@Wagon123, cool, but: what am I looking at here? It looks a bit like railcraft tanks but not quite, and they're full of...something.
The first spoiler is Big Reactors from the Big reactors mod. Great for massive RF Generation.@Wagon123, cool, but: what am I looking at here? It looks a bit like railcraft tanks but not quite, and they're full of...something.
Here is my current one 4 Railcraft Steam boilers 72 Steam Dynamos Charcoal fueld from MFR treefarm, 6 Hydrokinetic Engines, 1 Big reactor Liquid ender cooled. Totaling about 8k RF/t
Is on my own server with some friends, relatively new world, so not the much buildt yet, Still need a better power supply, tho I'm outa ideas ^^ and the Boiler room is already pretty laggy.
You guys put your power generation in rooms? I'm one of those people that just throw it down wherever I am(close to my base) and just route wires/whatever to what I need.
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I'm planning to build a very big power building and I already have a design in mind, but I have a couple questions to ask to the community before starting the build. Here they are:
Can you pass EU through a energy tesseract?
Should i build it close to my factories or should I build it relatively far away?
Is it possible to make a sensor to see if your reactor is overheating, and then have it automatically turn the reactor off?
And on a unrelated note, whats the easiest way to get silver?
(Keeping in mind that I'm on Unleashed.)
Tesseract no longer gave loss iircThe water supply depends on HOW you plan to generate power. But in general, always make sure if your power-station needs water, when its loaded, so is your water source, but that goes for all resources your station needs. As far as close vs. far is concerned, it really depends on the situation:
Moving energy via tesseracts you lose 25% of the input energy
Moving energy via cablings, energy is lost dependant on distance
Starting out, I'd suggest having your station close to your machinary but once you have a decent supply of resources you can work around losing such energy. Examples:
- If running a steam boiler, instead of attaching engines directly to the boiler then moving their outputted power via tesseracts, use a liquid tesseract to move the steam, and supply the engines with steam on location
- Using 2 IDSUs: One at your power station for charging, then another where your machinary is located
Power converters are your friend aswell. Instead of generating Steam, and then using an engine/turbine to create EU, and then another engine for MJ and then having to have another, and completely isoloated, power supply for Foresty Power, they allow for you to have one large station for power generation and convert, 'almost' losslessly, between the energy types(steam, MJ, EU, Steam, Forestry, etc)
Its configurable. From the TE wiki: "Energy Tesseracts also have a 25% energy loss if power is transferred through them to balance them. (This is configurable)"Tesseract no longer gave loss iirc