RFDrills 1.7.1 fixes a thing
1.7.1 changelog said:The new mining animation from 1.7 should no longer crash servers.
1.7.1 changelog said:The new mining animation from 1.7 should no longer crash servers.
It's called an Aperture Science Excursion Funnel.Pretty sure that's from Portal 2, forget what it's called. Cleared up what it is ;3
- Any tool that extends Ex Nihilo's ItemHammerBase class will work with VeinMiner.
- Don't crash when blocks drop entities (yes, I'm looking at you, Ag Skies hellfish)
- Stop console spam.
- No longer a coremod. Fixes:
- Fix some minor errors causing crashes.
Fixed server crash when stepping on slime block.
Hard Lib:
- Updates to API block wrapper class (Hard Ore fix)
- Added Interface as an additional crop support method (Hard Wilds)
Hard Ores:
- fixed some broken grinding/packaging recipes
- possible fix for missing data causing console spam
Hard Wilds:
- possible reduction in system resources for animal aging
setting globalAgeRate to 0 should result in identical resources used as vanilla
- added Agricraft support
KaneApollo said:Wings Horns & Hooves 1.2.5
- Added the new horse breed, the Hippocamp! These fantastic magical horses can swim, will allow you to explore the watery depths (they even keep you from drowning while riding them), and can even interbreed with other magical horse breeds!
- Added the new Spirit Tree, which you may find growing in your world, or can even plant yourself (if you can find a sapling). Spirit Trees are watched over by elusive spirit creatures, and they respond well to gifts placed in the tree's hollow, and may leave you gifts in return.
- Added the Wooden Oracle. The Oracle is a wooden structure that can be imbued with a great magical horse spirit that can reveal the secrets of the past, present, and future.
- Added new item drops for magical horses and witches.
- Added new trading option with Villagers.
- Fixed bug with spirit tree hollow, so that it doesn't crash when using shift-click to move around items.
- Reduced amount of time that spirits will replace items placed in the spirit tree hollow.
- Two new custom unicorns!
feldim2425 said:This mod adds computer carts to OpenComputers.
The mod is currently in alpha and may crash sometimes.
I will add Railcraft integration later. (But the carts are already linkable with a crowbar)
The mod adds a network rail with can connect to the cart and charge it's battery. It can also relay network messages.
There is just one block in this mod, the network rail controller. You need it to connect a cable to the network rail.
For more information about Items and Blocks look into the OC-Manual or in the wiki(github).
The Computer Carts works just like a normal Robot from OpenComputers.
You can find a list of all computer cart functions in the wiki.
Build in components:
- Break: Just stops the cart.
- Engine: Uses energy to move the cart.
- Light: Like the light from Drones and Robots you can change the color. (not a real light source)
Required Mods:
- Minecraft Forge or later
- OpenComputers 1.5.14 or later
BlayTheNinth said:Crafting Tweaks 1.0.39
- Added support for Backpacks' Workbench Backpack
- Added hotkeys to Minecraft Controls Settings
- Added config options to control support for each mod (via modid): enabled, buttons_only, hotkeys_only, disabled
MrSpring said:Toggle Blocks is a complete rewrite of the mod originally created by TheApathetic, who stopped updating long ago. The original Toggle Blocks mod is loosely based on the mod ControllerBlock. The mod allows you to switch out a number of block with the flick of a switch (Literally).
The Basics:
Place down a Toggle Block controller you you will recieve some Change Blocks, place these down wherever you like. The Change Bkicj wukk face the side you placed it on. Right-click the Toggle Block controller to open the configuration GUI.
Choose what shall be placed when the redstone signal is on, and off, by putting blocks into the two slots on the left, and make sure the storage contains some of said items.
The Toggle Block controller will also search through adjacent chests for the blocks to place. On the right side of the GUI you can choose the controllers storage priorities.
Once the Toggle Block controller has been configured press the "Toggle Mode" button to turn it to "Ready". When the controller is provided with a redstone signal, the "On" block will be placed. When the redstone signal is cut off the "Off" block will be placed.
