Those little things that irk you about Minecraft

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Potions, specifically speed and weakness. Weakness drops the attack of affected things by a whopping one forth of a heart. Speed is dumb. With anything similar to the Thaumcraft's Boots of the Traveler or Botania's Sojourner's Sash, adding on a speed potion doesn't seem to make an actual difference in movement speed. Vanilla Potions are, well, Vanilla.
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Potions, specifically speed and weakness. Weakness drops the attack of affected things by a whopping one forth of a heart. Speed is dumb. With anything similar to the Thaumcraft's Boots of the Traveler or Botania's Sojourner's Sash, adding on a speed potion doesn't seem to make an actual difference in movement speed. Vanilla Potions are, well, Vanilla.
Welcome to FTB, permanent-buffs-that-used-to-be-temporary-potion-effects-simulator. ;)
Although, to be fair, the fact that potion effects are finite has always bugged me. Getting various permanent buffs from mod items is effectively exactly what I want, so I'm not complaining. :)
Potions, specifically speed and weakness. Weakness drops the attack of affected things by a whopping one forth of a heart. Speed is dumb. With anything similar to the Thaumcraft's Boots of the Traveler or Botania's Sojourner's Sash, adding on a speed potion doesn't seem to make an actual difference in movement speed. Vanilla Potions are, well, Vanilla.
On that matter, jump boost without uphill step assist is annoying, you sometimes can't jump properly. Unfortunately beacons don't have this effect, only speed and jump boost. Most of the time you'll want to have all three together.
On that matter, jump boost without uphill step assist is annoying, you sometimes can't jump properly. Unfortunately beacons don't have this effect, only speed and jump boost. Most of the time you'll want to have all three together.
True, true. But my original argument that mods often add potion effects as equippable buffs still stands. :P
Perhaps the other thing mods do is allow you to automate various tasks, like mining, tree building, etc.
And a third function is just adding useful stuff or exploration.
The three classes of mods: Magic, Tech, and "Other."
Magic: Moar buffs!
Tech: Moar automation (and a couple buffs)!
Other: I like to split this one into subcategories - game utilities like NEI, WAILA, Minimaps; exploration mods like Twilight Forest, and just random useful things like Random Things or Extra Utilities.
I believe that philosophy was reflected in the icons for Ultimate and Resurrected. :)
Or when you're trying to attack a mob and you hit "Q" instead of "W" on the keyboard.

This one too. I did that once in a stronghold when I entered a room and was ambushed by a creeper. While holding my TiCo sword.
Somehow the sword wasn't destroyed in the explosion.

A couple other things to tack on to my list:
  • Vanilla: You had better guard your portals. Otherwise, the next time you use it, the first thing you hear might be "sssSSS". The first thing you see is then the Game Over screen.
  • IndustrialCraft 2: How the night vision blinds you when in the light. Sure, it does make a bit of sense (perhaps it overloads/saturates the sensors so that it makes it more difficult to see rather than easier), but once you reach the higher tier stuff (QuantumSuit) you expect the feature to be improved, like having the night vision adjust for light levels so that it doesn't blind you and thus you'd have the night vision effect regardless of light level - it would still be useless in a bright area but at least not hinder you.
  • Vanilla: Animals somehow escaping from your farms even when walled in. I have a farm in a Mystcraft age and it's pretty symmetrical (MFR, 3x3 of 5x5 areas, stone brick walls between each area, breeding animals in corners, babies on edges, grinder in centre) and for a while I had the issue where I'd go periodically and I'd always see a couple dozen sheep outside the farm. And it was ALWAYS THE SHEEP. Maybe 2-3 cows but other than that, just sheep. I ended up surrounding the farm with wooden spikes so that any escapees meet their maker (Notch?).
  • Applied Energistics 2: It's rather slow to pull items you're crafting out of the crafting terminal. You want 50 pistons? Either you shift click and get 64, wasting precious resources, or you shift click and hope you had exactly enough for 50, or spend half a minute pulling them out one by one, or pull out all the items you need and use a vanilla crafting table.
  • Vanilla: You go to the End and there's a decent chance of spawning off the island, where you'd better hope that you reach the island before the dragon reaches you. Not as bad in modded Minecraft where you can bring a linking book to retreat, or craft a jetpack.
  • GUIs in general. There are some pretty massive GUIs out there. Draconic chest is just one of them. You set the GUI scale small enough for it to fit on your screen and everything else is too small. I wish that GUIs would detect when they don't fit on your screen and scale accordingly.
  • And there's definitely others too.
Somehow the sword wasn't destroyed in the explosion.
The item entities for TiCo tools are pretty much invulnerable (I think that's a config). Try to throw one into lava and you'll see what I mean.

