Thermal Expansion 3.0!!! No More Beta! Thanks KL!

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
One things that's starting to become a real pain and is the reason I don't use TE for ore processing anymore is that seemingly copper and tin cannot be doubled with a Pulverizer. It does, however, work with an Induction Smelter.

Now, from what I've heard the Induction Smelter is supposed to be the favored option (no source though), but this is absolutely stupid. I don't WANT to deal with the sand-making process and ore tripling and all that fancy stuff, I just want my compact little ball of amazing that gives me double ores. If the Induction Smelter needs to be buffed then buff the % chance for Rich Slag.

Now, if this is unintended I'm very sorry, it just doesn't look that way (I looked up both the TE and Metallurgy versions of copper/tin).

King Lemming

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
One things that's starting to become a real pain and is the reason I don't use TE for ore processing anymore is that seemingly copper and tin cannot be doubled with a Pulverizer. It does, however, work with an Induction Smelter.

Now, from what I've heard the Induction Smelter is supposed to be the favored option (no source though), but this is absolutely stupid. I don't WANT to deal with the sand-making process and ore tripling and all that fancy stuff, I just want my compact little ball of amazing that gives me double ores. If the Induction Smelter needs to be buffed then buff the % chance for Rich Slag.

Now, if this is unintended I'm very sorry, it just doesn't look that way (I looked up both the TE and Metallurgy versions of copper/tin).

Uh, what?

The Pulverizer *definitely* still doubles. Please get me a screenshot of an NEI handler and I'll try and get to the bottom of it. Historically, Metallurgy screwed lots of stuff up. I'm hoping this isn't a case of that.


Too Much Free Time
Dec 8, 2012
Lost as always
Since when did Mojang anything to nerf mobspawners...? They work as well as they always have. Mojang has absolutely nothing against them (just I do).
You need to kill them with your own hands to get any rare drops from mobs, which nuked a lot of the automatic mob spawners. The new spawning radius also was a pretty strong nerf-bat, pretty much destroyed darkroom spawners. Also the whole xp thing kinda discourages automated mob grinding since it doesn't drop xp when it is killed by environmental. Otherwise, just Lava Blade it.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Uh, what?

The Pulverizer *definitely* still doubles. Please get me a screenshot of an NEI handler and I'll try and get to the bottom of it. Historically, Metallurgy screwed lots of stuff up. I'm hoping this isn't a case of that.
Oh my. Well, whatever WAS wrong seems to have been mysteriously fixed. In past versions you couldn't pulverize copper or tin from Metallurgy. I bet it was an update to Metallurgy, since the mod author is pretty responsive from my experiences with him and the pack I'm using just updated from yesterday to today (Resonant Rise, so basically daily updates).

Another possibility could have been NEI recipe stuffs.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I know it's a late response but, I can confirm that the multipart crashes are only happening for mcpc+ as, there is no way to produce the crash on a standard forge server. It has since been posted to the mcpc+ github.

Having had the chance to toy around with the beta for a while I can honestly say that my opinion hasn't wavered. I've always enjoyed Thermal Expansion and, I still thoroughly enjoy Thermal Expansion. I've been an avid user as far back as 1.4.7 and, I'm glad to have it back on my server.

Having also had time to tinker with TE's new features I can state with confidence that, they are a welcome addition to this mod.

Strong boxes have made me a very, very happy server administrator. I've been known to share a base with other players only to have various rare items go missing. The strong box not only resolves that issue but, allows me to whitelist its access to trusted friends.

The built in logic system for item pipes has yet to fail me. I'm using them to automate a series of ore washing machines from IC2 Experimental. They're a great early game utility as extra utilities pipes require ender pearls for their transfer nodes.

Fluiducts no longer require a redstone signal. Now, I do not have to worry about attaching unsightly levers where they shouldn't be needed.

I always wondered why additional tiers of portable tanks weren't already implemented. I now have a stack of large tanks sitting atop my TiCo smeltery. Sixty four buckets worth of lava sure beats trying to hike around with an inventory full of buckets.

In short, I always come by to report problems and, I admittedly took issue with the mods delayed release. I never once dropped by to tell you what a fantastic mod Thermal Expansion is despite how much of an essential mod I view it to be. Keep up the great work on this beta, it's one I missed and, definitely worth the wait.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I've noticed a bc gate redstone signal bug with the batteries, if you have a gate set to give a redstone signal touching the battery and the battery set to only work when the signal isn't on it jams constantly and doesn't send power and I need to switch the redstone controls off and low again to get the battery to start working again.

Example: I had a refinery with a gate under it set to emit a red wire signal when their was no liquid in it, this lead to a gate under the battery set to red wire = emit redstone signal, so when the refinery would get oil in it, the wire would turn off and the battery would send power, but it would turn the wire off and the system would either 1. do absolutely nothing, 2. the refinery would start and work at full speed BUT the battery would be sending no power effectively giving it infinite energy.

