Thermal Expansion 3.0!!! No More Beta! Thanks KL!

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Does anyone know how I can manually set the ore dic?


I'd prefer if my TE lead ingots made TE lead blocks
I don't think you can. Best you can do try and use lexicon/unifer/etc. and hope it pull out the TE block.
If you cheat in a TE lead block and use it to program the unifier, it will make TE lead for you.
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I use a JABBA barrel for this, it does auto-oreDict conversion for metals, does require at least one of the type you are trying to convert to though.
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KL could there be an update that gives more control over power generation and usage rates in the config?

Personally, I think the double in power generation of the dynamos is excessive. The original 40 was much better. Plus I see in the change log that the power requirements for smelt/pulv have been reduced. In effect this offers a double buff.

Also, I didn't get the opportunity to post in the other topic that devolved into the MJ vs RF debate but I have a suggestion that I think would "solve" it all for fans of both systems and all points of view.

First conduits don't connect to MJ machines (but still interact with UE/other mods) and don't convert to MJ by default.
Plug a conduit into a "Pneumatic Dynamo" that then produces the MJ, which then BC power pipes can plug into. Works like a normal BC engine, responds to the haswork gate condition to turn on/off. Basically treats the RF as a fuel source.
Plug a BC power pipe into a "Flux Engine" that turns MJ into RF. Once it's small internal RF buffer fills, it stops generating RF but still drains MJ.

From what I understand from that other topic, the extra memory usage for the MJ conversion is then limited to specific blocks above, and not the entire conduit network, which is a more optimal solution.

This allows for power conversion both ways, at the cost of extra material resources limited to specific blocks. If those blocks are never used, there's no extra memory overhead. If the conduits don't know about MJ by default, that might even reduce their memory usage by a tiny fraction.

While this allows for MJ to be stored within RF by using a setup of BC Engine > Flux Engine > Energy Cell > Pneumatic Dynamo > Pipes, the Flux Engine still constantly drains MJ from the BC engines. In effect, this is just a very expensive power pipe loop.
KL could there be an update that gives more control over power generation and usage rates in the config?

Personally, I think the double in power generation of the dynamos is excessive. The original 40 was much better. Plus I see in the change log that the power requirements for smelt/pulv have been reduced. In effect this offers a double buff.

Also, I didn't get the opportunity to post in the other topic that devolved into the MJ vs RF debate but I have a suggestion that I think would "solve" it all for fans of both systems and all points of view.

First conduits don't connect to MJ machines (but still interact with UE/other mods) and don't convert to MJ by default.
Plug a conduit into a "Pneumatic Dynamo" that then produces the MJ, which then BC power pipes can plug into. Works like a normal BC engine, responds to the haswork gate condition to turn on/off. Basically treats the RF as a fuel source.
Plug a BC power pipe into a "Flux Engine" that turns MJ into RF. Once it's small internal RF buffer fills, it stops generating RF but still drains MJ.

From what I understand from that other topic, the extra memory usage for the MJ conversion is then limited to specific blocks above, and not the entire conduit network, which is a more optimal solution.

This allows for power conversion both ways, at the cost of extra material resources limited to specific blocks. If those blocks are never used, there's no extra memory overhead. If the conduits don't know about MJ by default, that might even reduce their memory usage by a tiny fraction.

While this allows for MJ to be stored within RF by using a setup of BC Engine > Flux Engine > Energy Cell > Pneumatic Dynamo > Pipes, the Flux Engine still constantly drains MJ from the BC engines. In effect, this is just a very expensive power pipe loop.

Energy config stuff is doable, but I have to put certain sanity checks in place.

Dynamos are staying at 80 because 1 dynamo per machine was kind of stupid, frankly.

We may shy away from supporting MJ directly, but the problem is that it seems the entire "fix" for the situation is completely on TE's end, because BuildCraft is too good to ever support another API. They can *trivially* generate RF, which not only solves the issue, it means that BuildCraft engines would be able to provide power for every other mod out there.

I'm not ruling it out entirely. A Flux Engine and a Kinetic Dynamo (the code for this is already in the TE jar, actually) wouldn't be hard to make, but I feel almost like it'd be better to make them as a separate mod and have a truly "clean" break. We'd probably also drop BC pipe support at the same time, since the BC guys apparently don't like us interacting with their mod.
An addon for BC support might be a good idea.
Even if support for pipes was also removed, that's not a big deal since a simple buffer chest that ducts and pipes can connect to will get around that (just like the old days of RP2). But there's no equivalent (yet) for power (unless you rely on other mods)

1 Dynamo per machine is a bit "stupid", but only if the machines are running constantly. Only at early game would you be using those machines constantly to double ores (or whatever), but eventually, those machines will be idle more then used, so those dynamos end up being quite powerful (an 8mj/t engine in BC terms is a powerful beast).

Amazing how things are going with mods, they seemed to be coming together in 1.4, but are fracturing again.

