What does YOUR Power Room look like?

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Here's my various setups. There's an odd variety of stuff because I like to experiment and try out everything.

Starting out: fuel tank, biofuel tanks, and a whole heck of a lot of steam boilers, both solid fuel (from tree farms) and biofuel (from saplings, wheat, and so on). A total of 16 36HP boilers at the moment, but I keep running out of places to store the extra fuel and building more.


Facing the other direction, there's the building that houses the four nuclear reactors (the 4 in this world, anyway), as well as our lava tank and the generators for that:


Here is a shot of the wheat farms and tree farms, which also has my seed oil tank and apple juice tank in the picture:


Inside the building to the left side of the previous picture are my biofuel fermenters and stills. The bottom two floors are two peat farms and a tree farm, with engine rooms and more peat farms above.


Two of the engine room floors are combustion engines, both following this same design, 8 combustion engines per floor, made of basalt and hardened glass just in case of explosions, though that hasn't happened since I figured that BC pumps are terrible compared to aqueous accumulators.


The next floor up from the combustion engines contains peat-fire engines, which are mostly there to produce ash for making bituminous peat and fertilizer for all the farms. They're fed by routers that put peat in and suck the ash out with no interaction on my part:


Next up is what I call the Infernal Milking Apparatus. Turtles using buckets on cows which feed into liquid transposers and keep the tanks full despite having 30 engines running off it. The lava comes from the tank in a previous picture, which is pumped out of the nether. Hence the Infernal in Infernal Milking Apparatus. I know it's ridiculous. Why? Because I CAN!

Next up is the coal coke production, which is more than enough to power another 12HP boiler on just the creosote, not to mention the coke output:


Then, of course, there has to be wind power, both IC2 and RedPower:



(with an added shot of my giant tank full of short mead. Why? Because I CAN. Plus the Enderman grinder)

And lastly is the other 4 nuclear reactors, which are constantly supplied with fresh fuel cells by routers for a constant supply of 960eu/t. It's rather compact because the entire thing is built inside of the trunk of a giant tree, with reinforced stone to keep it safe if there happens to be an error.

The last 4 reactors are purely to provide the force field around the server's central mystcraft book hub for transport between people's bases and various dimensions, which is all built inside of the previously mentioned tree:

sorry fixed :)

Your reply gave me a pretty good laugh. I'm glad you enjoyed the ridiculous overbuilt base.

I'm honestly trying to figure out what to even do with the power now that I have that much. The Redpower windmills were built almost purely for decorative reasons, the Infernal Milking Apparatus was built just because I thought it would be funny (that, and next to the honey tanks I can claim to live in the land of milk and honey), and the lava usage is pretty much entirely because I want to see how much of the nether near our portal I can completely drain, more than for the power it produces.
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Your reply gave me a pretty good laugh. I'm glad you enjoyed the ridiculous overbuilt base.

I'm honestly trying to figure out what to even do with the power now that I have that much. The Redpower windmills were built almost purely for decorative reasons, the Infernal Milking Apparatus was built just because I thought it would be funny (that, and next to the honey tanks I can claim to live in the land of milk and honey), and the lava usage is pretty much entirely because I want to see how much of the nether near our portal I can completely drain, more than for the power it produces.
glad to know I can make people happy :)
some people hate me on these forums because I like GT.
Oh well what are ya gonna do? :/
I'm following because you were so kind :)
Dat tree :p
Btw, that the shield from what mod you use here? can't recognize the texture (nor the size kinda...)

That's a shield from Modular Force Fields with the field blocks disguised as glass through one of the modules, and upgraded to be bigger. The texture pack is John Smith: Technician's Remix.
some people hate me on these forums because I like GT.
Peoples are weird.
Gotta watch my back, might end up being hated for liking sushi someday... seriously who would hate for someone having other preferences, especially in such "trivial" matters as game mods... Will never understand that.

That's a shield from Modular Force Fields with the field blocks disguised as glass through one of the modules, and upgraded to be bigger. The texture pack is John Smith: Technician's Remix.
K. thanks.
I was thinking about setting up a server someday, but all the hosts i found don't support FTB:Ultimate... where is you server hosted at if i might ask?
People are weird.

