About nuclear reactor cooling.

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
If you like nuclear then your second reactor should be a breeder to stretch your uranium fuel to the max (make 1 ingot into 8 isotopes -> breed cycle -> get 8 uranium cells):
Breeder 1:
  • Link: Cheapbreeder
  • Heating configuration (with timing): Autopilot
  • Cells charged per uranium cell: 28
  • Efficiency: 1
  • Eu/tick: 5
  • Cost: Iron 96, Copper 403, Tin 47, Gold 2
  • Credits: stretchydeath

So here's a tangential question related to this breeder. At zero heat, the classification is a Mark II-1 Breeder EA+ but as the hull heat increases (let's say at the end of 1 cycle) it shifts to being a Mark I Breeder EA+. Why does this happen? As the breeder gets hotter, how can it shift from being a reactor that has to cool at least once per cycle to a reactor that can continuously run as long as certain parts are replaced (in this case, depleted uranium cells go in when the re-enriched cells come out and a new uranium cell in the middle once that's used up).


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
So here's a tangential question related to this breeder. At zero heat, the classification is a Mark II-1 Breeder EA+ but as the hull heat increases (let's say at the end of 1 cycle) it shifts to being a Mark I Breeder EA+. Why does this happen? As the breeder gets hotter, how can it shift from being a reactor that has to cool at least once per cycle to a reactor that can continuously run as long as certain parts are replaced (in this case, depleted uranium cells go in when the re-enriched cells come out and a new uranium cell in the middle once that's used up).
The heat cells on + fuel cells is above the cooling of the vents -- making it appear to be non mark 1. But as soon as the heat goes above the cell stack size they shutoff, and now the heat and venting are equal ,so it is mark 1 stable.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
About that Mark 1 Reactor, would it be safe to place within my base. I would of course add some explosive resistant walls and what not.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
About that Mark 1 Reactor, would it be safe to place within my base. I would of course add some explosive resistant walls and what not.

Yes, a mark 1 reactor should never explode. It will also never produce all that much power. But it is safe as houses!


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
About that Mark 1 Reactor, would it be safe to place within my base. I would of course add some explosive resistant walls and what not.
I run them with no shielding.
If you are worried use a gate to shutoff if the inventory is not full or use the nuclear control sensors to shutoff at a certain heat level. Do this on safe reactors and if you ever mess up a part placement it will auto of before meltedown.