As long as the UE support remains, using TE and Mek together is a nice smooth combo.
I'm really enjoying the Dynamo's their output makes perfect sense to me since I have a couple of fairly large users of power (Laser Drill\Enh Portals 3) I am having a bit of trouble feeding the reactants (80 installed, 40 in intermittant use) with biomass, since my stupid bloody trees refuse to breed up right :D
I don't understand the whole BC thing. Railcraft adds a steam turbine which outputs 200 EU/t . Forestry adds an Electric Engine that converts EU to MJ, and a Biogenerator that makes EU directly....

Last I checked I can't hook up a solar panel to a rolling machine and expect it to function. Or hook a solar panel directly to a fermenter. So um why is it an issue for TE3 to convert to MJ but not accept MJ? I am very confused on this one. o_O
From what I could tell/understand from the other conversation, it seems to be purely a performance blinker. We all know KL loves things to be optimized for performance, and MJ to RF would be a higher drain on performance, and it just seems KL is loath to support it as a result, as it goes against his design goals.

I can tell that the BC team are a bit "miffed" that there's only one way conversion of RF to MJ (if you ignore steam), which is understandable. But what the actual technical reasons, I haven't a clue.

Of course, I'm most likely totally wrong.

A separate addon mod that offers this support would ensure that server owners can control things more. If someone worries about the performance, don't install the addon.
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From what I could tell/understand from the other conversation, it seems to be purely a performance blinker. We all know KL loves things to be optimized for performance, and MJ to RF would be a higher drain on performance, and it just seems KL is loath to support it as a result, as it goes against his design goals.

I can tell that the BC team are a bit "miffed" that there's only one way conversion of RF to MJ (if you ignore steam), which is understandable. But what the actual technical reasons, I haven't a clue.

Of course, I'm most likely totally wrong.

A separate addon mod that offers this support would ensure that server owners can control things more. If someone worries about the performance, don't install the addon.

Except the BC team already adds 2 MJ - EU converters and a EU- MJ converter without allowing EU to directly power their machines. So if its ok for them to add a conversion to another power network but not allow that power network to run their machines why is not ok for TE3 to do the same? Is it only ok if the conversion is to IC2 power? Is it a case of "do what I say not what I do?" Thats what confuses me. It makes no logical sense. And its not fair to say RC and Forestry can convert to an alternate power network that doesn't power their machines but no one else is allowed to.

I'd understand if KL was making RF - MJ a lot cheaper than BC or RC MJ .. but its not. He uses the same fuel ratios as BC and RC. It costs the same. It equals the same. So where's the inherent problem?
Except the BC team already adds 2 MJ - EU converters and a EU- MJ converter without allowing EU to directly power their machines. So if its ok for them to add a conversion to another power network but not allow that power network to run their machines why is not ok for TE3 to do the same? Is it only ok if the conversion is to IC2 power? Is it a case of "do what I say not what I do?" Thats what confuses me. It makes no logical sense. And its not fair to say RC and Forestry can convert to an alternate power network that doesn't power their machines but no one else is allowed to.

I'd understand if KL was making RF - MJ a lot cheaper than BC or RC MJ .. but its not. He uses the same fuel ratios as BC and RC. It costs the same. It equals the same. So where's the inherent problem?
Depending on modpack, you could make a temporary solution by using rotarycraft as an intermediary. They seem to have their bases covered in all angles.
Depending on modpack, you could make a temporary solution by using rotarycraft as an intermediary. They seem to have their bases covered in all angles.

And again why is no one yelling about Rotarycraft adding all the power types but only using its own power for machines?

Why is it only wrong for TE3 to be using its own power for its machines and converting its power to be used for other mods machines?

Rotarycraft, Railcraft, Forestry all add a way to convert to other mods energy networks but DO NOT allow those mods to power their machines directly. Why is it that people are upset about TE3 doing this and not the other mods doing it? Where is the difference? Why is only TE3 being called out for it? That is my question.
Rotarycraft, Railcraft, Forestry all add a way to convert to other mods energy networks but DO NOT allow those mods to power their machines directly. Why is it that people are upset about TE3 doing this and not the other mods doing it? Where is the difference? Why is only TE3 being called out for it? That is my question.
Transformers make sense and require extra resources. One energy kind to another is a concept present even in reality. To be honest, electricty should be universal to begin with...

I don't complain about RF converting automatically to MJ. I can see why others would, but I also think they'd be wrong. If you have machines made for the purpose of transforming energies that's a-ok, that's how it works. The need for such machines alone is, though, a fundamental flaw. There isn't many types of electricty IRL..

It has to be either all the TE way (correct and logical), or with transformers (correct but illogical). The variance is the problem here.
Transformers make sense and require extra resources. One energy kind to another is a concept present even in reality. To be honest, electricty should be universal to begin with...

I don't complain about RF converting automatically to MJ. I can see why others would, but I also think they'd be wrong. If you have machines made for the purpose of transforming energies that's a-ok, that's how it works. The need for such machines alone is, though, a fundamental flaw. There isn't many types of electricty IRL..

It has to be either all the TE way (correct and logical), or with transformers (correct but illogical). The variance is the problem here.

