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Deniz Kurdak

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Do you have a chunkloader in the Nether to keep that area loaded? If not that's the reason.
Yes I do have a chunkloader.[DOUBLEPOST=1365167866][/DOUBLEPOST]
Does the pump have power
Yes it does. I connected it to magmatic engine. I use a liquid detector and use a not gate for redstone signal.[DOUBLEPOST=1365167919][/DOUBLEPOST]
I don't think the Xycraft valve automatically outputs... or does it?
I tried to connect the valve directly to the teserract and with liquiduct. None worked.


Forum Addict
Trusted User
Jan 15, 2013
Birmingham, United Kingdom
Hello guys. I've been trying to pump lava from nether. I got a Xycraft tank with a tesseract connected to the valve and I have the identical setup in the overworld. At the begging things worked smoothly but after a while the tesseracts stopped sending any liquid. CAn anyone think of a solution or know what's causing the problem?
Thanks in advance.
Did you put the valve part way up on the tank? Xycraft valves stop when the liquid level is below them.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
On Diamond Pipe Distribution: I admit, the last time I tried using a Diamond Pipe in this manner was way back in SSP Technic for Minecraft 1.2.5. I'm not even sure which version of BuildCraft I was using; perhaps they've improved the functionality since then. My setup (and problem) was this: I had an assembly line of Automatic Crafting Tables to make something that needed an equal number of Sticks and Planks. ACT #1 made Planks from Logs, meaning I had to send exactly 1 out of every 3 Planks to a Stick-making ACT to get an equal number of each for my final recipe. But a Diamond Pipe with two Planks in one output and one Plank in another resulted in that fuzzy "almost right" distribution that kept mucking up my ACTs. (Ultimately, I had to use that Distribution Pipe from the mod addon I mentioned to get it to work.)

On RedPower Pneumatic Tube Distribution: I know that round-robin distribution by RP Pneumatic Tubes is not limited to immediately adjacent inventories; I recently tested this before setting up a system that relied on it. My test had a Transposer pulling Cobblestone, one-at-a-time, from a full Chest (2304 Cobblestone). The Cobblestone would hit an intersection of Pneumatic Tubes that led in opposite directions to two Barrels separated by 9 Pneumatic Tubes, with the intersection in the middle: (B) - - - - + - - - - (B). At the intersection, the Cobble alternated direction one after the other in perfect round-robin fashion. When the Chest was empty, each Barrel had exactly 1152 Cobblestone. This was a pretty simple test, though, so while it proved that inventories don't need to be immediately adjacent for distribution to work, it doesn't rule out other sources of interference (a larger network, or the presence of Restriction Tubes, perhaps?)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
How can I stop two Chest Carts, pulled by a Locomotive, at two adjacent Item Loaders until they have fully emptied the contents of the double-wide Chest attached to the Loaders?

I'm using a train to collect output from my Quarries. The train consists of a Locomotive pulling two Chest Carts (with a passenger Cart "caboose"---oh! CovertJaguar! Caboose Cart!). My Quarries output into a double-wide Chest attached to two Item Loaders, with two Train Lockdown Tracks below them. The Item Loaders are configured in T ("Transfer") mode, with a "Chest Cart" filter (so they don't stop the Locomotive). Ideally, the Locomotive would drive past, then the Lockdown Tracks would stop the Chest Carts while the Item Loaders emptied the Chest contents into them before sending everything on its way.

However, the Chest Carts don't stop. At all. I think the problem is that, when the Item Loaders unlock the Train Lockdown Tracks for the Locomotive, they don't have enough time to lock up again before the Chest Carts have also gone past. I've tried everything I can think of --- using only one Lockdown Track, using Wait mode on the Loaders, removing the Chest Cart filter, etc. None of it works (or if it does, it causes other problems). I'm starting to consider setups that strike me as a little overcomplicated (like using Detector Rails and Timers and State Cells and Item Detectors and ...), but I figure I've got to be missing something, as Item Loaders are supposed to work with trains according to the wiki.

Anyone know what I'm doing wrong? Thanks in advance!


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
On Diamond Pipe Distribution: I admit, the last time I tried using a Diamond Pipe in this manner was way back in SSP Technic for Minecraft 1.2.5. I'm not even sure which version of BuildCraft I was using; perhaps they've improved the functionality since then. My setup (and problem) was this: I had an assembly line of Automatic Crafting Tables to make something that needed an equal number of Sticks and Planks. ACT #1 made Planks from Logs, meaning I had to send exactly 1 out of every 3 Planks to a Stick-making ACT to get an equal number of each for my final recipe. But a Diamond Pipe with two Planks in one output and one Plank in another resulted in that fuzzy "almost right" distribution that kept mucking up my ACTs. (Ultimately, I had to use that Distribution Pipe from the mod addon I mentioned to get it to work.)

