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I believe the community needs a "visible laser mod" to aid in construction.

I imagine such a mod like this:

You craft a tripod and a laser device, and combine them.

When right clicked you plant the tripod with the device at eye-level at your same position, it points in the exact direction you are looking at and emits a "laser" beam, similar to buildcraft lasers, etc. The laser beam cant be interacted with, and is only a building guide. you can dismantle the laser tripod by punching, etc.

You could also craft "lenses" that would change the angle of the laser, for example making it 100% horizontal.

many variants could be made, like one that tells you the distance to where the laser is pointing, etc.

I believe the community needs a "visible laser mod" to aid in construction.

I imagine such a mod like this:

You craft a tripod and a laser device, and combine them.

When right clicked you plant the tripod with the device at eye-level at your same position, it points in the exact direction you are looking at and emits a "laser" beam, similar to buildcraft lasers, etc. The laser beam cant be interacted with, and is only a building guide. you can dismantle the laser tripod by punching, etc.

You could also craft "lenses" that would change the angle of the laser, for example making it 100% horizontal.

many variants could be made, like one that tells you the distance to where the laser is pointing, etc.

it's not exactly what you're looking for, but Bibliocraft has a tape measure which can help with this.
I did often use buildcraft's landmarks aswell for straight lasers
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yeah, ive used both. Thats why i think a pointable laser would be of immense help.

The extrautilities item cannon also draws a curve trajectory line, that feature could be awesome too.

i wish i could code java hehe
I'd like a block that takes takes a specified energy amount and type, MJ, EU, RF, what have you, and when full outputs a redstone signal while dumping the energy reserves.

Mostly it would be for creative and adventure type applications. Take for example a mystcraft portal. Normally it takes nothing but placing a book into the receptacle to activate it, but what if a server wanted to create a challenge by saying you have to supply X amount of MJ energy to activate it. That energy could find its way to this block and when the conditions are met, output a redstone signal to start whatever mechanism you design to activate the portal.

There are ways to send redstone signals with things like BC gate conditionals on redstone energy cells, but I can't think of any that lets you tailor the needed input, or any that can instantly dump that input to reset the block.
I'd like a block that takes takes a specified energy amount and type, MJ, EU, RF, what have you, and when full outputs a redstone signal while dumping the energy reserves.

Mostly it would be for creative and adventure type applications. Take for example a mystcraft portal. Normally it takes nothing but placing a book into the receptacle to activate it, but what if a server wanted to create a challenge by saying you have to supply X amount of MJ energy to activate it. That energy could find its way to this block and when the conditions are met, output a redstone signal to start whatever mechanism you design to activate the portal.

There are ways to send redstone signals with things like BC gate conditionals on redstone energy cells, but I can't think of any that lets you tailor the needed input, or any that can instantly dump that input to reset the block.
Not entirely sure I fully understand what you want to do, but have you considdered the Range trigger from the Nuclear Control mod? It can be set to trigger redstone signal after a certain lower energy level is met and will continue to output till the upper range is met. The signal can be inverted.
Not entirely sure I fully understand what you want to do, but have you considdered the Range trigger from the Nuclear Control mod? It can be set to trigger redstone signal after a certain lower energy level is met and will continue to output till the upper range is met. The signal can be inverted.

Not quite that. Basically I want a block that says it costs X energy to produce a redstone pulse. The energy is consumed as part of the process.

It occurred to me some time ago that we have the ability to create massive power farms but outside from a few select addons, there's not a lot of stuff that could really put that energy to good use, especially without giving you some utility that makes the game maddeningly easy. I didn't want to start telling mod authors what they need to do about it, that's up to them. But what if we had a way to take energy out of the economy to perform whatever function the server chose? It'd strictly be for adventure style setups I think but it could make for some creative setups.
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Not quite that. Basically I want a block that says it costs X energy to produce a redstone pulse. The energy is consumed as part of the process.