Conduits are the transformer basically. And the issue most people complaining seem to be upset about is that TE3 doesn't allow BC or Eu to directly power its machines. But none of the mods that add transformers allow the other energy system to directly power their machines. None of them. Try hooking a solar panel to a Rolling Machine.

But why should it be one or the other way? Power converters and Extra Utilities add transformers.. and they don't even make power at all... As long as its using the right conversion and its not creating a positive energy loop (exploit) where's the issue?
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But why should it be one or the other way? Power converters and Extra Utilities add transformers.. and they don't even make power at all... As long as its using the right conversion and its not creating a positive energy loop (exploit) where's the issue?
Draw a comparison with money in real life:

You can bring a peso to a dollar store. The dollar store won't even look at that thing. You can take a dollar to any peso store and they'll practically take it off your hands.

It's the laws(code) that the state(coders) make that make money handling(current) less exploitable and easier. When you to go an exchange house(transformer) you can have your money convert into other kinds of money with an exchange rate varying on how much it's worth.

RF has highly inflated numbers, so much RF turns into little MJ. EU has mildly inflated numbers too, so MJ makes more EU.

It's a perfect comparison, mostly. Some coders are ok with taking electricity from other sources, some are not. In the end it all boils down to politics.
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Maybe because TE originally was an addon to BC and some people still seem to think, breaking with MJ was a blasphemy. It just doesn't seem right to some people, TE machines not to be powered by MJ.:confused:

It becomes really funny the other way round. I saw a complain of someone about conduits not connecting to a rock crusher. As if KL had entered a commitment to power every single machine running on MJ. :rolleyes:

Though it's really convenient the way it's now, maybe KL really should add those converters and stop conduits from outputting MJ. This would a) add more clarity and b) reduce crossmod-incompatibilities (did I spell this right?). and c) add the ability to switch off those Powerhogs like the rolling machine or the thermionic fabricator;)
Could be something between the mod authors, which would have to be a private discussion.

Technically, there's no reason for any tech mod not to include a magic block that converts to other power standards. Really, BC team should have a RF engine somewhere, TE a MJ one (although currently the conduits do it automatically, which is unusual, only UE does this without any other block).
Draw a comparison with money in real life:

You can bring a peso to a dollar store. The dollar store won't even look at that thing. You can take a dollar to any peso store and they'll practically take it off your hands.

It's the laws(code) that the state(coders) make that make money handling(current) less exploitable and easier. When you to go an exchange house(transformer) you can have your money convert into other kinds of money with an exchange rate varying on how much it's worth.

RF has highly inflated numbers, so much RF turns into little MJ. EU has mildly inflated numbers too, so MJ makes more EU.

It's a perfect comparison, mostly. Some coders are ok with taking electricity from other sources, some are not. In the end it all boils down to politics.

And if BC was a closed source mod without an energy API for people to hook into I would agree with the analogy. Thats why people don't do converters for Factorization. Neptunepink has made it clear by not making an energy API that he doesn't want people messing with his energy system. But an API is meant to be used. By making one you are saying "its ok to interface with my mod" . If you want to prevent people from interfacing with your mod why make an energy API? Why make it open source? Why should one mod developer get to tell another he can't use their API?

As to inflated numbers. I did the math. RF to MJ output is the same across all fuels except biofuel (ethanol) which is actually slightly lower in a TE dynamo then in Forestry engines. All the rest same output per fuel. You'll get more efficiency with an RC boiler which is fair cause its more expensive to set up. 10 RF = 1 mj = 2.5 EU. Its standard conversion rates across pretty much all mods.[DOUBLEPOST=1389194190][/DOUBLEPOST]
Could be something between the mod authors, which would have to be a private discussion.

Technically, there's no reason for any tech mod not to include a magic block that converts to other power standards. Really, BC team should have a RF engine somewhere, TE a MJ one (although currently the conduits do it automatically, which is unusual, only UE does this without any other block).

Extra Utilities does it with transfer nodes... and doesn't even produce power of any kind yet.
And the issue most people complaining seem to be upset about is that TE3 doesn't allow BC or Eu to directly power its machines.
What do you (or anyone else) mean by "doesn't allow"? If BC/RC/Forestry added something that could power RF machines, would Team CoFH deliberately change something just to break it? I doubt it. So what's the issue? Who, specifically, (and by that I mean modders, not users) has complained about what?
What do you (or anyone else) mean by "doesn't allow"? If BC/RC/Forestry added something that could power RF machines, would Team CoFH deliberately change something just to break it? I doubt it. So what's the issue? Who, specifically, has complained about what?

thats one of many spots where people have been complaining. Including this thread.

And of course Team CoFH wouldn't.. or at least I have never seen them do anything like that... I tend to trust people till proven wrong.
Extra Utilities does it with transfer nodes... and doesn't even produce power of any kind yet.

not anymore :D

Back OT(ish) I think CJs issue is that the power conversion is only 1 way. My view is that it's KL (and Team CoFHs) mod to do with in whichever way they please. It may have been an addon (or a lifesaver) for BC at one point, but now that theres been the split I don't think anyone has a leg to stand on when telling KL what to do.. thats just kinda... well BS frankly.