Request Suggest mods for creation here

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Is there a mod out there that adds EMC values to Applied Energistics and its addons for ProjectE? I know there's values for EE3, but not for ProjectE.

Similarly, I've noticed that if an item needs to use an Induction Smelter at some point in the crafting process the ProjectE EMC values just give up and not even bother. Couldn't it just calculate the values as if it was a regular vanilla crafting recipe? (See: Solar Flux's Photovoltaic Cells. They break at the tier 1 Photovoltaic cell because ProjectE doesn't know what to do with induction smelter recipes.)
Try this, not sure if it still works, but it's the next best thing I could find.

Or try typing "/projecte" and press tab to autocomplete it, it should give you all the info you need :)

Yes this means you need to do it manually.

Let me know if it worked.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
A tool for server administrators - a POV mod that allows admin users to freely fly a camera that is not linked to their character's position. The free movement camera should
* not be effected by gravity.
* be able to fly into and through blocks.
* while inside solid blocks, get the "x-ray" style view of the world.
* should not effect chunkloading (allowing an admin to directly observe actual loaded chunks)
* entities should behave according to the admin characters actual position.
* should highlight any blocks around the camera that match the held block in the admins inventory - through terrain.
* highlight nearby players through terrain.
* not be visible in any way.
* allow the admin to bring their character to match the location of the camera.
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Someone Else 37

Forum Addict
Feb 10, 2013
A tool for server administrators - a POV mod that allows admin users to freely fly a camera that is not linked to their character's position. The free movement camera should
* not be effected by gravity.
* be able to fly into and through blocks.
* while inside solid blocks, get the "x-ray" style view of the world.
* should not effect chunkloading (allowing an admin to directly observe actual loaded chunks)
* entities should behave according to the admin characters actual position.
* should highlight any blocks around the camera that match the held block in the admins inventory - through terrain.
* highlight nearby players through terrain.
* not be visible in any way.
* allow the admin to bring their character to match the location of the camera.
You can do some of that by way of "ghost mode"- get in a boat, lag the server a bit (putting some villagers in a sealed box and letting some zombies see them is a good way to do this), and take the boat somewhere well away from where you got into it. At this point, the server still thinks you're still right where you got into the boat (because lag and because boats are weird), even though your client thinks you're somewhere entirely different. To get rid of the boat without synchronizing your position between the client and the server, you have to go into the Void- if you press shift, you'll be teleported back to where you got into the boat, and if you break the boat by shooting an arrow at your feet, you'll be teleported to your clientside location.

The easiest way to get the the Void, of course, is by digging a hole through the bedrock in Creative mode and then flying out. This hole will only actually exist on your client, since the server won't let you break or place blocks that are more than the normal distance away from your actual, serverside location. However, you can actually do it in Survival mode by rowing your boat out to the edge of the chunks loaded by your player, falling down below the world, and then using some trickery involving using a mob to repeatedly damage your serverside player to get back up to a carefully-placed hole you'd previously made in the bedrock using a glitch and filled with water.

After you've dropped your boat into the Void, you can go back up and explore the part of the world loaded by your serverside player. You can break and place blocks anywhere you like, and the server will not register it unless you break or place them within the normal reach distance of your serverside player. If you mine a block, you can pass through it or even place a different block in its place, and the server won't register any of it. The only time the server will update your client is if some block gets updated, such as if a crop grows or a redstone component turns on or off.

There's a video explaining one way to do it here.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
currently I just want one damn thing, I don't care if it'll be a change in Thaumcraft, or that you need to install another mod, but when I've done the research in thaumcraft that allows you to shift-click on aspects in the research table to automatically combine 2 aspects to make that one aspect, I want to be able to combine any needed aspects to be able to craft that one aspect.

an example, you want to create auram, which requires praecantatio and and aer, you've 1 aer, but you don't have praecantatio, so you'd have to shift-click on praecantatio that'll use up 1 potentia and 1 vacuous.
you've vacuous, but you don't have potentia, so you're not able to create praecantatio. but with this mod, change, extra research whatever, if you shift-click on auram, it'll automatically create praecantatio by combining potentia and vacuous, it'd automatically combine ignis and ordo to create 1 potentia, so you're able to use 1 potentia and 1 vacuous to create 1 praecantatio, which allows you to use both 1 praecantatio and 1 aer to create 1 auram.


Too Much Free Time
Nov 9, 2012
Tartarus.. I mean at work. Same thing really.
A tool for server administrators - a POV mod that allows admin users to freely fly a camera that is not linked to their character's position. The free movement camera should
* not be effected by gravity.
* be able to fly into and through blocks.
* while inside solid blocks, get the "x-ray" style view of the world.
* should not effect chunkloading (allowing an admin to directly observe actual loaded chunks)
* entities should behave according to the admin characters actual position.
* should highlight any blocks around the camera that match the held block in the admins inventory - through terrain.
* highlight nearby players through terrain.
* not be visible in any way.
* allow the admin to bring their character to match the location of the camera.

