What does YOUR Power Room look like?

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New power room(s).

Step #1: Build next to a crag so you have an excuse for a waterfall. Bonus points for using it to block ~half the meteorites that might otherwise have hit your base.


Step #2: Build a canola farm. Accelerate it with sprinklers and lilypads of fertility. End up with DSU holding 500,000 canola seeds and counting.


Step #3: Grind those canola seeds into lubrication oil.


Step #4: Use every bit of iron you can get your hands on to make HSLA steel, and then turn that steel into Hydrokinetic Engines. 40 of them, in this case.


Step #5: Slap a Rotational Dynamo on there and turn your 20.972 MW/t into 3726 RF/t.


Not a lot of power but once setup is zero maintenance and "just works". I used these hydros to drive a set of extractors fed by a quarry+ in the Nether. After a week of that I figured I have more ingots than I'll ever use so I decided to switch them over to powering everything else in the base which really isn't much, some TE processing, an AE system, and a bit of MFR to help out with ethanol crystal production.
I know its not the topic, but how many dynamos could a ender-thermic pump supply at same time without running out of lava every 2-3hrs (server always online 24/7)

Too many variables to really answer that. What area does an ender thermic pump cover? What portion of the area in which you placed your pump is lava? Will the engines be at 100% capacity the entire time? Etc.

I ran 13 dynamos for over a week without having to move the pump. 3-5 of those dynamos weren't at full capacity.
I don't have one. :(

Also, what are you doing with that much power?

All I have is this.

And also this.

And these very very simple things.
We had like 4 quarries running, by the end of the server life we had so much resources that we were using diamonds to make the roads...
Not a lot of power but once setup is zero maintenance and "just works".
@twisto51 : I read somewhere that the hydrokinetic engines require constant lubricant oil. I see you made a crazy amount of it, but did you automate its harvesting and feed into the hydrokinetics? Otherwise, theoretically, there's maintenance there (eventually)

I'm just getting started on rotarycraft so I don't even know if automated lubrication is possible. And I won't use water-power until I can justify it with a (non-bucketed) high waterfall point.
@twisto51 : I read somewhere that the hydrokinetic engines require constant lubricant oil. I see you made a crazy amount of it, but did you automate its harvesting and feed into the hydrokinetics? Otherwise, theoretically, there's maintenance there (eventually)

I'm just getting started on rotarycraft so I don't even know if automated lubrication is possible. And I won't use water-power until I can justify it with a (non-bucketed) high waterfall point.

It's absolutley able to be automated. Rotartycraft fans are able to harvest and replant.
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We had like 4 quarries running, by the end of the server life we had so much resources that we were using diamonds to make the roads...

Why didn't you built seperate systems? I mean quarries will eventually hit bedrock. After that this system will be useless. Am I wrong? For me, I use combustion engines to power quarries and I re-create same system wherever I go.
We used Tesseracs for that, we had like 10 "power bays" on our main base basement each connected to its own tesserac and we had a digger world for the quarries, poor place was so full of holes by the time the 1.6 packs came and we restarted the server. Tho i don't think making so many tesseracs would be that easy now, since TE 3 ones are so much more harder to make.
We used Tesseracs for that, we had like 10 "power bays" on our main base basement each connected to its own tesserac and we had a digger world for the quarries, poor place was so full of holes by the time the 1.6 packs came and we restarted the server. Tho i don't think making so many tesseracs would be that easy now, since TE 3 ones are so much more harder to make.

Maybe a little bit harder to make, but they are so much powerful now, you don't loose any power at all with them, and the benefit is the same tesseract can be used for everything, power, fluid and items can go through the same pair of tesseracts which is awesome...
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Maybe a little bit harder to make, but they are so much powerful now, you don't loose any power at all with them, and the benefit is the same tesseract can be used for everything, power, fluid and items can go through the same pair of tesseracts which is awesome...
What Dodge34 said, it has made a lot of my previous setups a lot more compact now. The only limiting factor in my own opinion is the shiny dust. The rest of the materials are pretty obtainable.
What Dodge34 said, it has made a lot of my previous setups a lot more compact now. The only limiting factor in my own opinion is the shiny dust. The rest of the materials are pretty obtainable.

If you spend a lot of time mining down there, you can find ferrous metal quite easy, I find most of mine at around level 10-12, but I love to explore caves for 2-3hrs and do some mining trips, after all the game is called Minecraft and the base part of it is mining... Also ferrous metal can be found while pulverizing iron, after awhile, you get a lot of it... I would say the most expensive ressource is tne ender pearls, but if you explored a lot and did a lilly seed farm on end stone like I have around 144 lilly seeds growing nicely (you can craft end stone if needed, there's recipes for that and its worth the ender pearls needed to craft them)
@twisto51 : I read somewhere that the hydrokinetic engines require constant lubricant oil. I see you made a crazy amount of it, but did you automate its harvesting and feed into the hydrokinetics? Otherwise, theoretically, there's maintenance there (eventually)

It is 100% automated. I really wish Reika would update the entry for Fans in the handbook to reflect that they replant what they harvest. A lot of people get stuck there trying to figure out how to replant crops by other methods. The only "gotcha" in a build like this are the steam engines. I've found that rotarycraft pumps will suck a pool dry if your server has lag spikes. The larger the pool the less likely it is to happen. On the other hand, if you use an aqueous accumulator or liquid transfer node you don't have to worry about it. I just like the look of rotarycraft stuff so I want to use its pump.

That 500k canola is all excess generated while the kinetics were running. I was down to ~3k just using sprinklers. Decided to add the lilypads instead of making the farm bigger, now I have quite a bit of excess production. Time to build more hydrokinetics and possibly more grinders. :)

I'm working on ideas for end-to-end jet fuel production at the moment so I can rebuild my extractor line in a much smaller space and be able to turn it on/off much easier than with hydrokinetics.

As far as people talking about shiny metal for tesseracts, if you're on Monster you can mine the Nether with quarry+ then process the nether platinum ore with Rotarycraft and have barrels of shiny dust laying around.
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Okay so here goes.
Here is my production of RF(and MJ when its needed). It produces roughly 4500 RF/t when all four are on (usually on two or three is on)
This is my power setup dedicated to my Mass Fabricator(the dynamos are there because of my house mate being a derp. >.>)
This will be where my Reactor craft reactor will reside, once I figure out how to make one. (Couldn't find any youtube tutorials that didn't bore me to death)
And this is my production of Methane using a Forestry magic farm for a soon to be gas turbine set up. Powering the industrial centrifuge is a MFE attached to a Gregtech Magic energy Absorber and Converter.
And this is my production of Rotary Craft power. Two jet turbines.