Request Suggest mods for creation here

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
The concept outlined below is one I've had kicking around for some time but do not have the skill set to create. It would seem like a great companion to TC, TE, Extra Utilites or JABBA and would use items from some or all of those mods for recipes. It is merely a concept and if someone took the time to create it I would have no problem with my idea being modified since I'm aware that there's mechanics of the actual coding or interaction that may prevent doing things a certain way, or that my ideas may just be unrealistic or stupid.:D Costs are approximate.

A simple early game crafting/storage mod of appropriate cost. Something with an interface that connects the inventories of chest slots like the TC crafting table, except it connects to multiple inventories using upgrade/expansion blocks.

The basic first tier mod interface/block(s) would initially be limited to a double vanilla chest. Cost would be wood, stone and iron.

A tier 2 network upgrade would allow connecting the cumulative inventories of 8 vanilla chests and a vanilla furnace upgrade option. Furnace would take up one vanilla chest slot in the network. Furnace slot would have a hopper upgrade with the same number of slots as a vanilla hopper to feed it and output configured to inventory slots as outlined below. Cost would be wood, stone, iron, copper, and redstone. It would require a small amount of RF such as that supplied by a survivalist generator, which would be part of the tier 2 network upgrade recipe, with a fuel slot in the interface also up-gradable with a hopper upgrade.

The interface would have tabs for each chest or inventory connected to it that could be labeled, and the selected tab would be the one showing in the interface next to the crafting grid. The tabs would be layered horizontally in typical fashion by number with the current selected tab showing its name in order to fit the 8 tabs.

Configuration of network would use a "connecting" block/duct/pipe system that allows expansion with appropriate cost. Recipe would use duct/pipe from TE or Extra Utilies and servos etc.

It would have tier 3 expansion/upgrade blocks that allow an increase in the number of chests. Each upgrade would be limited to the same number of cumulative slots as the basic mod. The initial expansion interface would be configured with main tabs correlating to the number of upgrades, then sub-tabs based on the basic 8 vanilla chest configuration of the basic mod. Each additional expansion would become a main tab with the 8 cumulative vanilla chest slots having a sub heading tab. Cost would be iron, copper, gold, redstone and diamond.

It would have an upgrade that connects to barrels with each barrel having a tab and each upgrade limited to 8 barrels. Each upgrade would become a main tab, with sub tabs for each barrel.

It would have a sorting upgrade based on item number. Sorting would default to a chest slot already occupied by the item, then overflow to an empty slot in the same inventory, then to any available slot in any inventory. Barrel upgrades could be configured to accept overflow of more than one stack from the chest sorting.

Recipes would include items from other mods such as servos, gears, ducts, etc.
Sir I will give you a like entirely for the fact that you have written quite a lot of words which i cannot be bothered to read, but i will assume is genius.


Well-Known Member
Dec 15, 2012
Does anyone know of a good, up-to-date, complete mod creation guide/tutorial? None of the ones I found have helped me do anything other than make a generic block or item, and add some recipes; things I can already mostly do with Minetweaker. The main things I want to learn to make are mobs with custom AI, new trees that grow on certain blocks, and a custom AOE digging tool with a 3D model. Plus more things, but I'll focus on these first. I have the Eclipse program, but I'm willing to use something else if the guide calls for it.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
it's like a better Project red storage with JABBA integration

I've never tried any project red storage systems and I've barely touched that mod at all in the past. However I doubt anything I thought up compares with that mod. I may have to look into what storage features it has.

Also, It's hardly genius. More than likely it's fairly naive and stupid, but at least I got it off my chest. :D

Someone Else 37

Forum Addict
Feb 10, 2013
The concept outlined below is one I've had kicking around for some time but do not have the skill set to create. It would seem like a great companion to TC, TE, Extra Utilites or JABBA and would use items from some or all of those mods for recipes. It is merely a concept and if someone took the time to create it I would have no problem with my idea being modified since I'm aware that there's mechanics of the actual coding or interaction that may prevent doing things a certain way, or that my ideas may just be unrealistic or stupid.:D Costs are approximate.

A simple early game crafting/storage mod of appropriate cost. Something with an interface that connects the inventories of chest slots like the TC crafting table, except it connects to multiple inventories using upgrade/expansion blocks.

