Request Suggest mods for creation here

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I do that, too. Also, I tested it and, alas, that interaction is not a thing. The friction heater doesn't heat up with a gasoline engine attached and its put up against a smeltery controller, and the controller doesn't melt down ores. Aah, well, maybe I can find a cool way to make


A 1.7.1 version of a mod thats allows for one simple thing. Configurable Torch Burnout Timer.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Not really much of a mod suggestion but more of a cross-mod compatibility.

Forestry bees being required to cross breed Agricraft crops.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Remove weeds from agricraft or don't make them spread, farewell prized crops because I left 1 crop stick empty in an entire greenhouse


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
A nifty tool for admins: a mod that allows you to pause tile entities in a given area. It'd be great for when you need to fix a bugged TE, but don't want to have to download your world, load it into MCEdit, make the change, and re-upload your world. Dunno if its possible, but it'd be cool.


Smash able crates! Crates that hold items. These crates need shift right clicked with a crowbar item in your hand to access their inventories But they beak instantly when left clicked and drop their contents!
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Someone Else 37

Forum Addict
Feb 10, 2013
A nifty tool for admins: a mod that allows you to pause tile entities in a given area. It'd be great for when you need to fix a bugged TE, but don't want to have to download your world, load it into MCEdit, make the change, and re-upload your world. Dunno if its possible, but it'd be cool.
If the bugged TE is an RFTools dimension, you can just let the dimension run out of power (or forcibly drain it with an energy extractor, or whatever that block's called). Entities and TEs will freeze entirely, and players in survival mode without a powered Phased Field Generator in their hotbar will be instantly killed and respawned at their beds (or, presumably, in the overworld if their bed is in that dimension).

Also, I think Forge has a config option to delete erroring tile entities. No clue where to find that config, though.

I don't know if it's even possible for a mod to disable TEs in a specific area, but @McJty might.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Sometimes, before my alarm goes off in the morning, I get peculiar ideas. Usually they're pointless, but once in a while...

This morning? Crafting Arrows.

Doesn't sound useful, but think of it this way: You can set the recipe in the arrows to however you like, then when you shoot an another player, it instantly crafts the recipe if the materials is in their inventory. It's a really weird take on PvP, but powerful if you can deprive them of useful resources (or my favorite, pairing it with a mod that has crafting recipes for various hazardous products cheaply.)

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Someone Else 37

Forum Addict
Feb 10, 2013
Sometimes, before my alarm goes off in the morning, I get peculiar ideas. Usually they're pointless, but once in a while...

This morning? Crafting Arrows.

Doesn't sound useful, but think of it this way: You can set the recipe in the arrows to however you like, then when you shoot an another player, it instantly crafts the recipe if the materials is in their inventory. It's a really weird take on PvP, but powerful if you can deprive them of useful resources (or my favorite, pairing it with a mod that has crafting recipes for various hazardous products cheaply.)

Sent from my Puzzle Box of Yogg-Saron using Tapatalk 2
Probably more effective: Arrows that you can load with an item that insert the item into the inventory of a player they strike. Just load one of those things with some nuclear waste (or a stack of firestone)...


Well-Known Member
Mod Developer
May 22, 2013
My Chair
Sometimes, before my alarm goes off in the morning, I get peculiar ideas. Usually they're pointless, but once in a while...

This morning? Crafting Arrows.

Doesn't sound useful, but think of it this way: You can set the recipe in the arrows to however you like, then when you shoot an another player, it instantly crafts the recipe if the materials is in their inventory. It's a really weird take on PvP, but powerful if you can deprive them of useful resources (or my favorite, pairing it with a mod that has crafting recipes for various hazardous products cheaply.)

Sent from my Puzzle Box of Yogg-Saron using Tapatalk 2

Funny that once I read your post I thought of Building TNT. Place it, activate it, and when it blows it builds a small structure.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Funny that once I read your post I thought of Building TNT. Place it, activate it, and when it blows it builds a small structure.
And you specify the pattern by letting off the special tnt. Inside of what you want to copy.

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Well-Known Member
Nov 24, 2012
Animal Farm mod.

No new items, mobs, interfaces etc. You automate things by taming mobs and making them work for you.
To tame a mob, you have to reduce it to low health and then click with his respective favorite item (cactus for creeper, graaains for zombie, Endstone for Enderman etc)
To tell them what to do you use fences (to show work area), items in frames (to filter by item), texts on signs and books, etc.

Spiders grow crops.
Zombies carry things.
Pigs breed ans slaughter animals.
Creepers turn ores into ingots (possibly doubling them).
Endermen mine and build structures.
Skeletons kill aggressive mobs.
Witches brew potions and craft things.
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Well-Known Member
Mod Developer
May 22, 2013
My Chair
Animal Farm mod.

