so everything is fine.

MilConDoin will this work with a sorting machine? My treefarm is rather large so I'd rather not use filters because they wont pull enough and I hate timers. I know the sorting machine can react to redstone pulses just like a filter but is there a way to stop it from pulling while the cart is loading/unloading and then go back to its regular operation?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
How do you switch between the two? I couldn't figure this one out.
apple juice: squeezer->pipes/liquiduct->BC-Tank->pipes/liquiduct->fermenter
water: aqueous accumulator directly below the fermenter (in my case, can be made differently)
A gate below the BC tank is set to (IF tank.isFull THEN emitRedstoneSignal). This redstone signal is then transferred to the AqAcc to disable it.

When the tank is full, the redstone signal is on, so the aqacc is deactivated. Now the fermenter will dry up. As soon as all the water has been used, the apple juice will pour in. This will drain the tank, so the redstone signal will be off again, so the AqAcc will start again with the production of water. As soon as all the apple juice has been used up, the water will fill the fermenter again.
MilConDoin will this work with a sorting machine? My treefarm is rather large so I'd rather not use filters because they wont pull enough and I hate timers. I know the sorting machine can react to redstone pulses just like a filter but is there a way to stop it from pulling while the cart is loading/unloading and then go back to its regular operation?
I'm sorry, I can't help you there. I have never tested, if the sorter can be deactivated. What you could try: Attach a sticky piston next to the sorting machine and simply dislocate the sorter, while the cart refuels with the logs.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
After some testing I found that the sorting machine does not respond to a redstone signal to turn it off or on, however I like your idea about using a sticky piston.. I never would have thought of that. Now I gotta go try it. :D


Trusted User
Nov 11, 2012
You could use 2 cargo managers. One to unload all the goodies, and the other that is kept full of fuel (logs/planks). With infinite wood, it's not a big deal.