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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
(Thanks to those who answered my previous question!)

Is it possible to detect the level of an energy-storing block (MFSU, Redstone Energy Cell, etc.) at a point other than "full", "empty" or "neither"?

BuildCraft gates are limited, and I couldn't find anything when I looked at ComputerCraft or MiscPeripherals... but there's a lot of Lua out there.

Even if there's no answer in ComputerCraft, does anyone happen to know of an indirect, out-of-the-box way to do it (like, say, using a BC conductive pipe as a fuse, maybe...? except there's got to be something better than that ...)?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
It's not in the pack, but OpenCCSensors got you covered.

Get the IndustrialCraft 2 Sensor Card, and the turtle will be able to get available EU in storage as a precise, numeric value. I believe it can also detect it relative to the maximum amount stored. With that, you can fine tune your turtle to do basically everything you ever wanted with energy. There's more. There's also a tank sensor and a buildcraft sensor. Even player sensor. Do be warned, it's one of the most powerful peripheral mods out there. Seriously, if you're good with Lua, this and MiscPeripherals combine to turn turtles into minecraft gods.

FTB Proffesor

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
An easy question for me :)
Just plant soo many silverwood you canaround your base then the flux level will fall down!

FTB Proffesor ^.^


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
(Thanks to those who answered my previous question!)

Is it possible to detect the level of an energy-storing block (MFSU, Redstone Energy Cell, etc.) at a point other than "full", "empty" or "neither"?

BuildCraft gates are limited, and I couldn't find anything when I looked at ComputerCraft or MiscPeripherals... but there's a lot of Lua out there.

Even if there's no answer in ComputerCraft, does anyone happen to know of an indirect, out-of-the-box way to do it (like, say, using a BC conductive pipe as a fuse, maybe...? except there's got to be something better than that ...)?
Redstone energy cell emits light depending on charge, so you could use light sensors from RP2 to detect charge level. However energy conduits also emit light and it can pass through cell, so if you want detect low energy levels you should use BC pipes to transfer energy from/to cell. For MFSU you could try to do something with detector cables and transformers (to ensure correct size of packets). However it would need something that works quickly and reliably with redstone, maybe energy cell and wooden pipes could work, but to fully transfer this information it would require about 20 000 items (3 diamond chests).


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
(Thanks to those who answered my previous question!)

Is it possible to detect the level of an energy-storing block (MFSU, Redstone Energy Cell, etc.) at a point other than "full", "empty" or "neither"?

BuildCraft gates are limited, and I couldn't find anything when I looked at ComputerCraft or MiscPeripherals... but there's a lot of Lua out there.

Even if there's no answer in ComputerCraft, does anyone happen to know of an indirect, out-of-the-box way to do it (like, say, using a BC conductive pipe as a fuse, maybe...? except there's got to be something better than that ...)?
Another additional mod which you could use is Advanced Power Management. The block you'd want for this is the Storage Monitor. The mod also adds charging benches (for charging multiple items at once) and battery stations (for decharging multiple items at once).


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Correct me if I'm wrong, guys, but doesn't IC2 Nuclear Control already do this without having to add any mods to FTB?

It definitely has an energy sensor kit that can read out MFSUs etc using the industrial information panel, and I'm fairly sure DW20 built something with Computercraft integration in his previous SMP season.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
how can i enable the refined iron recipes for mining drill and the other electrical tools in greg tech


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
in /gregtech/recipes.cfg, in the "usefullrecipes" section, there's a line about steel electric tools of some kind. Change that to false.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Anyone have any links to info on gregtechs distillation tower? I've got it running making diesel cells, I'm just curious as to other recipes/what else it can do. There's a (very)little info on a couple wikis, Greg's own fan-powered wiki doesn't even have a page on it:cool:


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Anyone have any links to info on gregtechs distillation tower? I've got it running making diesel cells, I'm just curious as to other recipes/what else it can do. There's a (very)little info on a couple wikis, Greg's own fan-powered wiki doesn't even have a page on it:cool:
There is feature in NEI for crafting table, furnace and many machines from other mods, if you click on arrow (progress bar) it will show all recipes which use that machine. Most GT machines implement it fully, so you don't have to check wikis for recipes.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
There is feature in NEI for crafting table, furnace and many machines from other mods, if you click on arrow (progress bar) it will show all recipes which use that machine. Most GT machines implement it fully, so you don't have to check wikis for recipes.
According to NEI it only does Oil and Biomass. I was hoping it did more. If not, oh well, I'm just exploring gregtech chemistry. (And gregtech in general, there's some pretty awesome stuff in there.)

P.S. Thanks for that tip about the progress bar, didn't know that.

Also, MFR's Oil Fabricator, how much EU can I give it, and will it explode if I over-feed it?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
An easy question for me :)
Just plant soo many silverwood you canaround your base then the flux level will fall down!