It occurred to me some time ago that we have the ability to create massive power farms but outside from a few select addons, there's not a lot of stuff that could really put that energy to good use, especially without giving you some utility that makes the game maddeningly easy. I didn't want to start telling mod authors what they need to do about it, that's up to them. But what if we had a way to take energy out of the economy to perform whatever function the server chose? It'd strictly be for adventure style setups I think but it could make for some creative setups.
Absolutely agree. MJ production is rather easy now compared to what there is to spend it on. Aside from MFR machines and Extrabee machines, everything requires so minuscule amounts of power. Maybe someone should add "Overclockers" for all the MJ machines.
How about a Soaryn chest mod? A simple wodden chest, but with the exception that it will always juble things that are put in it. Each time you open the chest, it will be sorted in a different way. If you want to go to extremes, you could make all Soaryn-chests "talk" to each other and randomly move stuff around between them, so you would never know what your chest will contain.

Better Storage's crates do that sort of thing - the contents' order is randomized each time you open it.
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ok this is 1 item that I think wood be nice to add to a mod
hydroponics tables if u are like me and like building in a dessert this wood be good to have it could grow small
amounts of food and grow faster but inside your house like a greenhouse
A round world mod. Makes the world finite in size and at the borders it wraps around to the other side, making the world seem round. Many size options, some way of smoothing the connecting edges, and pre-generating the world would be neat.
There are visualizations (can't think of them off the top of my head) that bends the POV to make the terrain appear that it's rising to meet you. Combine that with a square map that warps to the other side Asteroids style, and you have yourself a quick and easy "round world".
I would love to see a mod similar to the Zeppelin mod, however I would like to see it as a more technical mod, not just place one block and you're good to go, I was thinking more around adding engines, fuel types, specially designed blocks for the aircraft's (if submarines are possible, add those to)
That would be cool.

so here are my basic ideas

Flying compatable blocks0 = any type of block
X = Iron ingot

X|0|X = [name of block used] Aircraft block

Each recipe makes 4/8/16 blocks pr. time (depends on rarity of block and reasonable costs)

Main componets (compatable with all tiers)Controll block: operates as your wheel
Ship Checker: Controlls any mailfunction of damages to the ship
Block Counter: Counts all blocks and merges them together, to make sure that the ship is ready to go
Ship Blue Print table: Gives you an grid with an overview of the ship, allows you to change layers makes it all around easier and more fun to build the ship
Ship Builder: When given blueprint, this worker will start building the ship, it will take blocks out of nearest storage unit (such as a chest)
Ship dis-assembler: This guy when given order will pick ship apart and output all blocks into connected storage unit

Tier 1: Steam punk; only able to fly with Wooden, Cobble, Glass, Planks Aircraft Blocks
Fuel Source: all sorts of vanilla fuels such as coal etc. etc.

Steam Pipe: Transports steam from steam machine to steam engine
Steam Machine: basic function is to make steam which goes over
Steam Engine: is powered by steam from the steam machine, either by tube connection or by going directly into each other, each engine alone can move 8 blocks
Propeller: When attached to the Steam Engine makes flight possible

Tier 2: Present Engines; Allows Tier 1 blocks + All types of Stone, Iron Blocks, End Stone blocksFuel Source: Liquid Fuels

Fuel tube: Transfers fuel from tank to engine
Fuel Tank: Stores fuel
Thrust Engine: when fueled is capable of flight, each engine alone can move 16 blocks
Smart Thrust Engine: Use less fuel than standard engine, is however more expensive to make

Tier 3: Future/SciFi-Tier: Capable of flying with all sorts of blocksFuel Source: power crystals

Power Crystals: New power source is discovered, these rare stones contains powers beyond any other sources reach, capable of recharging themselves in a couple of days when fully drained, these gems are also capable of being combined with other crystals which will add more power to one crystal, also increases recharge ability.
Crystal Pedistal: When crystal is placed, the pedestal extracts it's energy.
Ionic Thrusters: These powerful engines are able to move 32 blocks alone.
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with the recent addition of horses to minecraft I've actually been waiting for a mod that actually starts using those horses.
I know there was a mod before the horse addition which allowed special breeds and allowed you to hook carts onto them, but I haven't heard from that mod before.

