Best if you already backed the Kickstarter! I already dropped some cash on the standard edition AND the infamous NSFW edition! (Don't worry, it's just cards they thought were too cruel/graphic for normal distribution.)get his card game, "Exploding Kittens"
Perhaps this might help? on topic:
I want a mod to turn down particles for potions.
I hate the constant swirl from night vision, or blindness. (One is supposed to let me see, and the particles stops that. The other is blurring out what little I can see. Others are equally annoying.
But somethings, I need to be able to see the particles. Noteblocks, for example, are considered particles. Animals being in love, etc.
I want to control particles by group.
At the least, remove potion and rain particles and leave the rest.
Optifine does this.Back on topic:
I want a mod to turn down particles for potions.
I hate the constant swirl from night vision, or blindness. (One is supposed to let me see, and the particles stops that. The other is blurring out what little I can see. Others are equally annoying.
But somethings, I need to be able to see the particles. Noteblocks, for example, are considered particles. Animals being in love, etc.
I want to control particles by group.
At the least, remove potion and rain particles and leave the rest.
Optifine set to fast will make the game run fast, and add tons of texture customization. But it corrupts the modpack because of the fast math option apparently.Optifine does this.
My god. I didn't know this wasn't a thing, yet the world needed it so much!Someone needs to hurry up and make a toggle on/off button already.
Perhaps this might help?
Optifine does this. needs to hurry up and make a toggle on/off button already.
But I kinda like having to do the wiring and using the Logic gates to make it using Project Red etc.
What I REALLY REALLY want is an enchant that works like a full "Apiarist's Suit". Or maybe once all four armour pieces have been enchanted it works like the full suit. That would allow me to wear my normal armour when handling dangerous bees(hate getting killed by an Austere bee for example in full Quantum).
Well you can quite easily make a Button into a toggle (Lever type thing) by using the "Toggle Latch" for example. This will even allow you to have multiple buttons(like buttons on both sides of the door or activation buttons for machinery multiple places in your workshop).I am confused by logic gates. I just dont know what most of them do. Theres been a few times when Ive used them in interesting ways but it takes trial and error.
This. We need moar powerI'd like to see a mod (maybe a TC addon) that's based off of the Fire magic (called Sorcery) from Ultima VIII: Pagan. Think of it: an addon whose primary purpose isn't utility and/or defense, but almost complete, total offense. You got the weak spells like Ignite that could burn things, Heat Shield which not only makes you immune to fire, but able to walk on lava without harm, all the way to something hellish and powerful like Conflagration that can devastate massive areas with big, random explosions. You can even fit other spells not explicitly found in Pagan into mix, like something that'd melt all the nearby blocks and turn stone (or cobble) into lava; combine that with Heat Shield and you can give yourself an instant defensive perimeter when you're spelunking into caves or ravines. Though, I'd like it to keep the method of infusing foci with spells found in Pagan with the pentacle, candles, and material components.
Mostly, I'd just love raining thaumic death down on my enemies, and of the various forms of magic in Pagan, Sorcery has always been my all-time favourite just for the simple fact of how utterly bombastic it was.
This. We need moar power
More fire power?And what element is best at sheer, untamed devastation? FIRE!