Suggest Mods for FTB Here

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I don't know when that was. I stopped following Millenaire a while ago.
It's laggy because occassionally, it causes the framerate to drop when villages are spawned or altered to change relations with other villages, when this happens with multiple villages at a time, you can imagine how people will have got that idea.

I can personally testify to have seeing this and so can the technic pack team after Millenaire was removed from it for this very reason.

Having said that, I have no idea if Millenaire's changed since then.[DOUBLEPOST=1356840701][/DOUBLEPOST]
Well I suppose it's not so resource demanding. More so FPS than anything. I suppose the server could handle it.
It was pretty big, a lot of mods had to do a lot of changes.

When something very large gets spawned in there is a half of a second of momentary lag as the structure gets generated, yes.
That never has caused any problems though..? If you generate something huge all at once it has to happen, there is no getting around that, but that only happens once for that structure.

Who is that in your avatar and why is it when I see it I think... gypsy? Odd thing to think... so very familiar...

ya, also its probably a pain to incorporate.
when i installed it it was incompatible with basically everything.
When I installed it all I did was alter the config file by putting a 1 in front of all the ID numbers..?

I don't think it's on the forge index, so it wouldn't take kindly to smart moving.
Forge index... I don't know what that is, but it does use Forge if that is what it is.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
hmmmm. ya i know i sugjested it but it is just a lil OP.[DOUBLEPOST=1356842157][/DOUBLEPOST]but srsly erveberdy,
i can just imagine auto missile factorys.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
It was pretty big, a lot of mods had to do a lot of changes.

When something very large gets spawned in there is a half of a second of momentary lag as the structure gets generated, yes.
That never has caused any problems though..? If you generate something huge all at once it has to happen, there is no getting around that, but that only happens once for that structure.

Who is that in your avatar and why is it when I see it I think... gypsy? Odd thing to think... so very familiar...
In the grand scheme of things, fps lag isn't ideal at all. Sure, most people can live with it, but we can't cater to most. We have to cater to everyone.

And she's called Roomie from the webcomic series "Go get a Roomie."
Here's a link if you want to read it.
PS: NSFGCF's - (Not safe for Good Christian Families.)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
In the grand scheme of things, fps lag isn't ideal at all. Sure, most people can live with it, but we can't cater to most. We have to cater to everyone.
Momentary, one time, half of a second lags are bad but the constant and ever increasing lags of Mystcraft and portal gun are fine?
Portal gun doesn't even work between multiple chunks.

I've said this before here but Mystcraft and portal gun are way more lag inducing than Millenaire ever is.

And she's called Roomie from the webcomic series "Go get a Roomie."
Here's a link if you want to read it.
PS: NSFGCF's - (Not safe for Good Christian Families.)
Ohhhh I remember that comic, I stopped reading it a year ago though when I got this new job where I sit at a desk all day doing nothing until someone breaks something so I read all my webcomics there and because of the content I couldn't access the site... I stopped reading like five webcomics that day... hmm...


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
quote"I've said this before here but Mystcraft and portal gun are way more lag inducing than Millenaire ever is."

not for me.
neither are laggy for me, and i don't have a good computer.[DOUBLEPOST=1356844270][/DOUBLEPOST]a list of all the mods i think should be included.
runic dust
ars magica
Cogs of the machine
millenaire(i know i know.)

probably forgetting some stuff.[DOUBLEPOST=1356844310][/DOUBLEPOST]betterthanwolfs mod.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Yup, since Millenaire SMP was essentially a brand new mod, it was indeed the first mod of its type, or at least came before Xycraft
I was indicating the context you ignored from the quote you addressed. Slowpoke said that Xycraft is the first mod of ITS type to be built from the ground up with SMP in mind, its type being an industry mod. Please, pay attention to the context. If "its type" meant an SMP mod in that context, then Slowpoke would have been saying "It's the first SMP mod to be built from the ground up for SMP" which would be silly and redundant.

I never actually brought up Xycraft, mostly because I couldn't remember its name, but partly because my point was that Millenaire SMP was the first mod of its kind, not Xycraft, or at least Millenaire SMP came first, idk if there was something else..
Yes, you did bring up Xycraft. You didn't say "Xycraft," but you absolutely indicated it in the first post of yours that I addressed. Just because you didn't use its name or didn't know its name doesn't mean you didn't bring it up.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I'd like to suggest the following mod:


'ThaumicBees adds several new bee species to Forestry that will assist in producing useful items for Thaumcraft. If you love Thaumcraft and Beekeeping, these new species will provide extra resources and benefits to those clever enough to obtain them.'
And a +1 for Cogs of the Machine :)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Momentary, one time, half of a second lags are bad but the constant and ever increasing lags of Mystcraft and portal gun are fine?
Portal gun doesn't even work between multiple chunks.

I've said this before here but Mystcraft and portal gun are way more lag inducing than Millenaire ever is.
But those two mods are integral to a lot of strategies used in the current modpack with emphasis on Mystcraft. Furthermore there is constant work going on to reduce the lag with Mystcraft and there is the abillity to disable pieces of the PG mod that cause the most graphical stress.

Millenaire is a decent mod, however it neither fits the bill of what FTB is about nor is it the first thing that comes to people's mind when they're looking for a new mod to put into their modpack.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
how do you know if your suggestion gets noticed?
cause i have quite a few mods that would (IMO)
be great for the pack but i don't want to just keep spamming the thread.
@MCtim that look pretty cool. ill second that.[DOUBLEPOST=1356885915][/DOUBLEPOST]OMG looked at thaumicbees some more.
wow. looks awsome.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
how do you know if your suggestion gets noticed?
cause i have quite a few mods that would (IMO)
be great for the pack but i don't want to just keep spamming the thread.
@MCtim that look pretty cool. ill second that.[DOUBLEPOST=1356885915][/DOUBLEPOST]OMG looked at thaumicbees some more.
wow. looks awsome.
Probably not. Communication isn't in their repertoire.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I don't think a mod with automatic random mass griefing is going to be a popular choice for inclusion in a mod pack.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
quote"Not bad, but I think this could be both resource demanding and slightly OP."
dont see the resource demanding part, but guess it is a lil op.
also its a pain to install, or at least it used to be.
I have added Smart Moving, not resource intensive at all from what I can tell. As for being OP, the only part that I would consider to be OP would be the increase speed bit, but that can be turned off in the config and can be forced to have the same config set on both server and client so no cheating. As for installation being difficult, it requires a few additional mods to be added, namely Player API and Render Player API, both of which can be added to the Jar Mods section with Smart Moving added to the Mods section, so fairly easy, but it would still be nice to have it included anyway.
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