What does YOUR Power Room look like?

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Logistics Pipe would be awsome.

And here is my setup
Boiler runnung on Biomass
View attachment 1981
Getting all the reeds. I am not sure what to use next with the new Forestry farm system.
View attachment 1980

And this time I dont want solars all over the place. So here is the nuclear revolution ^^
View attachment 1982
One retriver is pulling out near depleted uranium and another one is sending in new Quad cells
View attachment 1983

Can you post a pic of how you're getting redstone signal to all those engines on the ceiling
Ok here are more pics and and a more detailed explanation.

This is the part of the factory that produces Biomass. The fermenter on the right produces biomass from excess saplings from the tree farm. The 2 machine on the left are squeezers producing apple juice from apples that I collect with a forestry multiblock farm set up as an orchard. Apple juice gives a 1.5x bonus on biomass per sapling so it is worth using over water. The water pipe is an emergency is apple juice runs out. The whole thing is fed using logistics pipes connected to my unified logistics system.


Opposite the biomass production is the Biofuel production. Biomass is converted to Biofuel in the 5 Stills. The liquid fueled boilers require Biofuel instead of Biomass. This biofuel is then stored in the iron tank.



Under the floor is a mess of pipes, liquiducts and energy conduits feeding the machines. This isnt neat as nobody will see it and none of it ever needs maintenance.



This is the steves carts tree farm that provides saplings for biomass production. You might be able to tell from the shape that it used to be an old forestry arboretum.


This is the new multifarm producing apples. It also is producing rubber atm as I had a sudden shortage last night.


Here is a close up of the steam engine arrays. Nothing fancy, redstone underneath, steam on top, and energy conduit down the middle.


Here is the guts of the turtle charging station. The gates emit redstone when the adjacent energy cell is full, and the turtle acts on the colour of the redstone to know which to collect. The redstone signal also has the side effect of turning on the adjacent panel indicating it's full.



The smoke from the chimneys is indeed smoking blocks from Twilight Forest. These are hugely common in fire swamp biomes.


A couple of full base shots to finish up.



Amazing, dude! Do you have a link to the most recent version of logistics pipes? And have you noticed any bugs so far?
Masterventis I bow to your building design. I am in awe just looking at the pics. Awesome job!
Amazing, dude! Do you have a link to the most recent version of logistics pipes? And have you noticed any bugs so far?

Thanks guys!

The logistics pipes im using is build 81 from here. Not had any problems with it really, apart from the crafting pipes when using un stackable ingredients like bucckets or weapons. I might try the latest build later to see if anything has changed.
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This is my IC2 power room. It's not very fancy, but very functional and fully automatic. There is not a timer to boot.


My IC2 power room. I currently only have 1 of each machine, but made room to add additional machines later as needed.


The compressor and automatic canning machine. The compressor takes sugar cane or plant balls and makes compressed plant balls. There is room for 2 more compressors. GT has added the canning machine as a requirement to make IC2 biocells. They can no longer be made in a crafting table. An additional canning machine can be squeezed in to the left. The orange tube recycles the empty cells from the diesel generator, and places them in the canning machine to be refilled.


The diesel generator. I have a sorting machine pulling biofuel cells out of the extractor in a round-robin fashion sending to each color. This will load balance the cells to multiple diesel generators. when I add additional extractors, I may need to do some fancy filter load balancing. I can also tie into this tube later and run some generators off of forestry biofuel or buildcraft fuel.


Behind the compressors. The red line is for plant balls or sugar cane. The yellow is for compressed plant balls, and the blue is for bio cells.


Corner view. The tubes on the right are the output from the extractor and feed the diesel generators. The bat box in the foreground feeds the two IC2 luminators in the ceiling. The one to the left of that feeds the extractors and the luminator batbox. And furthest away is a LV transformer. I was worried about not having enough power to feed 3 compressors, 2 canning machines and 3 extractors all off of a low voltage line, so I am feeding 128eu into the LV transformer instead. One side of the LV transformer feeds the compressors and the opposite side feeds the canning machines and extractors.


View behind the diesel generators. The orange line is the output for empty cells, and they are recycled back to the canning machine.
The power core of my base started out as a thought experiment in figuring out exactly how many MJ I could squeeze out of as small of a space as possible. A liquid tesseract in the middle of the core provides lava to 40 Magmatic Engines feeding eight redstone energy cells and two energy tesseracts. Each bank of engines is controlled by a gate on a redstone energy cell, allowing the core to adjust it's output in increments of 40 MJ depending on the load. The whole assembly fits in 5x5 footprint, and it's easily scaled up or down by simply adding or removing a layer of magmatic engines. There are also two wrathlamps, because why not?

Bastion Power Core (800x422).jpg

Since then I've refined my design a bit, and I've found a way to fit 36 engines and the liquiducts, conduits, and control logic to support them in two thirds as much space. Here I show it being powered by a pair of boilers, but there's no reason you couldn't do the same setup with magmatics or biomass.

