Those little things that irk you about Minecraft

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Oh god, I have to add that one too >.<.
Seriously between their looks and the sound it looks like mojang was trying to make the most obnoxious characters possible :p.

in the beginning I actually suggested a mod on the MCF to change the villagers into squidwards with actual squidward appearances and sounds :P
Aye, creepers got a LOT more irritating ever since they merged sigle player and multiplayer. Used to be in SSP creepers would be fairly reliable. You could predict more or less exactly when they would explode and you could melee a creeper down fairly easily with a bit of practice. SMP was different, thanks to network lag creepers could explode whenever, or not explode when they should and it was nearly impossible to kill one in melee without getting exploded on because of this. And then Mojang merged SSP and SMP and now SSP creepers started being unreliable... and did that EVER irk me to no end. What used to be a well practiced maneuver was now reduced to blind luck thanks to network a single player game, what? Just WHAT?

They've since fixed their network code quite a bit, but the unpredictable lag has never quite gone all the way away. In a way, it makes creepers feel a bit more "organic", but I'm still a bit irked by it all.

I've come to treat creepers as a "vanilla only" game element. They make sense in vanilla MC, but in modded MC they're just an irritant.
in the beginning I actually suggested a mod on the MCF to change the villagers into squidwards with actual squidward appearances and sounds :p

With 1.6 that would be a simple resource pack :D

Rain's overall existence. It doesn't do anything productive, just lowers fps.
We're kinda used to TE doing the ore gen so if you let IC2 default handling the ore gen you'll get lots and lots of copper.
As for silver most mods don't use it, if you use factorization it will generate it in huge veins but relatively rare.

Yeah, it was a 1.6 world, so TE wasn't an option. And I *have* Factorization.. but no silver is generating as far as I can tell.. although I haven't mined much, only having found a small quantity of diamonds.
That everyone complained about rain not being in the game, and then when added, everyone complained that rain was in the game.

that's why Mojang probably thought "eff this, we'll just add a specific option for the rain sound"
My squids keep despawning in unleashed. I just want really OP biofuel.

That was a joke btw. But it is annoying that you cant make a soul shard from them. Ill just stick to the mfr safari net machine.

Oh and if you have concrete the stairs are the closest I've found to stone.

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this... is... AWESOME!!
but seriously, someone should turn this into a mod so you don't have to constantly edit the resource packs :P
That I seem to be the only one that enjoys rain + rain sounds.
Rain does serve a purpose. It makes your crops grow faster. Of course since this is MODDED MC, that's not really necessary.

One of the things that irks me about the multi-part mods I'ved used is that the pillars don't use the outside texture if placed horizontally, but instead the log texture. It just looks weird.
Rain sounds is so much better than the sound coming from a cow/sheep farm.
There is this awesome block from extra utilities called the sound muffler to reduce the sound sources around it by 90%.
A godsend to make those cows nearly silent :).

Btw there is also the rain muffler to remove rain sound around it :p.
There is this awesome block from extra utilities called the sound muffler to reduce the sound sources around it by 90%.
A godsend to make those cows nearly silent :).

Btw there is also the rain muffler to remove rain sound around it :p.

There's also the awesome sound settings in 1.7.
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Key bindings in Modular Power Suits. For me, they always reset every time I start Minecraft. I can't remember them ever working properly.

I wonder how many times I've mapped Night Vision to "n" and Flight Control to "f" by now...

If the key is bound to another mod, MPS won't remember it. For example, "f" is default for the Gravisuit. You can tell by whether the key-binding is red (invalid) or blue (valid) in the MPS keybind menu.
With Soartex I love the MPS suit textures, but with anything else (granted, that means Faithful or default) I hate hate hate them. They look so much fancier than everything else, it's so out of place.

Railcraft (and probably other mods, Railcraft is just on my mind right now) has a couple annoying recipes. I always end up building two blast furnaces (which actually ends up looking much cooler than just one alone) because the furnace takes 34 bricks but to build it I have to make at least 36. The same is true with strengthened glass. The recipe gives six, but the recipe for dyeing it requires eight.

I hate it when mods make you craft items/blocks with rarely used items, and you end up not using them anymore because they're basically useless. like nuggets, almost no recipes uses them, but the once that do only require a few of them, but you can't get yourself to throw away the ones you don't use, just for that one chance you might need them again
A great use for nuggets (in Thaumcraft 3, anyway, no idea if this is true or not for 4) is metallum aspects for research. One ingot will have at most 8 metallum, but each nugget will have 1 for a total of 9. Nice little bonus!

This one makes sense to me. Just like you need to milk snake venom to make an antidote, or culture a flu virus to make a vaccine. You need to breed the poisonous bees to learn how the poison works before you can make protection for it.
But the suit isn't protecting against the poison itself, it's protecting against the stings that deliver the poison.

Villager sounds
This is annoying beyond belief except in one certain situation: I'm walking by the one house they all picked to stay in for the night. Then it sounds like I'm overhearing an orgy and it cracks me up.
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