so I'm basically waiting for a mod that revamps the current horse system.
it'd actually bring horse breeds to the game, and each breed would have specific stats.
you'd be able to cross-breed horse breeds together, and like with bee breeding, there's a chance for a half/half breed, or a pure breed.
the pure breeds would be the horses with just 1 color, and the cross-breeds would be the horses with spots and such.

each horse breed woud have specific stats regarding health, speed, jump, climb and damage.
certain breeds could be smaller, others could be bigger. all horses would also be able to wear chests, so strength would also be a stat.
though the mules would still be the best choice for chests as they'd have no penalty for wearing chests, while horses do.
you'd have to get a horse with a high strength to negate the penalty.

horses would also be able to attack. if you mount a horse and left click, the horse will do a headbutt to entities infront of him.
right click would make the horse kick the entity infront with it's front legs.
you'd also need to use a leash to actually control the horse, without a leash you'll only be able to mount the horse and nothing else.
the leash can be put on the horse just like how the saddle can be put on the horse, and you need to actually hold the leash to be able to control the horse.
this would require an additional hotbar slot to be opened when mounted on the horse, accessible through the "0" key.

the horse armor would also be different. instead of it being made out of 1 piece, it'd be divided into 4 pieces, just like normal armor and just like normal armor it'd also take durability damage.
but on the other hand it'd also be able to receive enchantments.
the helmet and boots would take enchantments that swords can take, so damage enchantments and knockback.
the chestplate and leggings would take enchantments just like a normal chestplate and leggings.

there will also be a lance weapon which you could use while riding the horse.
I don't really know how you would be able to use it, but you'd need to be able to still control the horse while using the lance.

with this mod I was also thinking of some compatibility with Thaumcraft. if you were to put full iron horse armor on the horse, and right-click with a wand you'd be able to transmute the iron horse armor into thaumium horse armor.
the downside would be that the thaumium horse armor would not be possible to remove from the horse anymore.
afterwards you'd be able to use certain upgrades and enchants to increase certain stats of the horse.
you'd also be able to use thaumcraft items/blocks on the horse.
for example using the hungry chest instead of a normal chest, allowing the horse to pick up items that are on the ground.
you could also use your wand with the horse, sort of like charging the thaumium horse armor with essentia, allowing you to use the wand's focuses through the horse armor allowing you to use special attacks only available through the horse.

there would also be a way to go the mad scientist route, and put an angry zombie's brain onto the horse, like with golems.
it'd allow for some better stats and some extra upgrade slots, but be careful, as it'd actually turn the horse into an undead horse, and would require you to retame it.
be warned though, this horse is not as kind as it's living bretherns
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You know that you can actually breed horses in vanilla. They already have different stats in terms of health, speed and jump height. There just isn't an easy way to check horses stats. With that and your other points a "BetterHorses" mod would be awesome!
You know that you can actually breed horses in vanilla. They already have different stats in terms of health, speed and jump height. There just isn't an easy way to check horses stats. With that and your other points a "BetterHorses" mod would be awesome!

they are still quite random in vanilla minecraft and the breeds don't really have any real differences between them except texture.
there's some mods that will show these stats of the horses, but it's just so random when you breed that it's not even worth trying to breed.
A mod that adds a "player block". For ex. You have to be in a certain range of a mob spawner for it to spawn mobs, what if you wanted to go mining while you had a Skelly xp farm running, it would be perfect and like a built in chunk loader would be cool too
A mod that adds a "player block". For ex. You have to be in a certain range of a mob spawner for it to spawn mobs, what if you wanted to go mining while you had a Skelly xp farm running, it would be perfect and like a built in chunk loader would be cool too

it'd have to be an actual chunkloader if you want to have that happen.
I'd rather suggest editing one of the existing chunkloader mobs to have an option to chunkload an area as a player instead