Clicking the "Toggle Mode" button again will turn it back to "Editing" mode, which will place the Change Blocks back so you can move the around.
Change Blocks:
Right-clicking a Change Block while crouching will make the Change Block face the opposite side of the one you clicked on. So, click the top side, and it will face downward, click the north side and it will face south etc.
You can also make each individual Change Block place down a different block. Right-click the Change Block to open up its configuration GUI.
Pressing the "Override" buttons lets you override the state for this particular Change Block without affecting the other ones. Put the block you want the Change Block to place inti the state you want to override.
Different Sizes:
Toggle Blocks comes in 6 different sizes: Tiny, Small, Medium, Large, Huge and Creative. They can hold 5, 15, 30, 50, 100 and infinite Change Blocks respectively.
The creative Toggle Block is only available in creative mode, through the Redstone creative tab.
GregoriusT said:6.00.53:
[FIXED] Iron Rod Magnetizing Crafting Recipe with 8 Redstone using wrong Rod.
[FIXED] A lot of random Issues, which have been mentioned recently.
[FIXED] Boilers not accepting Energy due to the minimum energy limit I have added to all Machines. (which was added because weak sources shouldn't power strong things directly)
[FIXED] PrefixBlocks and PrefixItems not updating when I replace the Materials. (see Garnet)
[FIXED] Machines keeping old Material Color, after I changed the Material they are made of, because of a missing check if they have been painted or not. (they just saved the color anyways, even when they were unpainted)
[CHANGED] A lot of Garnet related things. Also the two "3 in 1 Garnet" Gems are removed. They will be auto-replaced with Almandine and Andradite. If you changed the Worldgen Config, then you should check it for the 6 new entries for each Garnet Type, because the two old ones are removed.
[ADDED] OreDictItemData for "Limestone Stones" and others. Also added some more stuff as Byproduct for certain Stone Types.
[ADDED] Electric Igniter Block that can start the Burning Box and similar, when it is connected to electricity. Can also shut down regular Nether Portals.
[ADDED] Electric Motor for future GT things. It will run depending on how much EU you dump into it.
[ADDED] A Log File containing the full Material List to the Config Folder (so you can easily look it up when editing Configs).
[FIXED] Some Bugs and messy Code.
[FIXED] Even more Bugs I found in some Systems...
[API] IBlockToolable.onToolClick now has an additional String List Parameter to return chat to, instead of needing to directly chat to a Player Entity for that. This Parameter is null if nothing is listening to it.
[CHANGED] Coinage Mold now makes a breaking Sound when the regular Hammer Item lacks required durability or the automatic Hammer lacks energy.
Magnifying Glass.
Now used as a Crafting Tool for making the GT Books, because SCIENCE.
It makes a funny noise when being used as weapon or for mining.
Will get more uses later, once I decided what exactly I want to do with it.
Automatic Hammering Machine. Currently only useful ontop of the Coinage Mold.
Makes a "Hammer Rightclick" on the Block it is facing and is powered by KU (Steam Engines in this case).
Can also crush Blocks in World. This includes Ores ofcourse, wow that rhymed. Note, that the Tool Quality is still important on this one.
Note, that it requires the Engine to alternate between positive and negative Energy in order to work (GT Engines always do that).
There are not only Hammer Qualities, but also Hammer Power, which depends on the Engine used, and also on the current Speed of the Engine.
1 KU is worth 10 Hammering points, 2000 Hammering Points are needed for the Coinage Mold (every GT Steam Engine can power that) and 10000 Points being one regular use of the Hammer.
Electric Engines to convert EU into GT-KU. (the stuff the auto-hammer uses)
Speed and therefore also Power can be adjusted with a Screwdriver to a certain extend depending on the Engine.
If the Speed gets changed, the Engine will push and pull with a higher frequency, meaning that some devices get less power but more output when setting it to more speed. So you will need to tweak the hell out of this thing to make it work perfectly.
