Suggest Mods for FTB Here

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
i think that while millenaire would be a great addition IMO,
bellaabzug is pointing out that unlike twilight forest or xycraft,
millenaire in neither a tech mod nor a magic mod.

Exactly, since that is what the general focus of the pack is, I see no reason to add millenaire.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
The first page didn't list it, so...

This isn't a mod for the pack per se, but since it'd still be HUGELY helpful for finding Nether Fortresses and the like...


AMIDST is a separate application from Minecraft that analyzes your seed and projects a map of your world for you (note that it does NOT show anything you've built in the world). Its main uses are finding slime chunks and locating villages, strongholds, and Nether fortresses (both of which it does with great accuracy).

AMIDST itself is, of course, incompatible with FTB, as ExtraBiomes and other mods in the pack substantially alter the way world generation works; as such, a version specifically for FTB would be very much appreciated, especially for the Nether Fortress location (even with the extra toys in the FTB packs, exploring the Nether is simply not fun)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
The first page didn't list it, so...

This isn't a mod for the pack per se, but since it'd still be HUGELY helpful for finding Nether Fortresses and the like...


AMIDST is a separate application from Minecraft that analyzes your seed and projects a map of your world for you (note that it does NOT show anything you've built in the world). Its main uses are finding slime chunks and locating villages, strongholds, and Nether fortresses (both of which it does with great accuracy).

AMIDST itself is, of course, incompatible with FTB, as ExtraBiomes and other mods in the pack substantially alter the way world generation works; as such, a version specifically for FTB would be very much appreciated, especially for the Nether Fortress location (even with the extra toys in the FTB packs, exploring the Nether is simply not fun)
omg nether ores would make the nether sooooooo much more fun.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
We just this moment released OpenCCSensors which I'd really love to see in one of the FTB packs.

We only use up 1 item ID, 1 block ID and we don't use any world gen. It's been built with balance in mind from the very start, and helps to integrate mods together.
Tekkit included the original CCSensors, but unfortunately it didn't work well on multiplayer, so it'd be really nice to finally have that functionality in FTB!

Here's the full release thread with details and videos:

It's been built for 1.4.6, against the latest IC2 and latest BC.

Very active team working on it, including one of the two developers of ComputerCraft :)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Millenaire is a good mod, but not a tech or a magic mod. It would be good if one was making a RPG mod pack, but not necessarily for anything I've seen with FTB yet.

I may well be including it in my LP, I don't know yet. I'm still tinkering around with a few things.
Which is why I offered my currently incomplete Millenaire addon pack, because that makes it a tech mod, and it uses all of the tech mods currently in it.



but in the sense that millenaire is a tech mod.
With my addon it would be.

No, I'm right in both angles.
Best case scenario would cater to everyone, however FTB doesn't do that. They cater to basically whatever suits them.
I don't think you can be right with both... you first said that they have to cater to everyone and then you said that they don't have to..?
But that ignores my current point that I brought up because I didn't realize there was any rhyme or reason to these modpacks since I didn't know that Twilight Forest was a magic themed mod... my current point is that I have a Millenaire addon, this addon would turn Millenaire into a tech mod by using all the tech parts of the tech mods in FTB.
Could Millenaire be considered when coupled with the addon?

Similarly, the Yogbox was more fantasy themed and Millenaire wasn't fantasy, so they added the Imaginations addon for Millenaire that made it fantasy themed.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
i would love for millenaire to be added if it was with your addon,
but could you give a link to you documentation or your minecraft forum post or something?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Um I didn't see Pam's mods here, so why not any of them? (specifically HarvestCraft).
Although there are some other "growables" in the pack, I presume HarvestCraft is better mod for it, better than moreplants in my humble opinion (or whichever mod it is that adds the plants/hummus, etc.)

links: (forum post) (website, has all the older mod versions)

HarvestCraft is available 1.4.6 (and all the way down to 1.8, If my memory serves me correctly) so it'll work nicely with the pack in general, and it is supported by forge. It adds more plants than the mod you are using now, and has more foods you can craft from said vegetables, fruits, and the like, on top of realistic "creation" methods (ex, using a butter churn to create ... well, butter!). I think that it is a strait upgrade to the "extra foods mod" you are using now, so please look in to it!

Thank you for your consideration!

EDIT: You may have to contact Pam over the problem of SMP versions, since I don't think there are any :/
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