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I would like to see a mod that has 2 new blocks in it:
Camoflauge Block & Shadowless Block

The Camo block would look like the sky from beneath and from above it would look like whatever the ground below looks like,from the sides... not really sure, but this would allow for hiding fortresses in the sky from people who are looking for fancy places in the sky to go raid and destroy. This block does not have a shadow, and can be place above or below shadowless blocks without affecting how it works.

The shadowless block is a block that when placed under a block that produces a shadow such as stone, wood, dirt etc. removes the shadow from the ground so that if you build your fortress in the sky, a random person wont see a giant shadow on the ground then make a pillar up to it and destroy it.
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Mod idea: Into the Core.
Basically what this mod is, is a mod that explores the inner core of the minecraft world. There would be a new dimension like the nether yet not so alien, it would be a world within a world (like mystcraft cave worlds) There would be new ores, new tools/weapons, new armors and new blocks. This dimension would be ruled by ogres and dwarves with the tech focusing on lava and steam.

Multiblocks: Geothermal Reactor creation is done in a 2x3x2 (2 wide 3 tall 2 long)- Lava is put into the system in either cells or pipes and it can be automated simply enough. It can use an interface like the nuclear reactor yet it would work like a breeder reactor where it would have to run hot yet the hotter the reactor the more energy it produces (to a maximum that doesn't cause the user to take damage.) too hot and it breaks down, requiring the parts inside to need replacing. It naturally produces MJ but there is another block that would allow for the conversion to EU or other forms of energy.

Lava Boiler, works a lot like the steamboilers but with lava as it's input. Again that boiler outputs steam at the cost of lava and water. Over time it degrades slightly causing a side effect of slag like material that would need to be pipped out, this would in turn be turned into another resource that when mixed with ores will produce interesting ores that smelt to help produce more materials for different uses and decorative blocks.

In the core dimension you would find a multitude of ores and dungeons each with their own loot and bosses. I imagine a complex like the fortresses yet less like ruins. Mobs in the fortress would be teired allowing for certain wings of said fortresses to be explored, loot found, bosses killed. Each boss would have a gimmick of course along with certain sets of armor/weapons that could drop or if it's a low level boss it will drop fragments so the armor/weapons be crafted.

These armors would give set bonuses based on what they were crafted from such as one armor could come from an ogre king that would allow flight, the armor basically had to keep his fat bootay mobile yet when worn by the player has enough power to provide actual flight. It would use steam to power it up as I imagine these ogres using steam as it's primary power while dwarves are lava. Bones are now a new crafting resource allowing for the creation of bone weaponry and bone armor. It would have the same stats as chainmail and damage of iron weapons but would have lower durability and when crafted with rotten flesh give it a red coloring but enhances it giving each item +0.5 hearts per lifesteal yet each time it loses 0.5 to 1 point of armor (based on armor piece and weapons would receive a debuff, unsure of what it debuffs.).

Multiblock quarrying type device. Tunneler, tunnels out the area and replaces it with mineshafts and requires certain drill heads to allow for even faster tunneling. It would be like an arcane bore but on a larger scale, you'd craft a vertical plate of "drill engines" that once completed into the right size (think of the stuff you put down in a circle for forestry multifarms but vertical* and the larger it is the larger the hole it would bore. It could also be placed horizontally for up and down digging. It would yield all the materials it drills in an internal inventory which can be accessed by rightclicking on the main unit (which would be a 2x2 structure behind the plates) a landmark type system could be used to direct the bore along what path the player wants. Has a TON of upgradeable functions like auto smelting, lava generation (aka all the rocks it bores into turn into lava blocks, lava doesn't hurt/stop the bore, with the extreme bore upgrade it would allow for the sucking up of liquids in it's path. I have more ideas but it's late (or early) and I've not been to sleep.. I'll post more when I think of it.
Well that's the thing, I'd think of balancing that out by mixing it with something that has to be mined or found, not pumped (or maybe but it would have to be melted into that state) it would be specific "cores" or things you can insert into the engines you'd produce it from specific drops off ogre/dwarf mobs and eventually you'd learn how to craft the materials yourself without needing the monsters. Basically you'd require the materials to craft the core that goes into the engine and the engine produces power, each engine can have an MJ or EU core (or other power gen for other mods) and would have a need to be refilled, simply moving the core to another machine for filling of the liquid would allow the engine to run hot but without causing the side effects of the heat. The better the core the more fluid it can handle the stronger it is. There would be a need to explore tho, you must explore these realms before really taking the plundge into the full tech tree. There will be simple power at first but then as you ramp up your exploring you ramp up your power. I do like my tunneler idea tho...
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0.6eu/t on average with complicated setup? 76k eu per bucket of fuel while diesel generator gives ~380k which is about 5 times worse than combustion engine? I honestly miss the point of this generator.

2 things that make me positive you didn't read or use your brain.

1. You compared a bucket of fuel- which requires a refinery, a pump, and a setup to make it into fuel. To a early-game generator that can slowly be upgraded into something powerful.

2. " while diesel generator gives ~380k which is about 5 times worse than combustion engine "
Combustion engines don't produce EU, they produce MJ. Ftb Noobs.... jeez...