The Efficiency of the Electric Engine itself is fixed at 50% loss with 2 EU => 1 KU (1 EU => 1 RF, yup 75% loss for RF, because this is not a Flux Dynamo) and doesn't depend on other conditional Factors at all, unlike other Engines.
Like all electric Devices of GT, the Engine accepts up to 2 times the Voltage of its own Tier before exploding (explosions currently disabled, but that doesn't stop me from annoying you by spamming the electric explosion sound)
The Engine itself runs as long as it is connected to Electricity, just like the Electric Heater.
Grimoire of Gaia 3 (1.2.3) (Minor Update)
Entities - Design
Entities - Drops
- Modified models/textures
- Creep
- Ender Eye
- Holstaurus
- Slime Girl
- Sludge Girl
- Fixed Nine Tails texture
- Modified Sphinx Bust model to reflect modified model of the Sphinx
- Added custom sounds for Minotaur
- Low pitched cow sounds
- Updated render files for mobs with glowing textures
- Mobs inflicted with the invisible buff will no longer display glowing
Entities - Spawns
- Level 1 mobs have a rare chance of multiplying their dropped experience by 5
Entities - Behavior
- Fixed Forest mobs from spawning in biomes outside the Forest
- Increased default spawn rate of Dryad, Gryphon and Cyan Flower
- Reduced group size of Naga
- Fixed ranged mobs that do not follow the player when out of range
- Reduced the Fire Resistance to 1 on the Vampire
- Creep now has the Invisible buff when health drops below 10%
- Naga and Sharko now have the Speed buff when health drops below 25%
- Minotaur and Valkyrie now have the Speed and Strength buffs when health drops below 25%
- Modified particles to reflect this
- Siren no longer avoids the player
- Sahuagin can no longer be provoked by being attacked by one of its own
- Sahuagin and Siren switch to melee when health drops below 25%
- Will equip bow when health is recovered above 50%
- Can no longer drop their equipment
- Inflicts Mining Fatigue II (0:15) when in melee
- Sharko recieves regenerate buff when in water
- Anubis, Baphomet and Shaman now use ranged attacks when health is above 75%
- Same damage as their melee damage
- Except Baphomets ranged attack, which uses the Blazes Fireball
- Inflicts Slowness II (0:10)
- Flesh Lich and Nine-tails attacks have been modified to shoot 1-3 Fireballs at the same time
- AI is no longer disabled
- Werecat now avoids water
- Added prop item: Jeweled Dagger
- Mandrake and Meat Pies no longer give experience levels but give a small amount of experience per consumption
- Berry Pies now give experience now as well
- Reduced the duration of the Slowness debuff when consuming Meat Pies from 0:60 to 0:30
- Increased fuel time of Coalfish to 180 seconds
- Reduced item duration when using cards
- Reorganized .class files
- Removed unused .class files
- Updated and cleaned out code
mezz said:Forestry 4.0.0
- Changes to watch out for if you upgrade existing worlds:
- Wood items will break (logs, planks, slabs, fences).
- Multiblocks will lose their inventories and may need to be broken and rebuilt.
- Forestry Stained Glass has been removed.
- Apiarist's pipe has been moved to BuildCraft Compat for BuildCraft 7.
- Farms are slightly smaller than last release, and there is a config option in common.cfg called `tweaks.farms.size`.
- Major Features:
- Multiblock code has been rewritten and is now based on Big Reactor's multiblocks library, Beefcore.
- That means Alvearies and Farms will instantly detect when they are built!
- It was a huge undertaking but it fixes many tiny bugs, weirdnesses, and mysteries.
- Farms in particular are much more stable.
- Added Machine upgrades for the Squeezer and Centrifuge using circuit boards. (Nirek and Mezz)
- There are three tubes used for upgrades:
- Golden Electron Tubes decrease energy use by 10%.
- Emerald Electron Tubes increase speed 12.5% and increase power per action by 5%.
- Blazing Electron Tubes increase speed 25% and increase power per action by 10%.
