Well, yeah. That takes away everythingPretty much, only I don't think it takes away positive status effects. If I remember correctly, Milk Buckets take away things like Water Breathing and Fire Resistance.
Well, yeah. That takes away everythingPretty much, only I don't think it takes away positive status effects. If I remember correctly, Milk Buckets take away things like Water Breathing and Fire Resistance.
Yeah, I was making obvious references to Final Fantasy when I was thinking of the names Esuna and Toad. Also, thanks to you and OniyaMCD for pointing out the bucket of milk takes away ALL status effects. I forgot that was a thing. That gives me an idea. I think that Esuna/Remedy should be a potion you can brew and it takes away only negative status effects. Finally, I think for the special negative status effects like toad and stone/petrify, the player should craft some special curative potions/items like Maiden's Kiss and Golden Needle respectively, which is again, taking inspiration from Final Fantasy. This way, it wouldn't make the Bucket o' Milk and Remedy the End-All-Be-All for curative items.Well, yeah. That takes away everythingALL status effects, good and bad. But, if it was a matter of having key ingredients for making certain types of spells, so a fire charge for a fireball, a spiders eye for poison etc, then I think a bucket of milk would make sense in that context.
Also, thanks to you and OniyaMCD for pointing out the bucket of milk takes away ALL status effects. I forgot that was a thing.
Quantized machines mod
I would like to see a mod for lag free machines, like the quantum quarry from extra utilities 2. These machines would simulate a multi lock, like a farm, execept you would just pump in the requirements and pump out the profits, no lag of constantly building and chopping down in a tree farm.For example, farms can cause massive lag, so instead the quantum farm!
-quantum crop farm
It would be crafted with ender pearls, a farming station from ender io or a planter and harvester from mfr or industrial foregoing. You could then put range extenders in it to increase the yield. Also it would be able to accept a watering can from extra utilities, or thermal cultivation, it would then increase its rate to as if you were there watering it. In the GUI a player could specify what to grow, and I would hope that there would be compatibility for mystical agriculture and maybe Pam’s harvest craft.(would require power of course)
-Quantum tree farm
Sam thing as Quantum crop farm, except for trees.
-Quantum wither farm
I’m not quite sure what to craft it with, but pump in soul sand and wither skeleton heads, xp and nether stars come out.
-Quantum mob farm
Place a sword(or spikes from extra utilities) and som sort of mob containment unit(golden/ cursed lasso, florb,etc.) and those mobs drops would be pumped out. This would be one of the only farms that dont require power.
-Quantum animal farm. Same thing as mob farm except for peaceful animals.
Suggestions are welcome!
Ooooo, I love this one. You have no idea the many times that lag caused me to end my playthroughs.Quantized machines mod
I would like to see a mod for lag free machines, like the quantum quarry from extra utilities 2. These machines would simulate a multi lock, like a farm, execept you would just pump in the requirements and pump out the profits, no lag of constantly building and chopping down in a tree farm.For example, farms can cause massive lag, so instead the quantum farm!
-quantum crop farm
It would be crafted with ender pearls, a farming station from ender io or a planter and harvester from mfr or industrial foregoing. You could then put range extenders in it to increase the yield. Also it would be able to accept a watering can from extra utilities, or thermal cultivation, it would then increase its rate to as if you were there watering it. In the GUI a player could specify what to grow, and I would hope that there would be compatibility for mystical agriculture and maybe Pam’s harvest craft.(would require power of course)
-Quantum tree farm
Sam thing as Quantum crop farm, except for trees.
-Quantum wither farm
I’m not quite sure what to craft it with, but pump in soul sand and wither skeleton heads, xp and nether stars come out.
-Quantum mob farm
Place a sword(or spikes from extra utilities) and som sort of mob containment unit(golden/ cursed lasso, florb,etc.) and those mobs drops would be pumped out. This would be one of the only farms that dont require power.
-Quantum animal farm. Same thing as mob farm except for peaceful animals.
Suggestions are welcome!
So, funny story: Thermal Expansion has the Phytogenic Insolator. Correctly upgraded, this can effectively act as a crop farm, a tree farm etc - just pump in resources (water, power, phyto-gro) and pump out wood, or crops, or whatever.Quantized machines mod
I would like to see a mod for lag free machines, like the quantum quarry from extra utilities 2. These machines would simulate a multi lock, like a farm, execept you would just pump in the requirements and pump out the profits, no lag of constantly building and chopping down in a tree farm.For example, farms can cause massive lag, so instead the quantum farm!
-quantum crop farm
It would be crafted with ender pearls, a farming station from ender io or a planter and harvester from mfr or industrial foregoing. You could then put range extenders in it to increase the yield. Also it would be able to accept a watering can from extra utilities, or thermal cultivation, it would then increase its rate to as if you were there watering it. In the GUI a player could specify what to grow, and I would hope that there would be compatibility for mystical agriculture and maybe Pam’s harvest craft.(would require power of course)
-Quantum tree farm
Sam thing as Quantum crop farm, except for trees.
-Quantum wither farm
I’m not quite sure what to craft it with, but pump in soul sand and wither skeleton heads, xp and nether stars come out.
-Quantum mob farm
Place a sword(or spikes from extra utilities) and som sort of mob containment unit(golden/ cursed lasso, florb,etc.) and those mobs drops would be pumped out. This would be one of the only farms that dont require power.
-Quantum animal farm. Same thing as mob farm except for peaceful animals.
Suggestions are welcome!
So, funny story: Thermal Expansion has the Phytogenic Insolator. Correctly upgraded, this can effectively act as a crop farm, a tree farm etc - just pump in resources (water, power, phyto-gro) and pump out wood, or crops, or whatever.
The Centrifugal Separator with the Enstabulation Apparatus upgrade acts a bit like a poor man's mob farm, but it only uses previously captured mobs in florbs, and presumably that still needs to be done manually. Without an automated way of filling morbs, I can't see it as a workable alternative to a mob farm - plus, it cannot be "Fortuned" in any way as far as I can tell, so at the moment I wouldn't say it's in any way viable.
I'd say the issue with your suggestion is that you seem to be proposing infinite drops from a single captured mob. Now, if TE added a way to pick up a spawner, and you have to place that in there, I could understand. Combined with the Spawner Changer from Actually Additions, that would definitely be viable, but at least somewhat balanced.
That's a good point - @Camdaman21339, if you haven't come across the mod Woot, that would satisfy I think (as opposed to an entirely new mod for it).Woot? I think is the name of the mod is basically a mob farm as you describe. Not sure about passive mobs but i think so. Check that out.
YOu may or may not be able to get a vanilla plugin to do that.... Don't know how that would work though....So... I'm back again. I need a mod
Last time I requested a mod on here I got it. But that was a loooong time ago and I never got around to properly implementing it into a pack before life got crazy. Now I need a replacement. So what I'm looking for is a mod that applies wither to anyone above sea level. simple.... i think. I dont know how modding works.![]()
Talk to lost souls, they were/are (did?) working on a way to kill anybody who goes on top of the nether roof.
YOu may or may not be able to get a vanilla plugin to do that.... Don't know how that would work though....
Vanilla plugin? Like command blocks? I think there is a way to blanket effect wither on people but I dont know if there is a way to make it coordinate based
All well and good. But im kinda making a ssp map/pack so server plugins wont workThere's a bukkit plugin called 'WorldGuard' that might be a good start. One of the options for a regional flag is 'heal-amount', which can be set to negative values.