Those little things that irk you about Minecraft

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When breeding such as sinister and fiendish hoping for demonic and getting pure sinister again after getting a sinister /demonic princess. Or just bee breeding in general sometimes.
^ Bee breeding can be pretty annoying sometimes, I agree - but rewarding once you achieve desired results!

My peeves is mostly just relying on things that are based on chance, especially early in the game - first thing I try to do is look for Certus Quartz for a grindstone. Usually takes four times as long to find your first piece of a specific ore, doesn't it? Bah.

Also I probably set up my IC2 configs wrong, and I think copper / tin is generating 4x as much as it should. I'm kind of attached to this world now too... :< Ugh, I hate it when things like this happen. I think I also forgot to make silver generate too AGH CUSTOM MODPACK ISSUES - I wonder if there's a way to RetroGen specific ores?

Another annoying thing is how DartCraft requires you to do EVERY ONE of a tier before moving onto the next. (as of 1.6.x, anyway) Because I'm totally going to use that Speed II Lumberjack Axe when I have my Bronze Lumber Axe (TiC) right here. (Although to be fair, the Force Axe is VERY good at clearing leaves - no durability cost for that, either!)
Also, I once had that Lumberjack Force Axe uproot my Golem's chest, spilling it's contents everywhere. That wasn't fun, either.

ComputerCraft's bizarre recipes also irk me sometimes, too - I mean, who builds a computer out of stone, anyway?!

And yeah, I share that same irk with mods using "clutter items", as I like to call them - metal nuggets, glass panes, wiring*.. their only real use is to be crafted for a specific recipe, and then sit in a chest forever just in case you need more later. Modular Powersuits and IndustrialCraft are the worst for this, although ThaumCraft doesn't fall too far behind, especially when researching in TC3, or making things that require Arcane Stone Blocks in TC4.
* specifically MPS wiring, in this context
Also I probably set up my IC2 configs wrong, and I think copper / tin is generating 4x as much as it should. I'm kind of attached to this world now too... :< Ugh, I hate it when things like this happen. I think I also forgot to make silver generate too AGH CUSTOM MODPACK ISSUES - I wonder if there's a way to RetroGen specific ores?

If you're using Unleashed, the World.cfg file, in the cofh folder in the config folder, looks like it can regen ores. And adjust how much of it there is as well.
This mainly pertains to IC2 and Gregtech
How when building a machine, when you make parts they are not made in a way where you have none left.
When building an Indus. Blast Furnace you will end up with 2 spare machine casings.
When making RE-Batteries, you will end up with <6 cables left, which are useless for anything besides making cables and a couple machines.

The lack of TiC nugget cast.

Mekanism Paxels are mathematically incorrect:
Obsidian Pickaxe: 2500ish durability
Obsidian Axe: 2500ish durability
Obsidian Shovel: 2500ish durability
Obsidian Paxel: 2500ish durability
Theoretically that would have 7500ish durability.

How a broken TiC shovel will mine dirt slower than a fist.

How most machines do not have sounds.

Carts from Railcraft that keep my systems running despawning.

Mods that require Java 7.

Having spare tools *cough cough* Tinkers Construct *cough cough* lying around in chests.
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Rapid fire skeletons when you're trying to get to them through ankle deep water. You're not going to kill me, so just bugger off with the arrow spam already.

Creepers that start to explode when they're 4-5 blocks away from you and don't abort the detonation even though you started running a split second after you first heard the hiss. (Creeper Collateral helps a great deal with offsetting the irritation).
Rapid fire skeletons when you're trying to get to them through ankle deep water. You're not going to kill me, so just bugger off with the arrow spam already.

Creepers that start to explode when they're 4-5 blocks away from you and don't abort the detonation even though you started running a split second after you first heard the hiss. (Creeper Collateral helps a great deal with offsetting the irritation).
Aye, creepers got a LOT more irritating ever since they merged sigle player and multiplayer. Used to be in SSP creepers would be fairly reliable. You could predict more or less exactly when they would explode and you could melee a creeper down fairly easily with a bit of practice. SMP was different, thanks to network lag creepers could explode whenever, or not explode when they should and it was nearly impossible to kill one in melee without getting exploded on because of this. And then Mojang merged SSP and SMP and now SSP creepers started being unreliable... and did that EVER irk me to no end. What used to be a well practiced maneuver was now reduced to blind luck thanks to network a single player game, what? Just WHAT?

They've since fixed their network code quite a bit, but the unpredictable lag has never quite gone all the way away. In a way, it makes creepers feel a bit more "organic", but I'm still a bit irked by it all.
Direwolf has the same problem, I remember seeing him remap flight in nearly every episode at one point :p.
When you set the key binding and it says taken or it turns red IT WILL RESET! Keys that are not bound to something won't reset! Try o , . /
WHY OH WHY is there no STONE stairs.... come on Mojang get it together!!!

you might like the carpenter's blocks mod ;)

When I have to use something WIP to progress, and I only have to use it that one time for that one thing *gregtech-cough-cough-cough*

Zan's minimap has problems with waypoints in other dimensions (as of the 1.4 version) which is a pain when I try to teleport "home" in the nether and get lost.

I wish zan's minimap had the option to re-arrange your waypoints in game, or even being able to put them into subdirectories for easier enabling/disabling them. I suggested this in the modtopic, and the mod developer said he liked the idea, but wasn't sure when he'd be able to add it
Also I probably set up my IC2 configs wrong, and I think copper / tin is generating 4x as much as it should. I'm kind of attached to this world now too... :< Ugh, I hate it when things like this happen. I think I also forgot to make silver generate too AGH CUSTOM MODPACK ISSUES - I wonder if there's a way to RetroGen specific ores?
We're kinda used to TE doing the ore gen so if you let IC2 default handling the ore gen you'll get lots and lots of copper.
As for silver most mods don't use it, if you use factorization it will generate it in huge veins but relatively rare.
When I have to use something WIP to progress, and I only have to use it that one time for that one thing *gregtech-cough-cough-cough*

Zan's minimap has problems with waypoints in other dimensions (as of the 1.4 version) which is a pain when I try to teleport "home" in the nether and get lost.

Mystcrafts /tpx command is your friend.
Railcraft's blast furnace has the opposite of the nugget problem. In order to produce enough blocks to build it, you use recipes that always leave you with two blocks extra.

It's a sign that you should build two. :)