Gotta watch my back, might end up being hated for liking sushi someday....
How can anyone like sushi??

My current power room consists of two very basic engines and is actually meant to be my storage room. I've got a lot way to go before I have anything worth showing here. And even then, I expect to keep it "reasonable".
People are weird.

Gotta watch my back, might end up being hated for liking sushi someday....

Those poor fishies! At least have the decency to burn their carcasses before you turn your stomach into a graveyard with them!

Joking aside, I don't get why someone would hate a person for liking GT either, honestly. I haven't really used it, but it seems odd to hate someone over a mod.
I was starting to have more biofuel than I could store again, and I had another person on the server ask me what one of the nearly empty rooms in one of my towers was for (just routers to feed peat into peat-fired engines and remove ash, and 5 blocks seems like a waste for a full room) so I made a new engine room:


The ceiling was too low for 36HP boilers, unfortunately; the routers I mentioned are set into the area that's raised up. But four 27HPs will suffice, powering 54 industrial steam engines. I already couldn't use all my power--I'm already running 12 quarries at full speed with power to spare--so I'm not sure what to do with that extra 432mj/tick... but I enjoy building engine rooms, so what the heck!
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How many blocks are HP boils? I'm gonna start running mine soon.

Also apoc, love the Johnsmiths and the node!
How many blocks are HP boils? I'm gonna start running mine soon.

They can be 1x1, 2x2, or 3x3, and up to 4(?) blocks high including the Fireboxes. The larger the Boiler, the more fuel it takes to maintain it, but the more steam it produces. Both of these go by the total volume of the Boiler, minus the Fireboxes.
They can be 1x1, 2x2, or 3x3, and up to 4(?) blocks high including the Fireboxes. The larger the Boiler, the more fuel it takes to maintain it, but the more steam it produces. Both of these go by the total volume of the Boiler, minus the Fireboxes.

Correct, on the size of the fireboxes. HP and LP boiler sizes are the same, with HP getting twice as hot and generating twice as much steam in the same size. The 1x1 can only be 1 block tall, for a total of 1 boiler block and 1 firebox. The 2x2 firebox can have a boiler that's either 2 blocks tall or 3 blocks tall, for 8 or 12 boiler blocks. The 3x3 can be either 2, 3, or 4 blocks tall for 18, 27, or 36.

So no 1x1x4 fireboxes, and no 3x3x1, but there are a lot of possibilities.
Just thought i'd share my power room with you all.

Wheat farm, 5 farms stacked serviced by the one combine.

But yeah, so that's my power generation, hope you like it :)


Seems like an awesome setup, just wanted to know how this multi level farm is set up?
Also thinking of making something like this.


Seems like an awesome setup, just wanted to know how this multi level farm is set up?
Also thinking of making something like this.


Hey, it just uses the forestry wheat farms. they are stacked on top of each other with a space between the farms, and the one harvester can harvest all the crops from next to the bottom one. the way to set it up is to let each one build before you start the next layer up otherwise the lower one will take out the higher one.

so as you can see, that farms are stacked with a space between, the relay (wooden/cobblestone looking thing) is the output for the harvester. Seeds will be ejected into the tubes and will fill the farms with seeds, and once theyre full they'll go through the restriction tube (acts as if it is really long so its a last port of call) and into the ender chest. the filter just above the relay has a piece of wheat in it so that it grabs any wheat that comes out the top of the relay.
Hey, it just uses the forestry wheat farms. they are stacked on top of each other with a space between the farms, and the one harvester can harvest all the crops from next to the bottom one. the way to set it up is to let each one build before you start the next layer up otherwise the lower one will take out the higher one.

so as you can see, that farms are stacked with a space between, the relay (wooden/cobblestone looking thing) is the output for the harvester. Seeds will be ejected into the tubes and will fill the farms with seeds, and once theyre full they'll go through the restriction tube (acts as if it is really long so its a last port of call) and into the ender chest. the filter just above the relay has a piece of wheat in it so that it grabs any wheat that comes out the top of the relay.
Oh cool thanx!! By the harvester next to the bottom farm do you mean the combine? - sry still newb at FTB
Do you know if you can do the same type of setup with tree farms?