Aside from points 5 and 8, the freecam mode for hacked clients/griefing tools [such as Nodus] do this. Xray mode covers point 5, via config rather than inventory.
(Nodus was one of my favourite tools while volunteering as a server admin/moderator- very effective for picking off Xrayers)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I don't know if this is possible, but i'd lke a mod that played the "Miami Vice" tune everytime i get in a boat. Maybe the mod can be extended to have "event music", but that is an extra.
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Too Much Free Time
Nov 9, 2012
Tartarus.. I mean at work. Same thing really.
Carpenters Slabs.
We have stairs, slops, corners, pyramids, torches, doors ect -basically everything except slabs.
Bonus points if they're omnidirectional too.​

I don't know if this is possible, but i'd lke a mod that played the "Miami Vice" tune everytime i get in a boat. Maybe the mod can be extended to have "event music", but that is an extra.
Not only possible, but may already exist via the number of background music/ambience mods out there.
However you'll need to buy the Miami Vice soundtrack for yourself :)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Carpenters Slabs.
We have stairs, slops, corners, pyramids, torches, doors ect -basically everything except slabs.
Bonus points if they're omnidirectional too.​

Not only possible, but may already exist via the number of background music/ambience mods out there.
However you'll need to buy the Miami Vice soundtrack for yourself :)
As soon as you posted, i looked at the Ambience mod by Vazkii. I'll try that once i get home. Time to put on the Sonny Crockett skin.

Someone Else 37

Forum Addict
Feb 10, 2013
Carpenters Slabs.
We have stairs, slops, corners, pyramids, torches, doors ect -basically everything except slabs.
Bonus points if they're omnidirectional too.​

Not only possible, but may already exist via the number of background music/ambience mods out there.
However you'll need to buy the Miami Vice soundtrack for yourself :)
Doesn't the basic Carpenter's Block turn into a slab if you whack it with a hammer?
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Suggested Mod: A base mod called "Structures".
In a manner similar to "Baubles" this mod would be a widely implemented dependency in other mods that need to / have custom structures they wish to generate in the world, or in villages.
The structures would be defined in mc-edit / world edit compatible schematics - although more complex generation (AE2's craters) could be programmatic.

The benefits from this are:
* mod authors don't have to write their own structure generation code - simply provide standard schematics.
* The single generator can ensure that mod structures don't collide.
* Modpack builders - esp HQM - can control (via config) all the dimensions that random structures are allowed to spawn in.
* Sever admins likewise - get a degree of audit ability and trust that mods that use this api for structures are behaving properly as the schematics can all be checked.
* Content creators can create 3rd party structure packs that would supplement popular mods using standard schematic editing tools.

Recurrent Complex might already match most of these criteria. Perhaps my suggestion is twofold:
* FTB need to start including it by default in all their larger modpacks, as well as sourcing high quality default structures to include
* Mod authors of mods like Witchery, Thaumcraft etc. need to provide their worldgen as schematics to use this api.


Well-Known Member
Mod Developer
May 22, 2013
My Chair
Suggested Mod: A base mod called "Structures".
The structures would be defined in mc-edit / world edit compatible schematics - although more complex generation (AE2's craters) could be programmatic.

Like this? Works with vanilla blocks. Problem with modded block IDs is that they can change world to world.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Like this? Works with vanilla blocks. Problem with modded block IDs is that they can change world to world.

That looks like a very cool successor to Ruins or Recurrent Complex. It needs, however, to get some uptake:
1. to support rotation of structures
2. to support different versions of MC
3. to support mod blocks.
4. to have a really easy API that mods can use, that existing mods actually use it.
5. FTB mainline packs to include it by default

Some of these problems seem inherent in the actual schematic format, which seems to use plain numeric ids and so can't support the forge? item id dictionary.


Well-Known Member
Mod Developer
May 22, 2013
My Chair
That looks like a very cool successor to Ruins or Recurrent Complex. It needs, however, to get some uptake:
1. to support rotation of structures

Does that based on NSEW. Have to do that to support village structure gen. Block rotation is not perfect in 1.7.10 (as evidenced by rotation of furnaces and chests), but they cleaned up a lot of that stuff in 1.8.9 - works much better.

2. to support different versions of MC

Have versions for 1.7.10 and 1.8.9 works but still marked ALPHA/BETA. Will eventually get to packaging for release. No plans to make additional versions.

3. to support mod blocks.
Schematic format would have to change. As you point out the schematics stores encoded integer/metadata values. It needs is to have a dictionary built in where block name/meta/NBT stuff would be stored and referred to by index in the structural data.

4. to have a really easy API that mods can use, that existing mods actually use it.

This is on my list. I would like to provide capability where a mod could provide a schematic as a binary blob and register it with Restructured. However, the mod/modpack author could craft a schematic pack and install it to achieve the same thing. The other idea I am toying with is more direct scripting support for structures using something like JavaScript.

5. FTB mainline packs to include it by default

Would be cool, but in general the audience looks for wizz bang technical or magical mods rather than something that improves the play environment. Would be nice if there was a pack that focused in on aesthetics/environment and less on tech/magic mods.


