Terrafirmacraft Coming to FTB!?

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Ok so your plan is not to actually get the mods working. But to cheat and exploit them into a way you like?

Got it.
no, i will do my best to make them work using other mods; however, if i can not get all features to work, I will use NEI to assist in the process to make them work, no offense, but did you read the earlier posts where i stated this? i will be attempting to make a version of ultimate that is as close to real life as possible; will that require some effort? yes. will it require more mods? yes. I personally dislike using cheats/hacks (i'm ok with exploits, like the RC-RP2 one), so I will try to stay away from them; however, if it comes to spawning in an uncrafting table, then so be it. if i find a mod that will make this work, I will use it like theres no tomorrow.
no, i will do my best to make them work using other mods; however, if i can not get all features to work, I will use NEI to assist in the process to make them work, no offense, but did you read the earlier posts where i stated this? i will be attempting to make a version of ultimate that is as close to real life as possible; will that require some effort? yes. will it require more mods? yes. I personally dislike using cheats/hacks (i'm ok with exploits, like the RC-RP2 one), so I will try to stay away from them; however, if it comes to spawning in an uncrafting table, then so be it. if i find a mod that will make this work, I will use it like theres no tomorrow.
Going to be as Nice as possible...



Have you even PLAYED TFC before???
Hey, why the raised voice? He wants to try it, he knows what he's going into, let him enjoy the game the way he wants to. For all I care, spawn yourself a massfab and a couple of solar panels, and build your tech from UU matter while enjoying the TFC worldgen. Sure, it will not have any semblance of balance or coherence, but it won't burn your eyes or make your computer explode either.

I played TFC for a while with a friend, and I'll say that it is much more fun in multiplayer. The time it takes to do all the activities, and the player-skill needed to do a lot of the things makes it worthwhile to split up the various professions. I was playing the town's smith and carpenter while my friend was out gathering ores and tending for plants. With more people this could get much more diverse and enjoyable.
I'd totally be on board for the server too. Usually I'm more of a ssp-only guy, but as Abdiel said, this seems like the kind of thing where it really makes sense and would be fun to team up.

To be honest, I have no idea how to get a server running, but I'd gladly take care of the bills for the first months, if someone wants to start one...
Hmm, I'm thinking if I tried to play this, I'd be stuck in a cave in the dark, slowly starving to death working out how to make a fire :P
ooh, TFC coming to FTB? I remember seeing this mod a few months ago, but never got into it due to install BS.

now that it's going to be in FTB...I think I'll have to give it a try.
i just found a mod that will allow me to add bridge recipes in to help balance the game.
for thos who want to know, its custom NPC's
FYI... Caps without ! is the same as bolding...
It puts Emphasis on the words being said. Not yelling...

Yelling with caps, IS LIKE THIS!!!!!

Regardless, the fact that someone with no experience with a Total Conversion mod that is TerrafirmaCraft going on about how they are adding it to their modpack or someone saying "Oh, I can just cheat in X thing and its all good." really should try playing the mod by itself first...

"For all I care, spawn yourself a massfab and a couple of solar panels, and build your tech from UU matter while enjoying the TFC worldgen."
Fails on so many levels. The fact is that even with a Massfab and getting shit from UU matter, you will end up with tools and items that have little to no effect ON said TFC Worldgen. There is no Cobblestone in TFC, there is no Ore or Ingots that would work with your Massfab'd constructed things. There is nothing that will work between the mods...

I will say again, TerrafirmaCraft is a TOTAL CONVERSION MOD meaning that everything is Totally Converted into another system all together. This isn't just about dirt having gravity or cave ins. This is a mod that changes everything you know about Minecraft, it takes the basics and throws it out the window...

Don't believe me? Have fun trying to Punch trees...
FYI... Caps without ! is the same as bolding...
It puts Emphasis on the words being said. Not yelling...

To who? I would hazard to say most people online see call caps as yelling.

Maybe if you DID it in the middle of a sentence like this. But not when the whole sentence is all caps. Then it just looks like some caps rage.
The amount of time required to grow stuff in this mod puts Gregtech to shame, lol.
Cool concept but it seems to be mostly balanced around 24/7 servers.
Saw a couple of videos and apparently seeds take about 25 hours of real time to fully grow, feel free to correct me if I am wrong.
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The amount of time required to grow stuff in this mod puts Gregtech to shame, lol.
Cool concept but it seems to be mostly balanced around 24/7 servers.
Saw a couple of videos and apparently seeds take about 25 hours of real time to fully grow, feel free to correct me if I am wrong.

I think that's part of the concept, everything is extremely realistic. It's not for everyone, but I find it interesting and a nice change to playing these super techy packs with hundreds of things that make your life easier. The increased difficulty, together with the cave-ins make Minecraft feel slightly dwarf-fortress-ish, I like it.

