Request Suggest mods for creation here

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I have one a mod that makes NPC Villages more like citys with town walls, towers and "modernish" bulidinggs ect. as well as interdependent trading e.g u can trade anything to one for an amount of emeralds as well as have trade block in witch u put in items in an NPC village trade block you have placed and u get emeralds slowly as they buy stuff inside it and upgrade the town and then u can go to the merchants in the city and buy stuff as well as having the mayor, king or whatever being able to pay you for doing things like building a power station in town so basicly millenare but works with FTB all the extras I listed above and has integration with the other FTB mods

it's pretty much Millenaire what you are describing here...
it's pretty much Millenaire what you are describing here...
You do realize that millionaire isn't in FTB because it is too buggy I described a different millionaire that works in FTB and has alot of intergration with other FTb mods and also new features that work well with FTB
You do realize that millionaire isn't in FTB because it is too buggy I described a different millionaire that works in FTB and has alot of intergration with other FTb mods and also new features that work well with FTB

but the problem basically is it's still Millenaire, even if you don't name it Millenaire.
it'd be better to work on Millenaire to make it work better with FTB, or make a compatibility patch or addon for it then to start at zero as Millenaire already is a good mod, it just needs some extra work to have it work better with the other mods
How about a mod that uses buildcraft power to process ores, handle liquids, store power. But instead of using power pipes it would convert it all into lasers which would be used to transport power. there could be different lasers that do different things and you would use mirrors to direct lasers. then to store BC power you would make a multiblock with 4 special types of mirrors that make a laser go in a loop and the laser grows as power is added. then a mega laser could be shot from the center of the multiblock into a dimensional mirror which can transfer it across long distances into a different multiblock and then transformed down back into MJs through a converter system to run your quarries and such. Also for ores the lasers sent into a block would disintegrate the ore (instead of pulverize or macerate) then you could take the disintegrated ore into a different machine that re-materializes it into ingots. Also you could do things with different kinds of lasers such as; materialize and transfer liquids and items, break blocks, kill people, make one of those quarry laser things follow you around and shoot lasers at monsters. The possibilities are endless. I propose the name UtiliLasers.
Also on an unrelated topic, I always wanted a mod where your find and tame wild hamsters and you can force them to run in hamster wheels to generate power. you can breed them for more hamsters and feed them different food to have them run faster or live longer. Also as an end game idea, you could make a cyborg hamster which runs fast and never dies for endless power.
How about a mod that uses buildcraft power to process ores, handle liquids, store power. But instead of using power pipes it would convert it all into lasers which would be used to transport power. there could be different lasers that do different things and you would use mirrors to direct lasers. then to store BC power you would make a multiblock with 4 special types of mirrors that make a laser go in a loop and the laser grows as power is added. then a mega laser could be shot from the center of the multiblock into a dimensional mirror which can transfer it across long distances into a different multiblock and then transformed down back into MJs through a converter system to run your quarries and such. Also for ores the lasers sent into a block would disintegrate the ore (instead of pulverize or macerate) then you could take the disintegrated ore into a different machine that re-materializes it into ingots. Also you could do things with different kinds of lasers such as; materialize and transfer liquids and items, break blocks, kill people, make one of those quarry laser things follow you around and shoot lasers at monsters. The possibilities are endless. I propose the name UtiliLasers.
I'm pretty sure what we DON'T need is yet another item transportation system which is even more complicated than already existing.
How about a mod that uses buildcraft power to process ores, handle liquids, store power. But instead of using power pipes it would convert it all into lasers which would be used to transport power. there could be different lasers that do different things and you would use mirrors to direct lasers. then to store BC power you would make a multiblock with 4 special types of mirrors that make a laser go in a loop and the laser grows as power is added. then a mega laser could be shot from the center of the multiblock into a dimensional mirror which can transfer it across long distances into a different multiblock and then transformed down back into MJs through a converter system to run your quarries and such. Also for ores the lasers sent into a block would disintegrate the ore (instead of pulverize or macerate) then you could take the disintegrated ore into a different machine that re-materializes it into ingots. Also you could do things with different kinds of lasers such as; materialize and transfer liquids and items, break blocks, kill people, make one of those quarry laser things follow you around and shoot lasers at monsters. The possibilities are endless. I propose the name UtiliLasers.

