KL could there be an update that gives more control over power generation and usage rates in the config?
Personally, I think the double in power generation of the dynamos is excessive. The original 40 was much better. Plus I see in the change log that the power requirements for smelt/pulv have been reduced. In effect this offers a double buff.
Also, I didn't get the opportunity to post in the other topic that devolved into the MJ vs RF debate but I have a suggestion that I think would "solve" it all for fans of both systems and all points of view.
First conduits don't connect to MJ machines (but still interact with UE/other mods) and don't convert to MJ by default.
Plug a conduit into a "Pneumatic Dynamo" that then produces the MJ, which then BC power pipes can plug into. Works like a normal BC engine, responds to the haswork gate condition to turn on/off. Basically treats the RF as a fuel source.
Plug a BC power pipe into a "Flux Engine" that turns MJ into RF. Once it's small internal RF buffer fills, it stops generating RF but still drains MJ.
From what I understand from that other topic, the extra memory usage for the MJ conversion is then limited to specific blocks above, and not the entire conduit network, which is a more optimal solution.
This allows for power conversion both ways, at the cost of extra material resources limited to specific blocks. If those blocks are never used, there's no extra memory overhead. If the conduits don't know about MJ by default, that might even reduce their memory usage by a tiny fraction.
While this allows for MJ to be stored within RF by using a setup of BC Engine > Flux Engine > Energy Cell > Pneumatic Dynamo > Pipes, the Flux Engine still constantly drains MJ from the BC engines. In effect, this is just a very expensive power pipe loop.