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I would absolutely LOVE to have some type of Thaumcraft huge storage system. I was considering do a "Thaumcraft Run" on my friend's server, but I just hate the site of Chests everywhere, and the ME system does SO fantastic with condensing everything.

It doesn't have to do all the auto-crafting such as the ME does, but it could work similar to the Harness they just added in. By that I mean, you could start off with maybe just a regular chest sized storage, and add "Vacuos" to it to move up to the next tier of storage. I don't feel like this would be over powered, seeing as we've already got ME, but it would be something neat.

And before anyone says "It'd be pointless, just use chests or ME". Thaumcraft adds stuff we've already got, but does it in a magic way. I.E. the Harness that allows for creative flight. We've got MPS and Gravisuit which will add that, but Thaumcraft is about magic, and I feel like this addition would be very good for Thaumcraft users.

Thaumcraft is one of those mods where you can say the balance is near perfection. I was also thinking it'd be nice if Thaumcraft would add things like this, because Thaumcraft is a mod that is a good mod to play alone with, so if it added things like this, it makes it even a better mod to play alone with. I was also thinking it'd be nice if there'd be some more tiers to some of the machines, for example what was suggested in one of Direwolfs videos with the Arcane Bore if you'd place a jar of lux near the bore, it'd automatically light up the cave. with that you could do more, like maybe placing a jar of metallum or instrumentum near the bore would repair the pickaxe bit by bit.
Thaumcraft is one of those mods where you can say the balance is near perfection. I was also thinking it'd be nice if Thaumcraft would add things like this, because Thaumcraft is a mod that is a good mod to play alone with, so if it added things like this, it makes it even a better mod to play alone with. I was also thinking it'd be nice if there'd be some more tiers to some of the machines, for example what was suggested in one of Direwolfs videos with the Arcane Bore if you'd place a jar of lux near the bore, it'd automatically light up the cave. with that you could do more, like maybe placing a jar of metallum or instrumentum near the bore would repair the pickaxe bit by bit.

Maybe a bit of the comprising essentia, some instrumentum and some fabrico? :D
New suggestion: Golden Hopper. Works just like a vanilla hopper, but moves items faster. In stacks. Maybe gold for x8 items at a time and Diamond Hopper for x64 items.

Check out gang's mods. I believe he has then in his Surface mod.
Im not good at computercraft, and probably never will. But i like the touchscreen idea, but its complicated. what I would like to see is a mod that adds a touchscreen wich is easy to setup. Like for instance to mystcraft portal control and such. Maybe an additional setup for the mystcraft crystalportals, with an internal storage for books in the book receptacle or something
Im not good at computercraft, and probably never will. But i like the touchscreen idea, but its complicated. what I would like to see is a mod that adds a touchscreen wich is easy to setup. Like for instance to mystcraft portal control and such. Maybe an additional setup for the mystcraft crystalportals, with an internal storage for books in the book receptacle or something

Sounds cool. :D You mean like a Visual Basic kind of thing for CC? Would be nice, actually. :D
Lets say u have another kind of book receptacle(advanced Book receptacle if u will) with an internal storage for agebooks(maybe upgrades for larger storage). And some sort of easy touchscreen setup(dunno wich mod thou. A rednet screen of some sort maybe? Connect those two and u got a nice portalcontrol setup. Kinda multiblock structure like. the touchscreen can be used to all other kind of button/redstone signal sortalso ofc.:)
Two things that I'd like to see:

1) Boat multiblock structures - I want to see more complicated boats. Someone mentioned a modular boat system similar to steve's carts but for boats. Either that or perhaps just a specific build patter for some multiblock boat would be nice. I would like to see boats of varying sizes and uses. Perhaps boats for carrying chests or boats with a decent deck size to carry people, you could even add a mechanic that if more than "x" people are on the boat at one time it sinks. This would certainly make oceans a bit of a better biome.