The basic first tier mod interface/block(s) would initially be limited to a double vanilla chest. Cost would be wood, stone and iron.

A tier 2 network upgrade would allow connecting the cumulative inventories of 8 vanilla chests and a vanilla furnace upgrade option. Furnace would take up one vanilla chest slot in the network. Furnace slot would have a hopper upgrade with the same number of slots as a vanilla hopper to feed it and output configured to inventory slots as outlined below. Cost would be wood, stone, iron, copper, and redstone. It would require a small amount of RF such as that supplied by a survivalist generator, which would be part of the tier 2 network upgrade recipe, with a fuel slot in the interface also up-gradable with a hopper upgrade.

The interface would have tabs for each chest or inventory connected to it that could be labeled, and the selected tab would be the one showing in the interface next to the crafting grid. The tabs would be layered horizontally in typical fashion by number with the current selected tab showing its name in order to fit the 8 tabs.

Configuration of network would use a "connecting" block/duct/pipe system that allows expansion with appropriate cost. Recipe would use duct/pipe from TE or Extra Utilies and servos etc.

It would have tier 3 expansion/upgrade blocks that allow an increase in the number of chests. Each upgrade would be limited to the same number of cumulative slots as the basic mod. The initial expansion interface would be configured with main tabs correlating to the number of upgrades, then sub-tabs based on the basic 8 vanilla chest configuration of the basic mod. Each additional expansion would become a main tab with the 8 cumulative vanilla chest slots having a sub heading tab. Cost would be iron, copper, gold, redstone and diamond.

It would have an upgrade that connects to barrels with each barrel having a tab and each upgrade limited to 8 barrels. Each upgrade would become a main tab, with sub tabs for each barrel.

It would have a sorting upgrade based on item number. Sorting would default to a chest slot already occupied by the item, then overflow to an empty slot in the same inventory, then to any available slot in any inventory. Barrel upgrades could be configured to accept overflow of more than one stack from the chest sorting.

Recipes would include items from other mods such as servos, gears, ducts, etc.
Sounds a bit like Applied Energistics, but accessible earlier on.

I know RFTools added this modular storage thing fairly recently; is that more similar to what you're thinking?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
The entropy pipe.
1. The entropy scan his whole length every so often. It list every avalaible machine and inventory into his buffer.
2. Every operation the entropy pipe use a weighted pseudo random algorithm to select 1 item in the inventories.
3. After this, it select with another weighted random one of the crafting recipe available with that item (anything including machine usage it could figure with NEI). It then check if it have all the other ingredients needed. Finally, it check if the weighted desirability of the final item is reached. As it will try to balance the number of products and ingredients evenly (minus the weight it attached to each item).
3.1 If it doesn't, it repeat the operation 3 a few time. If it still fail, it reduce the weight of that item for the random selection of point 2.
3.2 If it find the recipe, it proceed to do the crafting and loosely sort the items back in the inventory.
4 If the crafting is successful, the entropy pipe take a mental note of the ingredients needed, conclude that more of those are needed and scan the NEI recipes to weight higher those recipes and item in the future.

A. The entropy pipe also fight actively the changes made on inventory and tank it's linked to. If something suck a liquid in a tank which contained something when the entropy pipe was first plugged, the pipe will try to refill that liquid to the tank. Inversely, the entropy pipe will absorb the liquids that fall in a previously empty tank and try to sort it in space somewhere else. The entropy pipe do the same for items (say charcoal in a generator).

B. The entropy pipe have a strange behavior with power. It first absorb the power it receive and the more it stacks, the more it become conductive. For exemple, it might absorb first 20k rf and then transmit 20RF/t. If you send in 20RF/t it's in equilibrium, but if you send more, the buffer will slowly increase to say 40kRF and then transmit 40RF/t . However power transfer doesn't come for free, the more the pipe build up power, the more it create lost in the form of more operations per seconds. If no power is given, the number of operations is very slow.

In short, you just have to plug this pipe to your chests and it will slowly craft for your every item you could possibly craft by yourself ! :D However the entropy pipe will come with his obvious self drawback; It will not stop consuming your oak wood until you have roughly as much boats, doors, stairs,chests etc... The pipe would do anything you want albeit in the worst inefficient way possible.

