Minecraft is an oddly coded beast. I can run new high end games at good fps in hd, but this blocky game constantly brings my system to it's knees.
Sir, your machine's a toaster now. Only you don't know it yet.
I'm so sorry... Someone made that (throwaway) remark in some thread, and somehow that line really got under my skin and has upset me badly.
But, I know what you mean because that's been my refrain lately too.
Does anyone from the mojang team ever visit these forums at all? Don't they ever see the poor performance rants on reddit in the FTB subreddits?
although, even vanilla MC 1.8 is atrociously bad on my machine tbh! IIRC, before the oculus aquisition by facebook, carmack and notch would cozy up on twitter a lot... And someone broke into that conversation and told notch
bluntly to his face that millions of machines around the world swear at him DAILY, EVERY frikkin night, because of his bad coding chops with minecraf from the start! Carmack had to defend notch that it's probably not notch, but java that's the culprit, and people should be happy notch chose java because there wouldn't be mods if it was C++ instead. Oooh... And yet, here we are today, 6 or so months later, with things worse than before...