King Lemming

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I've noticed a bc gate redstone signal bug with the batteries, if you have a gate set to give a redstone signal touching the battery and the battery set to only work when the signal isn't on it jams constantly and doesn't send power and I need to switch the redstone controls off and low again to get the battery to start working again.

Example: I had a refinery with a gate under it set to emit a red wire signal when their was no liquid in it, this lead to a gate under the battery set to red wire = emit redstone signal, so when the refinery would get oil in it, the wire would turn off and the battery would send power, but it would turn the wire off and the system would either 1. do absolutely nothing, 2. the refinery would start and work at full speed BUT the battery would be sending no power effectively giving it infinite energy.

We have an issue tracker:

However, I'm going to need screenshots of the setup at the very least. We know for a fact that redstone logic on the cells works correctly, but we can't promise that BC gates are working right.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
So I think I have a bug? with Electrum Redstone Energy Conduits in my single player world. I am using version b7a.

If I hook up conduits to my Energy cell to power my TE machines, it keeps draining the cell after the machines are completely full until the cell is empty. It does this drain at the full 2000 RF speed of the cell (I didn't think to lower the limit while I was testing). It does this drain to both the Invar & Electrum versions of the cells (I initially thought maybe I had screwed up the power system by using tier 3 conduits with a tier 2 cell, so I built the better one with my first diamonds, but the problem persisted with the new cell).

I do not have this problem with either leadstone or hardended?(Invar upgrade) conduits, both of those drain the cell to fill the machines and then stop properly leaving the cell still partly charged. Below is a picture of my setup (it's pretty basic), with my current Invar conduits where the Electrum conduits were when they drained the cell.
Overall I am really enjoying this mod. I'm new to MC mods in 1.6.4, and haven't tried earlier versions of things but this mod is easily one of my top 3 favorites after playing with it just a few days. Thanks to you and your team for your hard work on it, it's a lot of fun and I haven't discovered all of it yet.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
We have an issue tracker:

However, I'm going to need screenshots of the setup at the very least. We know for a fact that redstone logic on the cells works correctly, but we can't promise that BC gates are working right. Here you are sir. The left gate is setup as Tank Empty -> Red Signal, right gate is Red Signal -> Redstone Signal. Battery is set to work only when it receives a low signal.

I 3 different thing that can occur in this; the battery will sometimes send energy even with a high signal on, or the battery will jam regardless of signals do nothing, or the refinery will start working at max speed with the battery sending no energy.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019

Why yes, it is. However it's not hooked up to the conduits, but instead is powered by it's own stand-alone clockwork engine because of the exact problem you describe :)

But, the TE stuff in my base is currently connected only to other TE stuff.

King Lemming

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
So I think I have a bug? with Electrum Redstone Energy Conduits in my single player world. I am using version b7a.

If I hook up conduits to my Energy cell to power my TE machines, it keeps draining the cell after the machines are completely full until the cell is empty. It does this drain at the full 2000 RF speed of the cell (I didn't think to lower the limit while I was testing). It does this drain to both the Invar & Electrum versions of the cells (I initially thought maybe I had screwed up the power system by using tier 3 conduits with a tier 2 cell, so I built the better one with my first diamonds, but the problem persisted with the new cell).

I do not have this problem with either leadstone or hardended?(Invar upgrade) conduits, both of those drain the cell to fill the machines and then stop properly leaving the cell still partly charged. Below is a picture of my setup (it's pretty basic), with my current Invar conduits where the Electrum conduits were when they drained the cell.
Overall I am really enjoying this mod. I'm new to MC mods in 1.6.4, and haven't tried earlier versions of things but this mod is easily one of my top 3 favorites after playing with it just a few days. Thanks to you and your team for your hard work on it, it's a lot of fun and I haven't discovered all of it yet.

Redstone Energy Conduit has a very large amount of capacitance. Don't worry - you aren't losing the energy, you are simply energizing the network. ATM, there's nothing even in TE proper that requires more than the Hardened Conduits.[DOUBLEPOST=1385595269][/DOUBLEPOST] Here you are sir. The left gate is setup as Tank Empty -> Red Signal, right gate is Red Signal -> Redstone Signal. Battery is set to work only when it receives a low signal.

I 3 different thing that can occur in this; the battery will sometimes send energy even with a high signal on, or the battery will jam regardless of signals do nothing, or the refinery will start working at max speed with the battery sending no energy.

That last case is conduit capacitance, and the cell not sending. You aren't getting a free lunch, I promise you. The other two are likely BC gates not having proper interaction with block updates.


Tech Support
Oct 30, 2012
I would be (like) you add upgrades on the machines

Machine upgrades are already planned(And I might be imagining things but I remember KL saying the backend for the upgrades was already done or something? Probably just imagining things).