2) Biome changer - I'd like to see a mod that allows you to change the biome around you. I often find that the biomes I like to build in are either oddly shaped or too small for what I want to build and cause color changes in the middle of my building. I don't necessarily need it to change the world generation or to change what ores are in the area. I simply want a mod that could push out the edges of the biome you like so that the grass color is constant around your builds and so that you don't have rain on one half and snow on the other.
Two things that I'd like to see:

1) Boat multiblock structures - I want to see more complicated boats. Someone mentioned a modular boat system similar to steve's carts but for boats. Either that or perhaps just a specific build patter for some multiblock boat would be nice. I would like to see boats of varying sizes and uses. Perhaps boats for carrying chests or boats with a decent deck size to carry people, you could even add a mechanic that if more than "x" people are on the boat at one time it sinks. This would certainly make oceans a bit of a better biome.

2) Biome changer - I'd like to see a mod that allows you to change the biome around you. I often find that the biomes I like to build in are either oddly shaped or too small for what I want to build and cause color changes in the middle of my building. I don't necessarily need it to change the world generation or to change what ores are in the area. I simply want a mod that could push out the edges of the biome you like so that the grass color is constant around your builds and so that you don't have rain on one half and snow on the other.

There's archimede's ships, which allows for custom boats, up to a size of 16x16x16. While it's not quite modular, the boats are custom multiblocks, like xycraft tanks. :)
One small thing that I really miss, is a buttonsign. when having a 3 by 3 button setup its kinda hard to mark those button with signs. So why not make an item that combines a button and a sign in a crafting table, and u get a sign u can write on that also works as a button.....that would be awesome:D

Make it in like extra utilities mod or something:P
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1) There's Archimedes ships, I didn't play around with it yet, but it seems like the thing you described.
2)There are these trees from the twilight forest. One of them slowly changes the biome under them into a Magic Forest biome. Probably not really what you want, but hey, technically it's a biome changer :P
I took my time and read through the whole thread for the TE status and somewhere in the middle of that thread was a discussion about a universal API for powerhandling.
While reading that I thought of an interessting and somewhat even more useful implementation of that and was going to post this when I would have read through the whole thread, but sadly that thread is closed by now.

So here is my idea:

There are some requirements for that API that I imagine would be needed:
  • Provide a framework that you can implement/extend/customize as you wish.
  • Don't force every registered ressource to work with everything else.
What this API would do is that:
  • Every mod could register it's resources (not only Energy but also Fluids, Items and everything you could imagine)
  • Every Block can implement a standardized (and ISided) attribute for showing that it accepts/provides a resource.
The process of registering would work as follows:
A mod registers a type of resource in a sort of tree of types as a subclass to another type with "RESSOURCE" as root and optionally a unit conversion method to the parent type.
It could register that a Ressource is convertable into or from another (needed to give a conversion function, when two mods create conversions between the same type, the mod which adds the type that it's converted to is prioritized)
Ressources that use the same type are considered "equal" and are freely exchangable,
Ressources with the same parent are considered "equivalent" and may be consumed as if they were equal.
Ressources that have a conversion method to another ressource advise a mod that implements a way to do this conversion on what that converson needs and which ratio would be ideal. This is optional but should be used.
Ideally Resources like "WATER" could be registered with multiple parents ("FLUID-COOLANT" & "FLUID-CARPENTER")
A example tree could look like this:
This list would be automatically filled by the LiquidDictionary and OreDictionary (I don't where things like burn time in a furnace are registered) and there may be subtypes for items/fluids that exist but are not registered in that tree,
but I think it would be too much to register every item in the game automatically under "ITEMS".
The server should calculate all possible conversion methods that can be calculated through existing conversions in advance to save performance later on.
The use of this API is that any block could show what it needs or offers (a special subtype or something general as "ENERGY" or "ITEMS-FUEL")
and every other block that handles ressources in any way could know if it can provide/handle that and therefore this decides if those connect and transmit their resources.
Conduits/Pipes/Cables theoretically are handled the same es Consumers but there should be a way to prevent "equivalent" ressources to be changed into each other.
Use Cases:
Furnce registers: bottom: Input:"ITEMS-FUEL", top: Input:"ITEMS-BURNABLE", right: Output:"ITEMS"
SolidFueledBoiler registers: Input:"ITEMS-FUEL", "WATER"
ForestryCarpenter registers: Input: "ITEMS", "CARPENTER", "ENERGY" Output: "ITEMS"
StrlingEngine registers: Input:"ITEMS-FUEL", Output: "ENERGY-MECHANICAL"
EnergyConduits registers: Input: "ENERGY", Output: "ENERGY"
The intension here is that:
you could power for example:
  • BC Machines with RotoryCraft power
  • IC2 Machines with UE Power
  • TE Machines with BC Power
  • TE Machines with IC2 Power
BUT: you could not connect BC with IC2 cables/pipes.
you could easily (standardized) register types of ressources like Liquid Fuel.
you could easily implement new types of Conduits to connect to new types of Inventorys.
you could easily register Blocks that use Thaumcraft essentia or provide it.
you could easily set up blocks to filter what they accept.
FINALLY: The internal way of transporting a resource in a network of blocks who are programmed to become a network together could still work the same (TE Conduits form one giant tube, AE, etc...) but the interaction with machines and other mods would be easier.
I hope you can understand the Idea behind this post, and I hope Forge or even the MC-Modding API will implement something like this.
Here's an interesting idea I just thought of: Maybe an engine powered with MJ (Keep listening, it's not as counterproductive as you think. :P) that doesn't explode, so that you can use your MJ to pump out items, in places where you need to pump out a large volume of items from someplace for whatever reason, using buildcraft. Perhaps a cap of 10MJ/t, which pumps out about two stacks a second?
Here's an interesting idea I just thought of: Maybe an engine powered with MJ (Keep listening, it's not as counterproductive as you think. :p) that doesn't explode, so that you can use your MJ to pump out items, in places where you need to pump out a large volume of items from someplace for whatever reason, using buildcraft. Perhaps a cap of 10MJ/t, which pumps out about two stacks a second?

U can use an autarchic gate with an energy tesseract beside thats connected to your main powersupply, then it pumps out stacks in stead of just 1 item:)
Dunno if this has been suggested yet or not, but I'd like to see a MedicCraft or somesuch. Basically, bringing medicine into Minecraft. Like, you'd have a syringe (under a different name, of course, so as to not confuse it with MFR's syringes) and you'd be able to fill it with various substances for healing, regeneration, and other boons. Perhaps even have a dart gun that you could use to fire poison syringes at mobs and players. Could even have things like adrenaline, which give you extra strength and speed at the cost of exhaustion when the effects wear off...or ender formula which keeps endermen from attacking you if you look at 'em.
Dunno if this has been suggested yet or not, but I'd like to see a MedicCraft or somesuch. Basically, bringing medicine into Minecraft. Like, you'd have a syringe (under a different name, of course, so as to not confuse it with MFR's syringes) and you'd be able to fill it with various substances for healing, regeneration, and other boons. Perhaps even have a dart gun that you could use to fire poison syringes at mobs and players. Could even have things like adrenaline, which give you extra strength and speed at the cost of exhaustion when the effects wear off...or ender formula which keeps endermen from attacking you if you look at 'em.
I think you'd like the potion system in Xeno's Reliquary ;)
Dunno if this has been suggested yet or not, but I'd like to see a MedicCraft or somesuch. Basically, bringing medicine into Minecraft. Like, you'd have a syringe (under a different name, of course, so as to not confuse it with MFR's syringes) and you'd be able to fill it with various substances for healing, regeneration, and other boons. Perhaps even have a dart gun that you could use to fire poison syringes at mobs and players. Could even have things like adrenaline, which give you extra strength and speed at the cost of exhaustion when the effects wear off...or ender formula which keeps endermen from attacking you if you look at 'em.

I'd rather like it if a mod would change the current potion system into something like this.
maybe even adding a dozen of new potion effects with it
i would like to see a cannon craft mod with everything from simple guns to both auto and manned multiblock cannons.