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Someone Else 37

Forum Addict
Feb 10, 2013
On the topic of dark nodes:
If I merge a dark node with a larger pure node, will the resulting node still be pure? Or can only ordinary nodes be 'purified' in this way?
Not tested, but that should work. To my knowledge, if you merge a node with X vis with a smaller node with Y vis, the resultant node will be the same type as the first one (the larger one) , with X + Y/2 vis.

In other words, merging adds about half the capacity of the smaller node to the larger node. I think.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
that for the most part seems to be ture. I have not tried a pure dark merge but the idea is sound. The lesser of the two nodes is just used for vis it type seems to be ignored. As when a large normal eats a small pure the larger does not gain the pure node effect.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Not tested, but that should work. To my knowledge, if you merge a node with X vis with a smaller node with Y vis, the resultant node will be the same type as the first one (the larger one) , with X + Y/2 vis.

In other words, merging adds about half the capacity of the smaller node to the larger node. I think.
that for the most part seems to be ture. I have not tried a pure dark merge but the idea is sound. The lesser of the two nodes is just used for vis it type seems to be ignored. As when a large normal eats a small pure the larger does not gain the pure node effect.

Alright, that has been my understanding as well, but I couldn't think of a way to easily test this. I would just really hate to have the pure node that I've been painstakingly growing be eaten up. I've been putting up with the giant dark node near my base for too long. If that math is right, and if the dark node property WERE to become dominant, the resulting dark node would be over size 500 and right smack in the middle of my base... :eek:


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Just remember, that the current vis level determines, which of the nodes is bigger at the time of the merger. So a pure with 50/500 will lose to a dark with 100/100. At least this was stated several times in several threads in this forum.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Alright, that has been my understanding as well, but I couldn't think of a way to easily test this. I would just really hate to have the pure node that I've been painstakingly growing be eaten up. I've been putting up with the giant dark node near my base for too long. If that math is right, and if the dark node property WERE to become dominant, the resulting dark node would be over size 500 and right smack in the middle of my base... :eek:
Goggles of revealing really should come earlier in the game. I can't tell you how many times I've built a nice base, only to have to move it or move a node (which is a real pita).


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Here's a trick for you: Build your base next to a Silverwood tree. Guaranteed pure node. No need to ever move anywhere else, or to move any nodes.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Does the Infernal Furnace from TC3 constantly drain Vis/generate Flux when it isn't doing anything?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Answer to the IF question is no. You have to be smelting/cooking something for it to be using vis or generating flux.

My ?:

Just started on biomass in SMP. I have one bio engine running the fermenter making the biomass. Should I start working on more fermenters to make more mass to put in a liquid boiler or leave it as it looks cool?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Yeah. I need to make some more aqueious accumilators (my spelling is going to be off so pardon) for more fermenters but I have mulch up the wazoo thanks to Xycraft soil and a Liliypad of Fertility. So then say if I make three more fermenters how big a boiler should I aim for?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019

How much faster does the "Lilypad of Fertility" make...things...grow?
And how much faster does Xycraft soil make things grow per layer? 50%? 100%?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Well with a 9x9 area of farm, lit by jack o' lanterns, with half-ish of Xycraft soil and the other till land with the Lilypad placed in the middle I can say in a little over three real life days I managed to fill up a double chest with seeds and wheat. Once I picked up my golems and let the place just grow it was fully grown in less then five minutes. Heck maybe even three. Xy Soil is not even layered. I say just the Lilypad has about the same rate as a Xy Soil block so maybe double the growth rate if used together.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I would say what does your set up look like? I use just one block of water for a 9x9 where the lilypad sits. I guess if you have a village type farm set up with a row of produce then a line of water blocks with a lilypad they would stack but I haven't tested it.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I don't have a setup :p
But if you had multiple blocks of water and multiple lilypads, would crops grow faster?
And what if a water block was one level below/above the farm, with a lily pad, would the effect take place?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I presume yes they would. I don't know how water blocks effect land above them as I haven't tested that yet. I assume no but I need to read the wiki to see if the water block needs to be on the same y axis as the tilled land.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I don't have a setup :p
But if you had multiple blocks of water and multiple lilypads, would crops grow faster?
And what if a water block was one level below/above the farm, with a lily pad, would the effect take place?
I tested it some time before. Lilypad affects 6 blocks in y axis like that: Effect stacks without problem. However water won't hydrate soil above it (but it will hydrate below it a few blocks, probably mc wiki has more in depth answer).


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Oh, that, along with several layers of Xycraft soil, could make crop growing....really fast. So if their effects are 9x9 (like water), you could have 10 blocks of Xy soil and have 80 of these surrounding it. Then 240 more can be added. If they affect on the top, then...240. So is that over 1,000? Cool! I need to get a computer to set this up with a piece of wheat.
Will IC2 UUM Still Water spill into lower levels? I'll have to figure that out too.