- With four tubes per circuit board, you can double the processing speed of these machines, which should help a late-game bottleneck in automation.
- Since power is used per-action, the speed-upgraded machines use a lot more power.
- NEI Integration is built-in. (Tonius and Mezz)
- This includes recipes for Forestry machines, but not the NEI Addons stuff like breeding info.
- Now Forestry can change its internal recipe code like crazy without breaking NEI.
- Minor Features:
- Highly optimized the performance of bees.
- Boost mutation chances by researching mutations in the escritoire.
- Better compatability with Agricraft, Growthcraft, Plant Mega Pack, Immersive Engineering (Nirek)
- Chests have a new look, matching the style of vanilla wooden chests. (Ganymedes01)
- Allow pipe automation of chests.
- Config files are moved to Forge's cfg format and have support for localization.
- Added flower configs for each type of flower accepted by bees.
- Enable lighting for TESRs.
- Bee particles radiate outwards more along the ground instead of randomly into the sky.
- Many Bees with effects radiate particles matching their effect.
- Make Naturalist's eye effect prettier (different colored leaves instead of grey leaves).
- Allow pipe automation of the Rainmaker.
- Rearranged Beealyzer and Treealyzer GUIs to use full-size text instead of tiny text.
- Added fireproof versions of all Forestry wood items.
- Make villager roofs and fences out of Forestry materials instead of oak.
- Bugfixes:
- Machines with circuit boards will drop them when broken.
- Leaves on large trees will not start decaying prematurely.
- Engines output power more evenly to fit in with the RF ecosystem better.
- Fix rendering of stairs and fences held in the hand.
- Remove small particles that prevented players from increasing their graphics mipmap level.
- Fix bonemealing of saplings, fruit pods, and leaves taking tons of bonemeal.
- Fix invisible saplings when placed.
- Fix villager apiaries appearing inactive and losing their bees on world reload.
- Fix vines on generated trees (they either didn't show up before, or ate into the tree canopy).
- Fix farm particles appearing in all dimensions.
- Fix range of packet updates so they always reach players who have that chunk loaded.
- Fix machine's energy display to show stored energy properly.
thecodewarrior1 said:Catwalks 2
This mod adds Catwalks, Caged Ladders, Scaffolding, and Support Columns, each of which has both practical and aesthetic uses. Except for the Support Columns, they just look cool.
See the post on Minecraft Forums (link pending) for more detailed descriptions.
- Catwalks make you walk faster and can quickly be extended horizontally.
- Caged Ladders can't be fallen out of and can be climbed at almost 2x the speed of normal ladders.
- Scaffolding can be climbed like a ladder. They can quickly be placed, destroyed, extended, and retracted. When you use the builder's variety they act like tall grass, where right-clicking them with a block will replace them.
- Support Columns mostly look cool. They technically are ladders but are so slow they're pretty much useless as ladders.
- Sturdy Rails are self-supporting versions of normal rails that don't need a redstone signal to be active.
Caged Ladders:
Support Columns:
Sturdy Rails:
EXTER7 said:Foundry
- Thaumcraft integration:
- Added shard melting, mixing, and casting.
- Moved research into it's own page in the Thaumonomicon.
- Added Metal Atomizer machine:
- Uses water and liquid metal to make metal dusts.
- Fixed Refractory Hopper not dropping container when broken.
- Fixed Refractory Fluid Container rendering in the presence of enchanted items.
- Better gun death message.
- Add ingot casting recipes based on Ore Dictionary.
- Added Armor Piercing Round and Armor Piercing Shell
- Does less damage and have a bit less range, but bypasses armor.
- Better TiC fluid support.
- API changes:
- Added Atomizer RecipeManager to FoundryAPI.
- Added IgnoresArmor method to IFirearmRound: Return true if the round bypasses armor.
- Added GetCasing method to IFirearmRound: Return the casing the round uses.
- Deprecated IItemRegistry: All items are registered in FML's ItemStack registry.