and then there are people like me who use the super (or windows) key + left click to drag windows around. use super and o to set a window to another screen. Use super+m to maximize a window or super+ shift + c to close itUm. That's 8.
The more I use 8.1, the more I conclude that it's more intuitive than my beloved 7.
Basically it has the same search functionality as 7, the same number of keystrokes to get into what passes for the commandline in windows (lol) and most of the commonly used bits of control panel are helpfully listed in the right click menu of the start button.
8 was an abysmal shitshow, but 8.1 is actually not bad.
Server 2012 is cancer though, i'll gladly concede that

(also, super+r + type the name of a program to run it or super+s if I want to do the same but this time with a "fancy" menu