Twin Boiler Power Core Side.png Twin Boiler Power Core Top.png
Running 4 HP Boilers at the moment. Two solid fuel ones that run on charcoal, two liquid fuel ones burning biofuel.

The two coal boilers.

The two biofuel boilers.

The biomass/biofuel production lines built underneath two maximum-sized railcraft tanks full of biomass and biofuel for giggles.

The only non-infintely-automated portion of this is the dirt for the biomass compost, but there's enough automatically stored to last for over a month anytime a quarry gets run.

Ironicly I'm playing on the Magic World pack.
The power core of my base started out as a thought experiment in figuring out exactly how many MJ I could squeeze out of as small of a space as possible. A liquid tesseract in the middle of the core provides lava to 40 Magmatic Engines feeding eight redstone energy cells and two energy tesseracts. Each bank of engines is controlled by a gate on a redstone energy cell, allowing the core to adjust it's output in increments of 40 MJ depending on the load. The whole assembly fits in 5x5 footprint, and it's easily scaled up or down by simply adding or removing a layer of magmatic engines. There are also two wrathlamps, because why not?

View attachment 2651

Since then I've refined my design a bit, and I've found a way to fit 36 engines and the liquiducts, conduits, and control logic to support them in two thirds as much space. Here I show it being powered by a pair of boilers, but there's no reason you couldn't do the same setup with magmatics or biomass.

View attachment 2652 View attachment 2653

You can harvest those twilight tower blocks now?
CodaPDX I really like your designs there. Brilliant use of space. Personally the aesthetics are spot on in my book as well.

Also, I am loving this thread. Checking it on a daily basis for inspiration and because I enjoy gazing in awe at these builds that I haven't the time nor the ingenuity to create myself. Keep em coming guys and gals. :D
Just thought i'd share my power room with you all.

IC2 Power generation:

Over advanced 100 solar panels with 5 ulti hybrids and 7 hybrid panels. My stack of spawners that i've collected over the days on the left there too :P


128 GT Thermal generators, makes just over 3K eu, haven't got round to moving my pumps in the nether XD

BuildCraft MJ Production:

4 36 tank HP boilers running on biofuel, supplied from behind, along with 3 aqueous accumulators for the water.

Boilers run on 3 fermenters and 15 stills, as you can see this is slightly over the top but allows for me to add more boilers if the need arises. Runs on cactus and compost, compost is generated on the right on the wall using wheat, the filter on the bottom pulls out 8 wheat form the chest and crafts a plantball (could use excess seeds from the wheat farm but i turn mine into seed oil), which then gets macerated into dirt by a pulverizer. Filter on the right pulls out 4 wheat to add to the dirt which makes the compost. This goes into and ender chest then into a barrel for storage just to the right of the jacketed cable. The timer on the fermenters is set to 30 seconds and the timer on the compost it set to 90 seconds, which still manages to make about 30 stacks of extra compost a day.
Biofuel is pumped into a 2K bucket Railcraft iron tank which is then sent through a tesseract to the boilers.


Wheat farm, 5 farms stacked serviced by the one combine.

Cactus farm, 44x44 which is tended to by 4 harvesters. There is another one of these above the roof.

But yeah, so that's my power generation, hope you like it :)
I really want to post my setup, but I am currently on my phone. I am going to try and post some pics of my energy room as soon as I get home.
My plant runs on railcraft boilers fed from a sugar cane plantation being turned into biofuel. Really pleased with it so far.

Good to see someone using RC decrotive blocks in their power room. Gives some good effects. Especially the lamp holders and stairs.
Just thought i'd share my power room with you all.

IC2 Power generation:

Over advanced 100 solar panels with 5 ulti hybrids and 7 hybrid panels. My stack of spawners that i've collected over the days on the left there too :p


128 GT Thermal generators, makes just over 3K eu, haven't got round to moving my pumps in the nether XD

BuildCraft MJ Production:

4 36 tank HP boilers running on biofuel, supplied from behind, along with 3 aqueous accumulators for the water.

Boilers run on 3 fermenters and 15 stills, as you can see this is slightly over the top but allows for me to add more boilers if the need arises. Runs on cactus and compost, compost is generated on the right on the wall using wheat, the filter on the bottom pulls out 8 wheat form the chest and crafts a plantball (could use excess seeds from the wheat farm but i turn mine into seed oil), which then gets macerated into dirt by a pulverizer. Filter on the right pulls out 4 wheat to add to the dirt which makes the compost. This goes into and ender chest then into a barrel for storage just to the right of the jacketed cable. The timer on the fermenters is set to 30 seconds and the timer on the compost it set to 90 seconds, which still manages to make about 30 stacks of extra compost a day.
Biofuel is pumped into a 2K bucket Railcraft iron tank which is then sent through a tesseract to the boilers.


Wheat farm, 5 farms stacked serviced by the one combine.