On RedPower Pneumatic Tube Distribution: I know that round-robin distribution by RP Pneumatic Tubes is not limited to immediately adjacent inventories; I recently tested this before setting up a system that relied on it. My test had a Transposer pulling Cobblestone, one-at-a-time, from a full Chest (2304 Cobblestone). The Cobblestone would hit an intersection of Pneumatic Tubes that led in opposite directions to two Barrels separated by 9 Pneumatic Tubes, with the intersection in the middle: (B) - - - - + - - - - (B). At the intersection, the Cobble alternated direction one after the other in perfect round-robin fashion. When the Chest was empty, each Barrel had exactly 1152 Cobblestone. This was a pretty simple test, though, so while it proved that inventories don't need to be immediately adjacent for distribution to work, it doesn't rule out other sources of interference (a larger network, or the presence of Restriction Tubes, perhaps?)

Diamond pipes are still fuzzy on the ratio.

Not sure how someone described it earlier in the thread, but you have it mostly right. It is not the intersection, but from the source point any equally distant inventory that will accept the same material will get a split of the material. Intersection is the easiest way to visualize it, but you could have a line that is 10 blocks long with a chest on the end, then off that main tube have any number of splits that are only 10 blocks from the source machine. Every inventory at the end of its line will be the same distance from the source and get a round robin distribution of materials.

That is not likely to come up in game. More likely that you would want two or more differently distanced inventories to get a split of materials. You can use filters for the item type you want to split that are equal distance from a source and then the run of tube after the filter can be any length.

(B) - - - (F) + (F) - - - - - - - - - - (B)
Would still be a 50/50 split.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Train lockdown track releases whole train, like other "train" tracks.
Oh. I'm thinking I'm about to have a derp moment followed by a facepalm.

I suspect I should instead be using standard Lockdown Tracks, filtered to Chest Carts? I'll try it, see if it works.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
On Diamond Pipe Distribution: I admit, the last time I tried using a Diamond Pipe in this manner was way back in SSP Technic for Minecraft 1.2.5. I'm not even sure which version of BuildCraft I was using; perhaps they've improved the functionality since then. My setup (and problem) was this: I had an assembly line of Automatic Crafting Tables to make something that needed an equal number of Sticks and Planks. ACT #1 made Planks from Logs, meaning I had to send exactly 1 out of every 3 Planks to a Stick-making ACT to get an equal number of each for my final recipe. But a Diamond Pipe with two Planks in one output and one Plank in another resulted in that fuzzy "almost right" distribution that kept mucking up my ACTs. (Ultimately, I had to use that Distribution Pipe from the mod addon I mentioned to get it to work.)

In BC you can use fuzziness to your advantage. Here is how I'd go about scaffolds autocrafting:

Overflow proof, simple, very cheap. There is initial 3:1 bias of planks going to scaffolds ACT vs sticks, but when it is full of planks, the rest will make sticks balancing it out.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Is there a way to turn off Melee turtles using a redstone signal? I want my blaze farm to keep running(for fueling a steam boiler), but would like to be able to switch turtles off to reduce lag.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Is there a way to turn off Melee turtles using a redstone signal? I want my blaze farm to keep running(for fueling a steam boiler), but would like to be able to switch turtles off to reduce lag.
Yes. The commands you'll want to look at are here: Redstone API.

A simple bit of code to keep your turtles attacking as long as you apply a redstone signal to their back is:

while redstone.getInput("back") do


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I think this ? is simple.

When I enter a meadow, on my map it shows up the nice, pretty green. On my screen, it does not. It's the color of the plains biome. I'm using OptiFine if that makes any difference.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
sup, just wondering, does the weight of the power tool from Modular power suits effect the total wight of my armor? if my combined armor weighs 25kg, and my tools weighs 10, is that 35? or is it separate?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I think this ? is simple.

When I enter a meadow, on my map it shows up the nice, pretty green. On my screen, it does not. It's the color of the plains biome. I'm using OptiFine if that makes any difference.
Test if removing texture pack or Optifine fixes it, meadows on default textures without optifine have really nice grass color.
Zjarek why use REdstone engines, aut gates are better
Redstone engines are cheaper and autharchic gates don't have any real advantage here.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Why aren't my pure bees cleaning this node?

4 apiaries and alveary all running pure bees, proven frames.

Edit: Nvm, they are, they're just really slow about it.