In my opinion, the pipes should be extremely cheap to make so you an use it extremely early. a button, some wooden gear and iron plate ? maybe a red stone. Anyway the pipe will come with his own configurable side effects :D
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
... can you please proof-read and edit your post? Please
Which one were you replying to? The entropy pipe thing? I read the post thoroughly, and it's reasonably written for someone with English as a second language. The basic idea seems to be that there's this pipe that connects to item and fluid storage, and processing machines. It does three things:
1. Randomly picks an inventory now and then and tries to craft an item in that inventory based on whether it thinks there's too few of it. The idea is to balance crafted items with ingredients.
2. Sort fluids based on what each fluid storage had previously in it. If the tank was empty, the pipe would prefer to keep it empty.
3. Craft slowly unless energy is added. The more energy added, the faster crafting goes (using energy in the process). The pipe also transfers energy at some fixed fraction of its buffered amount. So if you have 20 RF/t going in, the pipe is going to maintain a buffer of energy but also transfer 20 RF/t, less the amount necessary to craft stuff. Which if you're pumping 1024 RF/t into it, it's going crazy making stuff until it reaches equilibrium.

I think this is an amusing and interesting idea that needs some refining. It would need to know the machines and recipes already present; not everything can scan recipes, some items have multiple recipes, and some mods use their own crafting handlers. So what I'd do is give it a way to teach it recipes like AE's auto-crafting mechanic. (This item or items in = that item or items out.) I'd let the player attach those recipes to a machine or a stored item, and leave the rest alone. Heck, maybe the pipe doesn't craft unless it's touching a crafting table with associated recipes, but instead just moves items around to keep the storage blocks balanced. So all your chests slowly turn into Soaryn chests as you add and remove stuff in them, but the pipe does maintain a balanced amount of crafted and ingredient items and keep your fluid tanks sorted if you've got the right stuff for that. Meanwhile adding power is a good idea so that it crafts faster, nevermind distributing the power anywhere.

The only other thing I'd add is a way to get items back out of the system easily. But that would defeat the purpose of an entropy pipe, wouldn't it? Just gonna have to search your chests manually! ;)
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
To be fair with him, I had some very bad typo I already reviewed. I wrote it very fast and I went pretty technical with my "weighted pseudo-random algorithms" to explain how the pipe could work on a technical level without causing massive tick rate drop. So I understand his opinion lol.

My first idea was to let the pipe craft everything possible. With no possibility (beside maybe expensive upgrades) to "setup" anything at all.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Idea for a new mob: The "Lighting Bug". This is a mob that generates darkness (light level 0) in all spaces near it, overriding the normal block light calculations.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Idea for a new mob: The "Lighting Bug". This is a mob that generates darkness (light level 0) in all spaces near it, overriding the normal block light calculations.
I think my sarcasm detector is malfunctioning; it's acting like a pig dancing on a fence post.

Sent from my Puzzle Box of Yogg-Saron using Tapatalk 2


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
So I got the idea because of the bugs in vanilla. But as a mob ... it would be very interesting, especially if it can spawn in the light. ... Maybe it spawns from light source blocks ...


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Well, that makes better sense. Not sure if there is a good way to handle dynamic darkness; even dynamic light sources like torches in a player's hand only works client-side.

But if it was a TileEntity? Possible...

Sent from my Puzzle Box of Yogg-Saron using Tapatalk 2


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
anyone know the trading post from Extra Utilities? it'd be nice if this block could be a bit more advanced.
right now if you use the trading post and want to do a trade you actually need to go to the trading window of that specific villager, it'd be nice if you could just simply click the trade in the trading post GUI and it'd automatically do the trade for you. it'd highlight a trade if you have the required items for it in your inventory and it'll also automatically switch villagers if one of the villagers offering the same trade runs out of trades.

probably the big part of this mod would be that you can also automatically trade with villagers through the block. the block could either have an internal inventory in where you can pipe items into, or you need to place a chest next to it from where it takes the items from. you can then specificy what items you'd like to get from trades and you need to pipe out the items for the block to start trading (it'll do one trade and the block will hold the item untill you export it before it'll continue trading more)
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