Have you seen resonant induction by Calclavia. I don't think it works exactly as you described but you might like it anyway. It might also be a part of the resonant rise pack already but I could be wrong about that.
I think what would be a good thing is a modpack which instead of adding new things into the game (which is still nice), adds compatibility to the other modpacks. For example, instead of having Tinker's Construct tin and IC2 Tin, make them one thing, or instead of having pumps from Buildcraft and RP2, amke them one pump which is compatible with both. This would be an optional modpack for those who would like that sort of thing. What do you guys think?
I think what would be a good thing is a modpack which instead of adding new things into the game (which is still nice), adds compatibility to the other modpacks. For example, instead of having Tinker's Construct tin and IC2 Tin, make them one thing, or instead of having pumps from Buildcraft and RP2, amke them one pump which is compatible with both. This would be an optional modpack for those who would like that sort of thing. What do you guys think?

A lot of this work is done by Forge already. The ore dictionary makes registered items of the same type be equivalent in recipes etc. A couple of mods, (Omnitools and MFR in 1.5.2 at least) also add machines that convert within the ore dictionary. I never used the redpower 2 pump, was it the only way to use the grate?. In 1.5.2 there is no problem using the buildcraft pump for any job, although there are other pumps too which are fine. (Just remembered the IC2 pump, although I always saw that as a niche item).

I don't think it would be a good idea to have a machine dictionary if that is what you are suggesting.
You know how in NEI you can download (export) a text file of the block/item ids? I think it would be cool to have a mod that extends NEI's functionality here to give you a way to download all of the recipes in the game as well. It's a lot of information, so it would probably need to format the data in a fairly compact manner. The ideal format for me would be to have the mod generate an SQL database script which be a text file that could be processed by MySQL to create a database which could easily updated by running this mods function in game again, and recreating the database from the resulting file. My idea here is that I would then be able to use this database to create a website with an NEI-like interface for looking at recipes that could be easily kept up to date for each mod pack.
biome locator would help with biome mods :)

I don't know if this would be possible though. because if you want to find a certain biome, but haven't been in such a biome yet, the world hasn't generated such a biome yet and thus can't point you to that direction. the mod would need to generate large amounts of world to be able to point you to any available biome...
Also on an unrelated topic, I always wanted a mod where your find and tame wild hamsters and you can force them to run in hamster wheels to generate power. you can breed them for more hamsters and feed them different food to have them run faster or live longer. Also as an end game idea, you could make a cyborg hamster which runs fast and never dies for endless power.

That's a fantastic idea, but I wouldn't support them dying naturally. They could also have predetermined names so you become friends with them.

Personally, I want a buildcraft style engine which runs off of Cobblestone.
A circular wheel of Dishonored-like powers, that can be upgraded or purchased with runes. Runes can be found very rarely in dungeons (0.1% chance, NOT able to be found in spoils bags), and, if you find naturally spawning whales in the ocean (100 hearts, 0.1% chance of spawning every 100 ticks, deal 10 hearts of damage without armor, bypass 25% of armor), you can carve their bones with an ender chisel (five diamond blocks, one end stone, one emerald block) to make a rune as well. The chisel is lost upon use, and if two chisels are in one inventory both of them will explode)

The powers would be almost identical to that of the powers in Dishonored, including the DLC.

(I apologize in advance for the wall of text. For some reason I can't put a spoiler here)
Technical Description
First Level
Second Level
Third Level

Time Rediscovery
"Visions from the past, seen through the eyes of others, pieced together to form a perfect replica of history"
See where enemies have been, and are.
The previously took path of an enemy and the enemy itself is highlighted in yellow. Cannot be used while Time Foresight is active.
2 runes - See enemies.
4 runes - See enemies and their previously taken paths, up to 10 seconds ago.
6 runes - See enemies and their previously taken paths, up to 30 seconds ago. Dropped blocks and items are also highlighted.