Only problem is that I have performance issues, anybody else got lower fps on TFC than on ultimate?
Only problem is that I have performance issues, anybody else got lower fps on TFC than on ultimate?
There is a lot of things that drop the fps in TFC then any other pack, its most likely to do with all the things that it needs to check every time a block is updated. Is it stable, will it fall, how does it fall if it does, is it hot, is it cold, is it day/night, how much water is nearby, what "season" is it, how heated is the ore, how heated is the ingot. Etc...

Its best to try adding Optifine to it and throwing a lot of ram at the TFC...

Side Question: When is the pack coming out again? Or am I just missing it????
The amount of time required to grow stuff in this mod puts Gregtech to shame, lol.
Cool concept but it seems to be mostly balanced around 24/7 servers.
Saw a couple of videos and apparently seeds take about 25 hours of real time to fully grow, feel free to correct me if I am wrong.

Chrono, you need to keep in mind that TFC is a total conversion mod, not a content mod. It changes the game to the point where you cannot simply compare individual game systems with vanilla anymore; you need to look at the whole picture. Sure, crops take long to grow and animals take ages to breed, but did you know that you can find crops growing naturally in the countryside, that TFC adds at least two new ways to obtain additional food that vanilla doesn't have, and that animals drop around ten times as much meat? And that you can combine individual food items into cooked meals that restore more hunger than the sum of their parts? It really is an entirely different game.

It's also a game design decision. In vanilla Minecraft, it is trivial to keep yourself fed; even ten blocks of wheat planted can keep a player fed forever with wheat to spare, and most players build five times that much plus chicken and cow farms plus carrot and potato fields plus melons and pumpkin patches. The end result is that with hardly any effort at all, starving is utterly impossible, even on hard difficulty. And when you add in automation mods, the food bar might as well never have been implemented.

In contrast to that, the idea in TerrafirmaCraft is that you need to make a conscious decision on how to handle your food supply. You always have the choice between a hunter-gatherer approach that is easy off the bat but requires you to put in more and more effort as you exploit and exhaust nature's gifts; or long term, sustainable production that takes a lot of patience and planning-ahead but will never run out. In fact, in contrast to the utter triviality of vanilla Minecraft, this mod really /enables/ such a decision for the first time and makes it meaningful. Of course, it might not be for everyone, but most people who play TFC do it precisely because they enjoy this kind of meaningful decision.
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I'l just add this to Omicron's post.

It's not just the realistic agriculture aspect that is changed. it's everything.
you want a pickaxe? well i got news for you. you first have to smelt ore in a bloomery, and let it solidify into a clay mold, then you have to hammer the solidified metal into a ingot proper on an anvil.
Only then, can you make a plan. (needs paper, ink, and a scribing table). put it in an anvil,, then you have to heat the ingot up in a forge til it's hot enough to work, but still cold enough not to melt. and hammer it into shape on the anvil again. Just like a real life ancient smith. The minigames alone require a load of skills to master, and it takes a lot of time as well. you aren't going to be digging into the earth for ores on your first day. probably not even your first week. you will be too busy trying to just stay alive.

Without proper equipment however you won't be long for this world. with the massive solidness of the worldgen, where caves are actually rather rare compared to vanilla, you will be swarmed by mobs if you camp without a protective berm of some kind or other... except.. gravity affects blocks. all blocks. making a berm actually takes a significant amount of work. luckily you can find t0 metals on the surface by picking up rocks.
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In my post I never compared it to vanilla, I am aware of all the changes.
The system in terrafirma is nowhere near realistic as people think it is, I would rather have food grow faster but go rotten than to have food grow extremely slow and stay in the world forever, as the latter allows for the same vanilla minecraft useless food bar, after all once you discover a good food via cooking and plant 500 of each of its ingredients that food will last you the time it takes for it to grow back, thus the system makes nothing but the start hard.
In my post I never compared it to vanilla, I am aware of all the changes.
The system in terrafirma is nowhere near realistic as people think it is, I would rather have food grow faster but go rotten than to have food grow extremely slow and stay in the world forever, as the latter allows for the same vanilla minecraft useless food bar, after all once you discover a good food via cooking and plant 500 of each of its ingredients that food will last you the time it takes for it to grow back, thus the system makes nothing but the start hard.

When you no longer need to worry about anything, and you got all the kit you ever need, that is when it's time to start a new world in TFC.
It's strongly lacking in the creative builder category I'm afraid.
If i want to build pretty i use a whole host of other mods. TFC is for survival challenge runs imho.
Lacking in the creative building aspect?

...you have seen the chisel detailing mechanic, yes? Makes Redpower Microblocks look crude by comparison.
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