Those little things that irk you about Minecraft

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I have to add a special halloween one: the IC2 halloween easter egg.
Skeletons with nano suits...everywhere >.<.
If you dislike halloween gimmicks- Dinnerbone's joke with the witches spawning everywhere.
At least the IC2 one you could avoid by changing your system time. (used to work with the forestry easter eggs)​
Well I certainly hope its a gimmick and not a permanent addition to the game.
My biggest irk right now is Mobs that don't follow normal depawning rules. It is a pisser to run back 3000 blocks only to find the bugger that killed you still just hanging around waiting for you.
Yeah, it's kind of slow. Fortunately there are ways around it. GT's got the Industrial Blast Furnace and Calclavia's MFFS has 4 coal and 1 iron to make a steel dust, which smelts into two Steel Ingots. And later versions of Tinkers lets you smelt chain gear into steel.
RailCraft's blast furnace. Pretty much the only way to make steel in FTB, and it's slow as shit. I'm super-glad I stopped with FTB ages ago.

In newer versions it seems to me like it's faster, so this might be solved eventually.
Lol it works with the blast furnace? that's awesome!

don't know, but it'd be nice if it did since the Arcane Bellows should work on all kinds of furnaces and a Blast Furnace IS furnace.... though I doubt it'll actually work
People thinking that when they reach the point where they have epic armor, automated mining, an AE system and stuff like that, there's nothing else to do.

Also, those who don't use LP because, according to them, AE can do everything LP can, just better. Which isn't true (although the crafting and the storing functions are much better in AE).

Also, the 12 minutes the Coke Oven takes to make one bucket of creosote.
Having to press escape when using AE instead of my normal inventory key. Thank you AE update that makes that change and makes me rage less.
People who constantly beg for food/materials in SMP.

RailCraft's blast furnace. Pretty much the only way to make steel in FTB, and it's slow as shit..
I may love Railcraft to death, but man is that thing slow.

If you're batch-producing steel through it (like direwolf), then its very slow. [Its something I've never seen him automate]

Just build more furnaces, its cheap to setup and easy to automate with buildcraft's hoppers+pipes.
Its roughly a one-to-one ratio for the furnaces and coke ovens (production speed), and roughly 1 coal coke= 1 steel.​
Once you have 2 or 3 running constantly- you'll net a lot of steel.​
(Like enough for a few 36HP boilers+engines and some GT machines)​
Your most precious resource [this goes for any machine/mechanic] is time -- don't sit around watching it. Work on thaumcraft research/building your base/anything.

People who constantly beg for food/materials in SMP.

If you're batch-producing steel through it (like direwolf), then its very slow. [Its something I've never seen him automate]

Just build more furnaces, its cheap to setup and easy to automate with buildcraft's hoppers+pipes.
Its roughly a one-to-one ratio for the furnaces and coke ovens (production speed), and roughly 1 coal coke= 1 steel.​
Once you have 2 or 3 running constantly- you'll net a lot of steel.​
(Like enough for a few 36HP boilers+engines and some GT machines)​
Your most precious resource [this goes for any machine/mechanic] is time -- don't sit around watching it. Work on thaumcraft research/building your base/anything.

Yeah I just assume the setup for every 36hp + ind engine, I prep 2 blast furnaces. For tanks probably 1 or 2 in total.