Time Foresight
"Visions from the future, pulled through time to show an infinite array of possibilities"
See where enemies will be, and are.
The pathfinding of an enemy and the enemy itself is highlighted in yellow. Cannot be used while Time Rediscovery is active.
2 runes - See enemies.
4 runes - See enemies and their pathfinding, up to 5 blocks.
6 runes - See enemies and their pathfinding, up to 15 blocks. Dropped blocks and items are also highlighted.

"To empower the soul, grasp it, and fling it in a specific direction. The soul reclaims its physical form once the fling is complete"
Teleport to a specified location within throwing distance.
Teleport to a location or teleport to a ledge to climb it. You cannot be seen mid-blink.
1 rune - Teleport 5 meters horizontally, and 3 meters vertically. You move slowly (3 m/s) while blinking.
3 runes - Teleport 15 meters horizontally, and 5 meters vertically. You move moderately fast (7 m/s) while blinking.
7 runes - Teleport 30 meters horizontally, and 15 meters vertically. You move very fast (15 m/s) while blinking.

Silverfish Swarm
"Calling upon a swarm of killing insects to devour enemies"
Summon a swarm of silverfish to kill enemies.
A swarm of silverfish kill enemies, bring the loot back to you, and dissipate after a certain amount of time.
3 runes -Three allied silverfish rush at a target and kill them. You gain 10% more loot from the enemy killed, excluding rare drops. The silverfish last 5 seconds.
5 runes - Seven allied silverfish rush at a target and kill them, killing up to 3 surrounding enemies afterwards. You gain 25% more loot from the enemies killed, excluding rare drops. The silverfish last 10 seconds.
6 runes - Fifteen allied silverfish rush at a target and kill them, killing as many surrounding enemies afterwards as possible. You gain 50% more loot from the enemies killed, excluding rare drops. The silverfish last 20 seconds.

"The power of a thousand winds"
Blast enemies with a blade of air.
Fling enemies and dropped items/blocks into the air. Can interact with doors.
2 runes - All targets in path of the windblast will be knocked back 4 blocks horizontally and 2 blocks vertically. Wooden doors will open.
4 runes - All targets in path of the windblast will be knocked back 8 blocks horizontally and 4 blocks vertically. Wooden doors will shatter.
6 runes - All targets in path of the windblast will be knocked back 14 blocks horizontally and 7 blocks vertically. Wooden doors will shatter. Iron doors will open.

"The soul can be pulled unwillingly, allowing for the contraction of distance between the soul grasper and the target"
Pull an enemy, item, or block from a distance.
Pull things towards you and execute them if they're living. Can also release enemies mid-air.
3 runes - A single enemy may be pulled towards you for two seconds. If you attack the enemy, you will deal 25% extra damage on your first strike. If you let go of the enemy, they will be knocked back 1 block.
5 runes - A single enemy may be pulled towards you for three seconds. If you attack the enemy, you will deal 50% extra damage on your first strike. If you let go of the enemy, they will be knocked back 2 blocks.
7 runes - A single enemy may be pulled towards you for five seconds. If you attack the enemy, you will deal 100% extra damage on your first strike. If you let go of the enemy, they will be knocked back 4 blocks.

Summon Assassin
"A thousand warriors may be transported instantly to any location, but only one at a time, severely limiting their use for anything but small-scale battles or assassinations"
Summon an assassin to fight enemies, either stealthily or quickly.
Summon an assassin to kill enemies for you, with the option of taking the stealthiest and least attention-attracting route or the quickest and most dangerous route.
2 runes - A novice assassin will be summoned. The assassin will have 5 hearts of health, deal 1 heart of damage, and gain benefits from Metaphysical Bond.
5 runes - An experienced assassin will be summoned. The assassin will have 10 hearts of health, deal 3 hearts of damage, and gain benefits from Metaphysical Bond.
9 runes - A master assassin will be summoned. The assassin will have 25 hearts of health, deal 5 hearts of damage, and gain benefits from Metaphysical Bond.

