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  • Hey GreatOrator, me and my friends are playing Tolkien Craft II and for some reason we are unable to kill the bosses even when we have their quests
    Hi, I know I should be posting this in Forums but..I just put up a server for Tolkien Craft II and loving it. I just wanted to know if can put plugins in, like essentials and world guard. Thanks and again I love the pack.
    You can, though support for that would up to you.
    I tried using KCauldron and that didn't work. It kept crashing me down to launcher. Do you mind if I put you on my skype?
    I have a discord server if you want to chat there, though to be honest I have no experience with kcauldron or any bukkit style add-ons for minecraft.
    Hi GreatOrator, First off can I marry you! for making this amazing Tolkiencraft 2 modpack and secondly in tolkiencraft 2 are there mods that can be disabled to help reduce lag on a server? if so may i ask what ones? And lastly how can you obtain the one ring? Thank you so much for this amazing mod pack you rock!
    Props to the Great Orator for the most awesome mod pack ever. Back in TC1 there is a quest book and on your character inventory screen there is a quest tab and you received quests in both areas . Is the quest book all that we use now in TC2 because I cant open the other quest journal and They don't seem to start like they use to.
    Hello GreatOrator.. first.. love Tolkiencraft. it's great. but..., i have a problem with tolkien.. i can not hit the bosses anymore.. they are friendly now.. i have re installed tolkien again, but still it's not working. is it because of the last update? i wanted to fight the troll but now i cant anymore. please help...
    Hey Orator! This is Jordan from YouTube. How exactly do I PM you?
    If you click on my username in any topic you will get a pop-up and you can click start conversation.
    I have a quetion about dragonic evolution. And since im not on the minecraftforums, i will ask it here:
    Is DraEv comnpatible with Hardcore Ender Expansion? (WorldGen,...)
    Better to ask the main mod dev about that, but should be
    Hey its Gamer55561 on YouTube =D What would be the best way to reach you Orator?
    Well, pm here on the forum and I will give you my google hangouts info, or skype, i use that too.
    Gamer55561 (YT)
    Erm... How do I do that? Im kinda learning the forums still =/
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