No new items, mobs, interfaces etc. You automate things by taming mobs and making them work for you.
To tame a mob, you have to reduce it to low health and then click with his respective favorite item (cactus for creeper, graaains for zombie, Endstone for Enderman etc)
To tell them what to do you use fences (to show work area), items in frames (to filter by item), texts on signs and books, etc.

Spiders grow crops.
Zombies carry things.
Pigs breed ans slaughter animals.
Creepers turn ores into ingots (possibly doubling them).
Endermen mine and build structures.
Skeletons kill aggressive mobs.
Witches brew potions and craft things.

I had similar thoughts, but by adding Ants and breeding similar to Forestry bees. Different species of ants do different things:

* Harvester ants collect/plant crops within a radius around the hive.
* Soldier ants protect an area around their hive.
* Leaf-cutter/carpenter ants plant/harvest trees.
* etc.

A player would find ant mounds in the wild and would have to break them similar to Forestry hives. A special "ant farm" block can be placed to house the new ants. Genetics would influence the lifespan, range, and resistance to pests, and as a hive matures and gains more workers productivity increases.

Someone Else 37

Forum Addict
Feb 10, 2013
Animal Farm mod.

No new items, mobs, interfaces etc. You automate things by taming mobs and making them work for you.
To tame a mob, you have to reduce it to low health and then click with his respective favorite item (cactus for creeper, graaains for zombie, Endstone for Enderman etc)
To tell them what to do you use fences (to show work area), items in frames (to filter by item), texts on signs and books, etc.

Spiders grow crops.
Zombies carry things.
Pigs breed ans slaughter animals.
Creepers turn ores into ingots (possibly doubling them).
Endermen mine and build structures.
Skeletons kill aggressive mobs.
Witches brew potions and craft things.
I had similar thoughts, but by adding Ants and breeding similar to Forestry bees. Different species of ants do different things:

* Harvester ants collect/plant crops within a radius around the hive.
* Soldier ants protect an area around their hive.
* Leaf-cutter/carpenter ants plant/harvest trees.
* etc.

A player would find ant mounds in the wild and would have to break them similar to Forestry hives. A special "ant farm" block can be placed to house the new ants. Genetics would influence the lifespan, range, and resistance to pests, and as a hive matures and gains more workers productivity increases.
Ancient Warfare is kind of like these ideas. It allows you to craft items that spawn friendly human mobs that will do work for you, as well as blocks that designate where you want them to do what.

I had an idea a while back that was once again similar to all of the above, but, like Millenaire, it was centered on procedurally-generated villages. The key difference, though, would be that it would completely disable all vanilla crafting mechanics, at least for vanilla items. You'd have to harvest some crops or trees with your bare hands to sell to the villagers in exchange for some kind of currency, and with it you'd be able to buy things ranging from tools, weapons, and building materials to villagers' services in mining, crafting, and building. Importantly, you'd be able to control how and where the village expands, rather than leaving that to the villagers themselves as Millenaire does.

So basically that'd be a hybrid of Millenaire and Ancient Warfare.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I want to be able to have text displayed in a chest. For example, a chest with certain types of wood (60+ woods in this pack), and a sign-like object that when moused-over will display something about the wood in this chest, like a sign.

I just found out that vanilla MC has this mechanic -- the lore text NBT tags -- but there does not appear to be any way to set it in survival.

So the most obvious request: A way to set lore NBT on a sign item for storage in a chest. Even if it's as simple as a way to "harvest" the sign with the text intact.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I don't know if this would have a specific use outside of automating IC2exp nuclear reactors but the behavior seems somewhat generic so:

A block/pipe filter (perhaps an addition to EIO/TE/BC) that can be attached to an inventory, which can be given a white list of NBT filterable items to remove from an inventory, as long as it can swap the item with a replacement from its inventory.
So, given a supply of fresh fuel rods, it would extract spent fuel rods from a reactor, and replace them, in place, with fresh ones. Or it could extract damaged cooling components and replace those. Or, given a supply of fresh pickaxes, it could extract damaged picks from a mining machine and replace them.
It would always do a swap - it would never insert into empty slots, or extract if it didn't have a replacement item available.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Is there a mod out there that adds EMC values to Applied Energistics and its addons for ProjectE? I know there's values for EE3, but not for ProjectE.

Similarly, I've noticed that if an item needs to use an Induction Smelter at some point in the crafting process the ProjectE EMC values just give up and not even bother. Couldn't it just calculate the values as if it was a regular vanilla crafting recipe? (See: Solar Flux's Photovoltaic Cells. They break at the tier 1 Photovoltaic cell because ProjectE doesn't know what to do with induction smelter recipes.)