On that matter, jump boost without uphill step assist is annoying, you sometimes can't jump properly. Unfortunately beacons don't have this effect, only speed and jump boost. Most of the time you'll want to have all three together.
True, true. But my original argument that mods often add potion effects as equippable buffs still stands.

Perhaps the
other thing mods do is allow you to automate various tasks, like mining, tree building, etc.
And a third function is just adding useful stuff or exploration.
The three classes of mods: Magic, Tech, and "Other."
Magic: Moar buffs!
Tech: Moar automation (and a couple buffs)!
Other: I like to split this one into subcategories - game utilities like NEI, WAILA, Minimaps; exploration mods like Twilight Forest, and just random useful things like Random Things or Extra Utilities.
I believe that philosophy was reflected in the icons for Ultimate and Resurrected.