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  • S
    Hi Dude Me and my mate really love your pack any chance you could add magneticcraft thats like the only mod we would really love to have in this pack btw really love your pack well done for all your work
    A while back in the Technofirma thread you mentioned trying to get your pack listed (without private code) on FTB. I was curious as to how that was coming along.
    I sent in the request, so I am going to assume that it was denied, as FTB team handling it do not reply with denials.
    Hello, is it ok to stream from the server? or would you prefer someone to create their own??
    Sure, go ahead. Everyone is welcome to stream/record on the server.
    Thank you,

    Hello Kev12east!

    First thank you for this awesome Modpack!
    Second I'm joining SouplaMC and Henora on their french server and I'll start publishing my series soon!
    In Fact the first episode is already published here: http://youtu.be/_zhdZBzbvVA
    I won't be recording in english this time, but feel free to check who I am at www.youtube.com/user/lordracoongmail

    Thank you again!
    Cool, glad you enjoy the mod pack. I know some French, so I can almost keep up with the content of the videos :)
    Hey Kev. Would you Mind if I did some Hardcore Quest Mode Quests for this modpack for people to use? maybe as a HQM version of your modpack somehow. maybe? Just an idea to get more people to try it. HQM is awesome. It allows adding of quests to the modpack. Tho it does make it hardcore. here's what it is... http://hqm.wikispaces.com/
    I have consiedered this, and would like to use the mod as more of wiki, but if you want to make quests with it feel free to, when you are ready, send me what you have and I'll but it in the pack.
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