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I thought that there was a mod that gave you tiered access to stuff -- requiring you to do X before you can do Y. I was certain that I've seen it on the minecraft forums ...
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There's one for vanilla MC, but it involves fisting (my term) various critters and mobs to unlock various crafting materials.

I'll have to keep the tooltip notification in mind, though. NEI integration will have to be handled later, of course.

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There's one for vanilla MC, but it involves fisting (my term) various critters and mobs to unlock various crafting materials.

I'll have to keep the tooltip notification in mind, though. NEI integration will have to be handled later, of course.

Sent from my SGH-T769 using Tapatalk 2
... Fisting may mean something relatively harmless to you, but to many others it means something ... not so pleasant. I suggest you make a new term before ever saying that again.
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I like that.

Would a greyed out object in the product side with a "You Must Research This Item" tooltip be too much do you think?

I do something similar with ChromatiCraft; if you lack the fragment for a recipe, the output is '?', and if you lack the progress, there is a red "circle-slash" through it.

Maybe he could say knocking?
Punching is probably easier and more commonly used.
Probaly already out there, but it woulf br neat to see a Mega-Man X style of abilities mod. DONT EVEN SAY MORPH! Basically, once you defeat an enemy enough times, you gain there ability. For example, blazes give you fireballs, cave spiders posion, and so on and on. But you would have to keep defeating said mob, or you would run out of power for that ability, and would be unable to use the ability.

*Attempts to rerail thread*
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That's... a better version of Adv. Genetics. Don't have to go around scraping chickens (for starters), but still need a charge from the same mob to power your ability keeps it balanced. Has a lot of potential.

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Not sure if this is available or not, but I had an idea for a mod auto-updater that I don't think has been done before, it works like this:

  • Mod authors opt-in by adding an attribute (I forget what the Java name for it is, but they go above the class definition and start with '@') to their main mod class, a string which holds a URL that points to a JSON file somewhere that they maintain.
  • Each JSON file has at least one field named after a specific version of vanilla (ie: 1.7.10 or 1.4.7) and has three attributes: the latest version of the mod, the URL for said version, and the minimum required Forge version.
  • The updater checks if the two versions line up, and if they don't, they give the user a prompt asking if they want to update (with a "Don't Ask Me Again" option that can be config'd should they change their mind) and if they say yes, it'll download the new version and get rid of the old one.
  • Once all's said and done, if any updates were done, it'll tell the user that its restarting Minecraft to finish the updates and boom, done.
Whaddya think?
Not sure if this is available or not, but I had an idea for a mod auto-updater that I don't think has been done before, it works like this:

  • Mod authors opt-in by adding an attribute (I forget what the Java name for it is, but they go above the class definition and start with '@') to their main mod class, a string which holds a URL that points to a JSON file somewhere that they maintain.
  • Each JSON file has at least one field named after a specific version of vanilla (ie: 1.7.10 or 1.4.7) and has three attributes: the latest version of the mod, the URL for said version, and the minimum required Forge version.
  • The updater checks if the two versions line up, and if they don't, they give the user a prompt asking if they want to update (with a "Don't Ask Me Again" option that can be config'd should they change their mind) and if they say yes, it'll download the new version and get rid of the old one.
  • Once all's said and done, if any updates were done, it'll tell the user that its restarting Minecraft to finish the updates and boom, done.
Whaddya think?
I wonder if this would work for the @Reika mods, Since the line on the top gets so annoying. Otherwise, A handy tool to save us from doing some work.