Metaphysical Bond
"The mind of a philosopher and the mind of a warrior within one vessel"
Allow assassins to use powers.
Allows your assassins to use your powers.
1 rune - Your assassins will be able to use your level of Vitality and Blink.
4 runes - Your assassins will be able to use your level of Vitality, Blink, Pull, and Windblast. They will be unaffected by Bend Time.
8 runes - Your assassins will be able to use your level of Vitality, Blink, Pull, Windblast, Reaping Harvest, and Agility. They will be unaffected by Bend Time.

"Similar to pulling or flinging souls, only the soul is possessed for a small amount of time, allowing for actions to be taken that would otherwise never happen"
Enter the soul of a target to gain access to their abilities, vision, and movement.
Enter an enemy. While you are inside of the enemy, you can do basic right-click functions, attack, and gain access to all of that enemy's abilities. If a possessed enemy dies, you die with them.
4 runes - You may possess a peaceful animal for 10 seconds.
7 runes - You may possess zombies, skeletons, endermen, creepers, or spiders for 25 seconds.
10 runes - You may possess any mob for 30 seconds.

Bend Time
"Accelerate a soul's timescale to make them faster than all else"
Slow the flow of time.
You gain more time to dodge attacks, and projectiles can be retrieved mid-air.
4 runes - Within a range of 10 blocks, time will be slowed by 25% for 10 seconds.
8 runes - Within a range of 15 blocks, time will be slowed by 50% for 20 seconds.
16 runes - Within a range of 20 blocks, time will be slowed by 100% for 20 seconds. Projectiles may be collected mid-air during this time, and mobs will not notice you.

"Let another man bleed for every inch of metal that pierces your skin, let another man die for the vile things you have done"
Accelerate organic regeneration, and strengthen the will to continue living, even after taking a fatal blow.
You gain extra health and health regenerates faster.
3 runes - You gain 5 extra hearts, and you regenerate health 50% faster. The bonus only goes into effect after being out of combat for 7 seconds.
6 runes - You gain 10 extra hearts, and you regenerate health 100% faster. The bonus only goes into effect after being out of combat for 6 seconds.
8 runes - You gain 10 extra hearts, and you regenerate health 200% faster. The bonus only goes into effect after being out of combat for 5 seconds.

Reaping Harvest
"A true swordsman carves his opponents of life, leaving an empty shell of a man behind"
Find more of what is hidden within a corpse.
Mobs drop more loot. This does not stack with other mob drop bonuses. The other ability's bonus will be placed at a higher priority than the bonus granted by Reaping Harvest.
3 runes - Enemies killed by you drop 10% more loot.
5 runes - Enemies killed by you drop 25% more loot.
9 runes - Enemies killed by you drop 50% more loot.

Blood Thirst
"Forget all pacifism, forget all mercy, forget all rules, and let vengeance fuel the soul"
Go berserk after receiving or dealing enough damage.
After taking or dealing enough damage, you can execute an enemy. This will deal massive amounts of damage and will make them drop extra loot. Armor will make this power less effective, as you will take reduced amounts of damage.
3 runes - After taking 7 hearts of damage, you may execute one enemy. You will not be attacked during the execution. The enemy will take 25 hearts of damage, and will drop 20% more loot than normal.
6 runes - After taking 6 hearts of damage, you may execute one enemy, and then execute another enemy afterwards. You will not be attacked during the execution. The enemies will take 25 hearts of damage, and will drop 50% more loot than normal.
12 runes - After taking 5 hearts of damage, you may execute one enemy, and then execute two more enemies afterwards. You will not be attacked during the execution. The enemies will take 25 hearts of damage, and will drop 100% more loot than normal.

