Just a post for you guys to show off where the core of your operations go down, the real heart of everybody's world polluting headquarters of Minecraftia. To begin, I'll introduce my Boiler room. In complete disregard for that first sentence, it's run by two tree farms supplying fermenters with Saplings to produce Biomass, and then stilled in to Biofuel, which is then burned by my hulking 3x3x5 Liquid Fueled, High Pressure Steam Boiler, producing all of my base's power. I compacted my design as much as I could while still allowing for walk-around room and space behind the machines for inevitable maintenance and expansion.
EDIT: I realize this isn't a very descriptive shot, I just wanted to show the messy load of main pipe lines that keeps my base operational. If anyone would like to see any additional angles I'd be happy to oblige.
EDIT: I realize this isn't a very descriptive shot, I just wanted to show the messy load of main pipe lines that keeps my base operational. If anyone would like to see any additional angles I'd be happy to oblige.