Also @ Combustion engines. If you think they are efficient then lol @ you.
Energy bridge.
You compared a bucket of fuel-... To a early-game generator that can slowly be upgraded into something powerful.
I did not. Which makes your previous statement kinda ironic.
Combustion engines don't produce EU
I assumed that average energy conversion rate is common enough for understanding, well, my bad then.
Should I compare it to 1eu/t solar panel which can be upgraded and massed in unholy amounts without any complicated setups as long as its on air? Or geothermal/thermal generators which could use said lava?
And a bucket of fuel gives 384k eu at diesel, 600k mj at combustion engine and over 2.5m eu at heated 36LP boiler, how is that comparable to 76k eu?
I want a bukkit plugin that makes muting/blocking players more complete on a server

If i block idiot
None of idiot's messages are displayed, I cant see his logoff/logon notifs (i dont think it would be possible to hide him from the tab list)
And the reverse is applied to him concerning me, Because i'll say something, He'll say something "mean" to say the least back, and other people will talk about what he said, Something like that
I did not. Which makes your previous statement kinda ironic.

I assumed that average energy conversion rate is common enough for understanding, well, my bad then.
Should I compare it to 1eu/t solar panel which can be upgraded and massed in unholy amounts without any complicated setups as long as its on air? Or geothermal/thermal generators which could use said lava?
And a bucket of fuel gives 384k eu at diesel, 600k mj at combustion engine and over 2.5m eu at heated 36LP boiler, how is that comparable to 76k eu?
" 1eu/t solar panel which can be upgraded and massed in unholy amounts without any complicated setups as long as its on air? "
Are you joking? Do you even play FTB?
Plate-bending machine
Rotary macerator
Industrial centrifigue
Industrial Electrolyzer
Industrial blast furnace
EU to produce
and a hell of a lot of time

ARE YOU... JOKING?! " which can be upgraded and massed in unholy amounts without any complicated setups "

2 This lava doesn't just poof, it stays there.

combustion engine and over 2.5m eu at heated 36LP boiler
Plate-bending machine, Millions of fuel, and a aqua accumulator?

You're under-thinking not over-thinking...
Not everyone uses Advanced Solars and Gregtech.

Not using gregtech is the same as having creative mode- so talking without it should be a sin.

Also- everyone uses solars, my main power is lava (2880EU/T) and I still use solars.
Not using gregtech is the same as having creative mode- so talking without it should be a sin.

Also- everyone uses solars, my main power is lava (2880EU/T) and I still use solars.

What you just said was blasphemous to nearly everyone.
Gregtech just makes everything tedious and makes you waste time with bad design.
I dont use solars, i dont use lava either, they are both boring and or cheaty.
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" 1eu/t solar panel which can be upgraded and massed in unholy amounts without any complicated setups as long as its on air? "
Are you joking? Do you even play FTB?...

ARE YOU... JOKING?! " which can be upgraded and massed in unholy amounts without any complicated setups "
As it previously stated not everyone uses GT or advanced solars, theres also solar arrays, at least in unleashed.
2 This lava doesn't just poof, it stays there.

combustion engine and over 2.5m eu at heated 36LP boiler
Plate-bending machine, Millions of fuel, and a aqua accumulator?
Once you get past charcoal burning stage fuel shortage usually unheard of, you do not need to store lava as there are oceans of it and most players gladly use it in geotherms/therms. You can also get plates with rolling machine and I have no idea how aqua accumulator can be of any problem really. But my point stays in any case. What is 76k eu per bucket of fuel in comparison to anything really?
I would like to see a mod that has 2 new blocks in it:
Camoflauge Block & Shadowless Block

The Camo block would look like the sky from beneath and from above it would look like whatever the ground below looks like,from the sides... not really sure, but this would allow for hiding fortresses in the sky from people who are looking for fancy places in the sky to go raid and destroy. This block does not have a shadow, and can be place above or below shadowless blocks without affecting how it works.

The shadowless block is a block that when placed under a block that produces a shadow such as stone, wood, dirt etc. removes the shadow from the ground so that if you build your fortress in the sky, a random person wont see a giant shadow on the ground then make a pillar up to it and destroy it.

This sounds like a great project for someone learning to mod, like myself. I'll give it a shot and let you know if I get anywhere with it.
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This sounds like a great project for someone learning to mod, like myself. I'll give it a shot and let you know if I get anywhere with it.

It may work well as a Thaumic Tinkerer addon. Since TT already has gaseous glowstone and gaseous darkness or whatever it's called, you could try and implement a type of gas that changes from the light type to the dark type depending on the time of day.
minecraft's server client is crap, we all know this. tick threading made moded minecraft servers with 30+ people on mid priced server bearable. My suggestion is that rather then a new mod, we should focus on getting this updated and merged into forge; so you can actually have a decent sized server without running it on a top of the line mainframe computer.
I have one a mod that makes NPC Villages more like citys with town walls, towers and "modernish" bulidinggs ect. as well as interdependent trading e.g u can trade anything to one for an amount of emeralds as well as have trade block in witch u put in items in an NPC village trade block you have placed and u get emeralds slowly as they buy stuff inside it and upgrade the town and then u can go to the merchants in the city and buy stuff as well as having the mayor, king or whatever being able to pay you for doing things like building a power station in town so basicly millenare but works with FTB all the extras I listed above and has integration with the other FTB mods