I've seen a mod like this already and I know they're are tons of mods that add these but I want a mod that adds JUST conveyors and I want to be able to watch my items travel on them. I've seen a mod like this already except I found a couple of problems with it the first and most major issue is that after playing on my word for about 5 minutes my game stops saying I've run out of memory, the second problem is that they don't place in the correct direction, and the final problem and the one that I disliked the most as I needed it to do this for my idea to work is that it doesn't automatically output from nearby storage and I have to make a dropper system to solve that problem. I would love to see a mod like this heck if you can make them work like the ones in fortress craft evolved that would be awesome as that's the kind of mod pack I was currently trying to setup.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Does that based on NSEW. Have to do that to support village structure gen. Block rotation is not perfect in 1.7.10 (as evidenced by rotation of furnaces and chests), but they cleaned up a lot of that stuff in 1.8.9 - works much better.

So many mods also deal with rotations in very non generalized ways. This must be a total pain.

Have versions for 1.7.10 and 1.8.9 works but still marked ALPHA/BETA. Will eventually get to packaging for release. No plans to make additional versions.

I was referring to the schematics not being portable between versions.

Schematic format would have to change. As you point out the schematics stores encoded integer/metadata values. It needs is to have a dictionary built in where block name/meta/NBT stuff would be stored and referred to by index in the structural data.

Would the schematic really need to change? I mean - if players could provide the level.dat for the world that schematics were generated with, it would contain the dictionary that maps item ids to item names, allowing a schematic to be fixed up on load.

This is on my list. I would like to provide capability where a mod could provide a schematic as a binary blob and register it with Restructured. However, the mod/modpack author could craft a schematic pack and install it to achieve the same thing. The other idea I am toying with is more direct scripting support for structures using something like JavaScript.


Would be cool, but in general the audience looks for wizz bang technical or magical mods rather than something that improves the play environment. Would be nice if there was a pack that focused in on aesthetics/environment and less on tech/magic mods.

Mods like BOP do seem to make it in quote frequently.

It strikes me that, to get adoption, it should be possible to install a "Restructured" pack using the Resource Pack GUI. Or at least work the same way in that there is a folder in which one can place packs, either as zips directly or expanding them out into folders.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
This is not so much a mod, as an extension to forge:
1. The forge world backup option that gets triggered on a mod removal, to become something that can be triggered manually from the console.
2. A Forge extension that, when a mod gets removed and block / item id's go missing, will enumerate over the entire world area by area, chunk by chunk, and remove / replace all blocks and items using the removed ids. Rather than reverting to air, blocks will be replaced with stone, dirt, air or water contextually to prevent weird little holes forming.


Well-Known Member
Mod Developer
May 22, 2013
My Chair
So many mods also deal with rotations in very non generalized ways. This must be a total pain.

Even some of the vanilla blocks have issues. The rotation routine in Minecraft/Forge 1.7.10 is a bit hair raising. I tried coming up with my own logic to do it but it gave me headaches. So I decided to live with the 1.7.10 quirks. Just glad it's fixed in 1.8.9.

I was referring to the schematics not being portable between versions.
1.7.10 schematics can be used in 1.8.9. The reverse may be possible as long as the schematic doesn't include 1.8.9 specific blocks.

Would the schematic really need to change? I mean - if players could provide the level.dat for the world that schematics were generated with, it would contain the dictionary that maps item ids to item names, allowing a schematic to be fixed up on load.

It would be possible to do that, but then it makes it more difficult to distribute schematics.

Mods like BOP do seem to make it in quote frequently.

Yes, they do. I am not sure how the staff figures out what goes into a pack. Sometimes I think it is voodoo. :)

It strikes me that, to get adoption, it should be possible to install a "Restructured" pack using the Resource Pack GUI. Or at least work the same way in that there is a folder in which one can place packs, either as zips directly or expanding them out into folders.

With the latest version schematics and associated configuration can be distributed in a ZIP. The player would then drop the ZIP into the Restructured config directory. Restructured will look in that zip to find schematics and config files, integrating them into a "global" config file where it can be further tuned.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
A "lore writing" block.

Very simple: I stick an item into a slot, there's 4 text fields for entering text, and I pull the item out, now with 4 lore lines on it.

Automation is entirely optional; even if it just stamps the same "last used" text on items that are put in and pulled out (hopper putting in / pulling out).

Side note: Being able to harvest a sign with text converted to lore would still be nice, but this might be simpler.
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Well-Known Member
Mod Developer
May 22, 2013
My Chair
A "lore writing" block.

Very simple: I stick an item into a slot, there's 4 text fields for entering text, and I pull the item out, now with 4 lore lines on it.

Automation is entirely optional; even if it just stamps the same "last used" text on items that are put in and pulled out (hopper putting in / pulling out).

Side note: Being able to harvest a sign with text converted to lore would still be nice, but this might be simpler.

This is interesting. *Could* also have it cost materials / XP to use, like an anvil.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I just want to be able to tag/identify otherwise-identical objects in a chest, actually.

For example: A bag labeled "blue-green woods". A bag labeled "pink woods". A bag labeled "Surplus chicken parts". Etc.

That it would have other useful abilities -- such as putting text on a sign to describe what's in this chest when you look at it -- is also nice.

The ability to be used by map makers? Pure bonus.