GUIs in general. There are some pretty massive GUIs out there. Draconic chest is just one of them. You set the GUI scale small enough for it to fit on your screen and everything else is too small. I wish that GUIs would detect when they don't fit on your screen and scale accordingly.
Yup. For that matter, GUIs that cover the whole screen area are nice too, Skye recently implemented that for Integrated Circuits.
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  • Vanilla: Animals somehow escaping from your farms even when walled in. I have a farm in a Mystcraft age and it's pretty symmetrical (MFR, 3x3 of 5x5 areas, stone brick walls between each area, breeding animals in corners, babies on edges, grinder in centre) and for a while I had the issue where I'd go periodically and I'd always see a couple dozen sheep outside the farm. And it was ALWAYS THE SHEEP. Maybe 2-3 cows but other than that, just sheep. I ended up surrounding the farm with wooden spikes so that any escapees meet their maker (Notch?).
This can be due to a mechanic(at least most often when using the MFR Chronotyper) that causes baby animals to go into psycho mode if they see nearby mature animals and try EVERYTHING to try and get to them. If you have multiple baby animals in the same pen they soon start to wall glitch each other. If one of the baby animals just happens to mature as it is wall glitched, it just so happens that the mature animal will spawn on the nearest available free block. Some times this happens to be outside the pen.

What you can do is to have the Chronotyper place the baby animal on a Conveyor and then take them a good distance away from any mature animals. This will keep them from wall glitching. Or have the babies drop down and keep them in a pen directly below the mature animals. This will ensure that the baby animals will zone in on the middle of the pen instead of the sides.
The item entities for TiCo tools are pretty much invulnerable (I think that's a config). Try to throw one into lava and you'll see what I mean.
Amazing troll: drop one into your friend's decorative lava moat. Wait. :D
On a related note: dead bodies from DrCyano's Lootable Dead Bodies mod are invincible to 99% of damage sources by default (the other 1% is players with shovels). TiCon smelteries are included in that 99%, and apparently the dead bodies - which are rendered as skeletons - still have blood in them. Stick one in a smeltery, and you have infinite blood, as well as a continuous smacking noise. :P
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My real irk, if I think about it, is simply this:

Maintaining an acceptable TPS and FPS in modded minecraft is so damned iffy. At some point, in any world, after a great start, one, or the other, will collapse. And no amount of fastcraft or Opis probing will really solve the issue.
Vanilla: You had better guard your portals. Otherwise, the next time you use it, the first thing you hear might be "sssSSS". The first thing you see is then the Game Over screen.

This is why, even in vanilla, I use a bit of redstone to add button control to my portal.

It's only on when I want to go through it, that way I don't get mobs traipsing in and out all the time.

Actually it was the zombie pigmen who come through from the other side and start trampling my crops that irked me the most.
Wait WHAT?

Piston monostable circuit set to push/pull a redstone block activating a different redstone track in each state.
State 1: Dispenser 1 containing a flint and steel
State 2: Two quick pulses 2-3 ticks apart activating a dispenser with a water bucket in it.

Push butan to activate portal, push butan again to use bucket to quench portal then collect water before it spills everywhere.

I didn't invent it, but I do make extensive use of it :)
I just love how much you can do with just vanilla minecarft that no one seems to know.
ender dragon xp farm anyone? :p
Control where dungeons are going to spawn and what the spawner is
fully automatic obsidian/cobble farm
a bit less automatic tree farm where you only need to plant the saplings
every chunk gets 3 places where a dungeon might spawn, more often then not they will not spawn there because it does not fufill a few rules. The generation of dungeons happens after the chunks are generated and only if the player is close enough. Using redstone blocks and pistons you can thus manipulate the terrain so that it does allow dungeons to spawn. If you do it right you can even control what the spawners are.

If you did it right you then only ahve to walk to it and tada you now have dungeons. The hard part is not screwing it up and getting to know where the world will try to spawn dungeons but there are probably tools for that.
It irks me when you think you've ripped out all of the mods in a pack that you don't want, and you miss an add-on or dependency. Its more annoying when the mods have no obvious tie in naming system so now you've gotta spend time researching. Sure you learn, but its annoying.

(I still can't figure out how to get RR3 to load without ComputerCraft grrrr)
every chunk gets 3 places where a dungeon might spawn, more often then not they will not spawn there because it does not fufill a few rules. The generation of dungeons happens after the chunks are generated and only if the player is close enough. Using redstone blocks and pistons you can thus manipulate the terrain so that it does allow dungeons to spawn. If you do it right you can even control what the spawners are.

If you did it right you then only ahve to walk to it and tada you now have dungeons. The hard part is not screwing it up and getting to know where the world will try to spawn dungeons but there are probably tools for that.

To build something with redstone and pistons you need to visit the chunk, and then visit it again later. So you are saying that dungeon generation code *always* runs, and can this retroactively place dungeons if you identify the potential spawn location and set it up to qualify on a revisit?

I need to see more info on this.
redstone blocks+pistons +cobble to change the chunk after it got generated before the dungeons where generated.