Cactus farm, 44x44 which is tended to by 4 harvesters. There is another one of these above the roof.

But yeah, so that's my power generation, hope you like it :)

Ultimate Hyrbirds with gregtech? Is that possible? :P
24 Magma motors powering 12 crucibles with an automated netherrack feed, bolted on to a 6272 bucket lava tank. This in turn powers the 4 banks of 5 Magma motors feeding several redstone cells to provide MJ. Also have a few geothermals powered by lava to supplement my solar power for Eu generation when required.

Its outside as most of my base is underground, so its out of the way!


Here's the outside... inside is still a work-in-progress. Big thanks to my friend YourLottery for doing most of the decorating work!

Love GT and Nuclear :P That looks AWESOME
My new power building in ultimate is functional though the aesthetics still need a lot of work.

This is the shot from the outside. That is 6 rows of 14 industrial steam engines on the right, and on the left is a power-converters hub that outputs 1024 EU/t (4 steam consumers, 2 HV outputs on a bridge). The EU generation will eventually be done up to look like a giant turbine. Obviously it is pretty far from that now. In the back you can see the single MFR redwood farm that powers the whole thing. Also not visible since it does not look very good yet is that the bottom section is actually cobble, and I will be decorating that to look like a boiler base.

Shot down the inside from the top (access is a hole down the middle). You can see a few of the boilers (there are 10 in all atm) as well as some of the piping. All boilers output to the same network of liquiducts. The bottom tier has 2 boilers and all the control stuffs, while the other two tiers have 4 boilers each.


Finally the control center. 5 accumulators provide water. 3 sawmills try to keep up with the redwood farm (they cant). One MFR bioreactor running only on redwood saplings produces all the biofuel. Enough biofuel is produced to to cold start two boilers at a time (which is good, since I did not build in any buffering). The three deep storage units at the top hold leftover planks, logs, and saplings (deep storage units hold up to 2 billion of an item). The only items actually in the ME chest are a few tools and other things that I like to keep on site. You can see the edge of a powerconverter down here, it makes the MJ for this small AE network, the redwood farm, and the lumber mills.

All farms output to the same ender chest, so the lumber mills just feed back into it, saving me an importer and making it easy to pick up the sawdust at the main base where I turn it into charcoal for steel production.


I plan to add two more floors of boilers once I get my base moved, bringing the total boilers up to 18. I have not done the maths, but at the rate I am accumulating resources in the storage I doubt I will need to add any infrastructure to support it other than the stuff to consume the steam.
I wish we had logistics pipes so my friend would make his bada*s sorting system he made in previous versions of BC. Or is that from IC? I dunno, he's just always complaining about not having them, and we really need one because
This page might help you: http://forum.feed-the-beast.com/thr...meness-redux-ultimate-edition-148-mods.14488/
Full working configs with the link to the pages/topics with the latest working version of alot mods. Including your friend's beloved logistic pipes.
Just use the full config pack given at the bottom of the spoiler (this pack includes all the configs of the listed mods+FTB: Ultimate mods so there is not more ID problems) there and plug-in any of the mods you want from the list. Having not-used config files in the folder isn't a problem.
Should solve your problem, and you might even find new mods to play with.

Here is my power room, I tried to make an interesting building to put it in.

(Lots of pics)

Ok here are more pics and and a more detailed explanation.

This is the part of the factory that produces Biomass. The fermenter on the right produces biomass from excess saplings from the tree farm. The 2 machine on the left are squeezers producing apple juice from apples that I collect with a forestry multiblock farm set up as an orchard. Apple juice gives a 1.5x bonus on biomass per sapling so it is worth using over water. The water pipe is an emergency is apple juice runs out. The whole thing is fed using logistics pipes connected to my unified logistics system.


Opposite the biomass production is the Biofuel production. Biomass is converted to Biofuel in the 5 Stills. The liquid fueled boilers require Biofuel instead of Biomass. This biofuel is then stored in the iron tank.



Under the floor is a mess of pipes, liquiducts and energy conduits feeding the machines. This isnt neat as nobody will see it and none of it ever needs maintenance.



This is the steves carts tree farm that provides saplings for biomass production. You might be able to tell from the shape that it used to be an old forestry arboretum.


This is the new multifarm producing apples. It also is producing rubber atm as I had a sudden shortage last night.


Here is a close up of the steam engine arrays. Nothing fancy, redstone underneath, steam on top, and energy conduit down the middle.


Here is the guts of the turtle charging station. The gates emit redstone when the adjacent energy cell is full, and the turtle acts on the colour of the redstone to know which to collect. The redstone signal also has the side effect of turning on the adjacent panel indicating it's full.



The smoke from the chimneys is indeed smoking blocks from Twilight Forest. These are hugely common in fire swamp biomes.


A couple of full base shots to finish up.


Gimme a moment to pick up my jaw from the floor before posting more pics, ok?