FTB Proffesor ^.^
Because of the way Aura mechanics work, there are a few pitfalls to doing this. The "Collected Guides" thread stickied at the top of this forum has a few links to Aura Mechanics under the ThaumCraft 3 section, one of which discusses Silverwood Trees in depth. There's a bit in there about the net loss of Vis when growing Silverwood Trees, but for me, the biggest problem has been the range of Aura Nodes:

Every Aura Node has a range, roughly equal to 25% of its max Vis rating in meters/blocks. Outside of this range, Vis and Flux cannot be drained from/dumped into it directly (only through interaction between Nodes). The newly-formed Aura Nodes at the heart of freshly-grown Silverwood Trees are very small, which means they have very small ranges (~10-25 blocks). Conversely, naturally-spawned Aura Nodes are much larger, with proportionally larger ranges (~60-200 blocks). Therefore, the area-of-effect of a new Silverwood Node can be completely enveloped by the range of a larger, more-distant Aura Node---and, because Silverwood Saplings require an in-range Aura Node to grow at all, this is a fairly common occurrence. This means it's quite possible to be outside the range of the closest Node to your lab, but inside the range of a larger, more-distant Node.

There are two big take-aways from this:
  • Vis will be drained from (and Flux will be dumped into) the farther, bigger Node---not the new Silverwood Node. Moreover, because the new Silverwood Node is so small, it won't share much Vis/Flux with neighboring nodes, minimizing the impact of its Pure trait.
  • While wearing the Goggles of Revealing, the new Silverwood Node will "block" your view of the more distant Node (i.e. the one that your thaumaturgy is affecting), because the Goggles always show the closest Aura Node (even when that Node is out of range). You could drain hundreds of Vis and dump endless Flux into the Aura, and your Goggles will show absolutely nothing the matter---until you move to a place where the in-range Node is closer to you than the Silverwood Node.
I thought my Goggles of Revealing were broken for weeks before I figured out my problem: The two Silverwood Trees I'd planted around 20m from my lab.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Very interesting. This goes to show why Azanor is thinking about completely revamping the Vis/Aura system in 3.1. This is way too convoluted and complicated to work around with. It also means that setting up shop anywhere NEAR a TC3 barrow is bound to bring about the doom for crops and wooden houses.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Is there any special needs to get the Corroded Bee mutation? I tried and got a Tarnished bee. Apparently they both can be obtained the same way.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Is there any special needs to get the Corroded Bee mutation? I tried and got a Tarnished bee. Apparently they both can be obtained the same way.

I dont think so. Just make the Serums of the Resilient and Diligent and apply them to Stone Princess and Drones and make lots of them until you become the one you want.
Btw Soul Frames in Apiarys or Motator Blocks with the Alviary helps a lot.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
sup, just wondering, is there a pipe that can be set to divide items in a ratio? i have a quarry setup, and want to keep 50% of the cobble, and recycle the rest. any clue as to do this easily?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Any normal pipe intersection has a 50/50 ratio of splitting up the items. No special pipe needed.

It is a random chance for each item arriving, of course, but a quarry has such a huge cobble output that you should not have any issues with streaks.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
sup, just wondering, is there a pipe that can be set to divide items in a ratio? i have a quarry setup, and want to keep 50% of the cobble, and recycle the rest. any clue as to do this easily?
Diamond pipes do ratios if you put an item in multiple rows. So, to do 50/50 you'd put a cobble along the path to your processing/storage facility and a cobble along the path to your void pipe.

However, for a variety of reasons (not the least of which is easier piping) you should really consider just voiding all cobble from your quarry and using igneous extruders to produce cobble on site and on demand.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
sup, just wondering, is there a pipe that can be set to divide items in a ratio? i have a quarry setup, and want to keep 50% of the cobble, and recycle the rest. any clue as to do this easily?
RedPower Pneumatic Tubes will distribute items perfectly evenly at an intersection, if all valid destinations are exactly the same distance away. So you can create a 50/50 split by putting two inventories to either side of a Pneumatic Tube, or a 33/33/33 split by throwing a third inventory on top, and so forth.

For distribution, Redpower Pneumatic Tubes are superior to BC pipes because the split is exact: If you send 1000 Cobblestone through a Pneumatic Tube intersection with four Chests an equal distance away, you'll get 250 Cobblestone in each Chest. But, as others have pointed out, "exact" is probably not all that important when it comes to a Quarry---this is more for tasks in which precision is important, like autocrafting. (And if you're sending Cobblestone in the thousands through Pneumatic Tubes one-at-a-time, you're doing it wrong.)

Diamond pipes do ratios if you put an item in multiple rows. So, to do 50/50 you'd put a cobble along the path to your processing/storage facility and a cobble along the path to your void pipe.
True, but even Diamond Pipes will only distribute items roughly, with the same fuzzy imprecision you get at any BC Transport Pipe intersection. The advantage with Diamond Pipes is you can set up distributions other than 50/50 (e.g. by putting two Cobble in one row and one Cobble in another, you'll get a rough 66/33 split).