"Let the soul fuel the body, rather than let the body fuel the soul"
Jump higher, run faster. Incoming shots miss occasionally.
Your fall damage threshold is increased, you jump higher, you move faster, you climb faster, and enemies have a slight chance to miss ranged attacks.
2 runes - You jump one block higher, you only take falling damage after falling 5 blocks, you move 10% faster, you climb 15% faster, and enemies have a 20% chance to miss ranged attacks.
5 runes - You jump two blocks higher, you only take falling damage after falling 8 blocks, you move 20% faster, you climb 30% faster, and enemies have a 30% chance to miss ranged attacks.
10 runes - You jump four blocks higher, you only take falling damage after falling 13 blocks, you move 30% faster, you climb 50% faster, and enemies have a 40% chance to miss ranged attacks.
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Unfortunately I have ZERO experience in modding, but I had and idea for a companion mod to Forestry/Extra Bees.

An Earthworm mod, you can find/breed Earthworms in Earthworm boxes similar to Bees in the forestry mod, not so in-depth though. They could output heavy metal sludge Eg. Iron, gold, tin, copper, lead even coal. Depending on the type which can then be processed into corresponding nuggets. They could also output fertilizer, to be used on farms or engines.

Machines that produce resources (minerals, wood, monster parts, etc) in abundance, relatively cheaply and without destroying environment. Catch is, they need to have a distance between each other to work effectively. And type of biome affects productivity too - you get more wood if you put lumber mill in jungle and more gold from the mine in hills, etc.

Point of the mod is to make territory a valuable resource, and to encourage players explore and "colonise" world, instead of confining self to a self-sufficient ivory tower. And to build big-scale logistic networks.

Rough list of machines ("factories"): Lumber Mill, Mine, Oil Well, Hunting Post, Trading Post, assorted power stations (solar, geothermal, etc).

Each one is multiblock, that can be upgrading by a) making it bigger and b) providing resources for it.
Also, factory chunkloads a single chunk it is in.

Trading post should be placed in/near avillage and it does two things: a) trades resources with locals for emeralds and b) recruits locals to work on your factories. Recruited villager should be transported to place of work, and after a while, returned back. Trading post works more effectively if it is provided with paper, gold and (a little) energy.

Lumber mill provides lumber, apples and leaves. Type is defined by biome. Works best where there are many tree blocks, such as jungle or forest. Used resources are axes, workforce, energy.

Mine produces mineral resources - ores, diamonds, etc, depending on configuration. Uses pickaxes, workforce, energy.

Hunting Post gives mob drops. Uses weapons, armor and (a lot of) workforce.

Oil Well pumps oil. Wroks good in oceans and deserts. Uses buckets, energy, workforce.

Power Stations require different biomes and resources, depending on type. Solar stations, for example, works best in desert and worst in snow biomes, anduses glass and coal (to replace panels).
it would be nice I you could upgrade buildcraft pipes to have all the pipe wire permanently on the pipe.

have the pipe you want in the assembly table with all 4 pipe wires and a few MJ later a prismatic [inset type] pipe.
would make having to rip out systems to update them much less messy with the wires going everywhere.

you could even assemble an Autarchic gate into the pipe and it would be able to take all 4 wire imputes without having to update it to diamond, just not the customization that you would get with the diamond gates

this would make it easier to have medium level automation a little earlier in the game with the sacrifice to capabilities
I had this idea of a connection mod, kind of like PowerConverters but a bit more accessible from the start.

The main block would be a Universal Power Storage system, it would be crafted with a wooden conductive pipe, a copper cable and a lead wire with a iron block in the middle. When you open the interface, it would have three separate bars representing the different types of power (EU, Mj and Charge). It would have a blue socket for Charge, a yellow of EU and a Red Mj. This would serve as a compact storing block for early game, however it stores less then a BatBox and the other early storage blocks, as its easily crafted. You would be able to upgrade to store more power in each bar.

Then There would be a cable called a Power Conversion cable which would convert one type of power to another. The interface would be a input slot and a output slot, it would recognise any energy blocks connected to it, and you would choose what the inpurt and what the output is. It would only work if the output and input slots were the same as the blocks next to it. For example you could have a Stirling engine connected to the wire with a Electric Furnace on the other, the Stirling engine would be the input and the Electric Furnace the output. The cable would be crafted with iron and a conversion alloy (Lead, Copper and Red stone)

That's all I got so far. Feedback would be nice. Thanks!