What does YOUR Power Room look like?

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I have a small but usefull power room, its sefl sustaining, its slow but it works.

basicly, its a chest of netherrack feeding magma cruicbles that feed magmatic engines that fill the tank with lava and refuel redstone energy cells :)
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How well does that work, given that maximum power usage for the crucibles is 20 MJ/t, while the engines produce 4 MJ/t? They can't be operating at peak efficiency, right?
well i forgot to mention as they power the energy cells the energy cells inturn power the crucibles :) so it is rather efficent, it just can be slow till it jump starts
this is my power room whit fussion reactors these 6 fussion reactors give electrisety for the whole server:)
this is my power room whit fussion reactors these 6 fussion reactors give electrisety for the whole server:)
Very strange setup. Sooo many superconductor cables...
What do you use those LESU blocks for?

My old power room:

My new power room and fuel production:

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6 fusion reactors? I'm guessing that wasn't legit. We all have a hard enough time getting ONE.

Yeah he cheated them in.

no it was legit i get a lot of resources from a unstable dense ores age[DOUBLEPOST=1359891277][/DOUBLEPOST]
Very strange setup. Sooo many superconductor cables...
What do you use those LESU blocks for?

My old power room:

My new power room and fuel production:

i use 1fussion reacktor to pruduse energy whit that energy i start the other reacktors
Most people probably wouldn't consider Dense Ores to be 'legit'...

Also, the cool thing about fusion reactors is that, once you get one going, it's actually pretty easy to make more, thanks to the reactor's iridium reaction.
24 Magma motors powering 12 crucibles with an automated netherrack feed, bolted on to a 6272 bucket lava tank. This in turn powers the 4 banks of 5 Magma motors feeding several redstone cells to provide MJ. Also have a few geothermals powered by lava to supplement my solar power for Eu generation when required.

Its outside as most of my base is underground, so its out of the way!


The boiler is supplied with coal coke via clay golem, and what is seen here is only really stage 2 of my power gen, still deciding what path to take for future additions, should the need arise.

Wow, my power generation feels absolutely pitiful compared to some of the power rooms I've seen here. I've just got eight biogas engines running off biomass, from three fermenters getting saplings from a Steve's Carts tree farm. So that's 40 MJ/t, which has been more than enough so far to power not only my ore processing (four pulverizers and four furnaces) but also a smattering of other TE machines, a rolling machine, some forestry machines and even its own biomass production. I even use it to refill energy cells for my quarry.

I actually really like using biogas engines run on biomass from a Steve's Carts tree farm. It's a great source of on-demand power generation that is nearly maintenance-free and has a VERY short warm-up period.
I agree Ember that biogas setup is pretty sweet... my only concern atm is what the hell am I gonna do with all this wood lol. 250 stacks so far. I'm already producing enough biogas to probably run 2 liquid boilers... now I wonder if I should make a solid boiler just to have something to use the wood for!
Do you produce at least 11 logs per 62.5 seconds? Then you can run a solid 36HP boiler without problems, if you turn the logs to planks via a TE sawmill.
Do you produce at least 11 logs per 62.5 seconds? Then you can run a solid 36HP boiler without problems, if you turn the logs to planks via a TE sawmill.

I'm fairly sure I produce at least that, but I'm more concerned about potential wasted energy. At the moment I don't have anything that might need that kind of power. Perhaps I should start working on the more advanced bee breeding machines. Should be able to soak that up fairly well.
Well since my first post i have modified my design quite a lot, it worked great at the begining but as the need for power increased my friend and i changed the design, We now run 28 Magmatic engines powerd off a tank of lava that is generated by our magma crucibles, How ever, our engines power One redstone energy cell wich outputs to the magma crucibles so basicly the magma crucibles power our engines that power our rsec and recycles over and over, it also buffers down into several machines through 2 rsec's


We also had need for more power so i created a nuclear power setup wich runs rather smooth produces any where from 100eu/t to 200eu/t


the inside of the reactor area looks like this.


The heat gets up there but thats what the plating is for, its setup to auto shut off at 32,500 right now all that this powers is one quarry 4 mfsus and stuff like the macirator induction furnace and such.
^ i actually changed a small portion of the reactor itself, the 2 oc'd heat vents have been removed and changed to 60k coolant cells