Ok, I just tested Redstone Arsenal. Every tool is made with obsidian sticks that cost 2 Fluxed Diamonds EACH. So quite expensive (2-4 diamonds per tool), albeit insanely powerful. All of them but the wrench have power-up modes (defaults to V and has a lightning sound effect, which as you will see is quite appropriate) that are just beyond insane. They're all enchantable btw, so pull out your OpenBlocks/Liquid XP/Thaumic Tinker setup. Here's the full list:
- The cheapest tool is the Omniwrench. Yes, you heard me. The OMNIWRENCH. It costs energy now, but who cares?
- The Fluxed Sword does a lot of damage and I think it partially ignores armor. I think it might be legitimately more powerful then a maxed TiC sword.
- The Fluxed BattleWrench is the same as the sword, but slightly less powerful.
- The Fluxed Pick is where we start to get into the crazy stuff. This freakish monstrosity (with enchants) mines faster than anything except an Efficiency V Blood Magic Bound Pick (the latter is on par with the EE2 Red Morning Star). In powerup mode it also mines the block above and below the one you target.
- The Fluxed Axe has equal speed to the pick, and it also mines 3 blocks at once in power-up mode. Forests evaporate.
- The Fluxed Shovel is one of the fastest mining tools Minecraft has ever seen (on dirt, at least). In power-up mode it mines 5 blocks outwards from you I believe, and matches the pick in speed. Youch.
- Finally, the Fluxed Sickle has a mediocre radius in normal mode, but a above-average range in powered mode.
Keep in mind that the RF usage for these things is extremely high and I was testing with Efficiency 5, but still these things are second to only the Blood Magic tools, which can destroy entire bases with single clicks.