Yeah the grey tiled floors with the stone texture is Quarried Block from Railcraft. The smooth grey blocks are Tin Blocks.I know some of that's marble, but there might be some quarried stone too.
Yeah the grey tiled floors with the stone texture is Quarried Block from Railcraft. The smooth grey blocks are Tin Blocks.I know some of that's marble, but there might be some quarried stone too.
It is already running at 8192EU/t non-stopUU-Matter?
Nah you can just feed it more powerCan you overclock the Mass Fab?
Yeah that is a possibility. Could also just do all the EU transport through the IDSU since its internal bandwidth is infinite(just need one for every 8k input/output), but trying to set limits/challenges for myself to make things more interesting. So decided that the IDSUs are only going to be used for the Laser Drills.Ah. I always just wrapped it in IDSU's.
I remember those times when buildcraft/filler was my best no-worldedit-yet friend. Ahh... the waiting for xxx chunks to be cleared... and the glorious end-of-the-world moments when i realize that blocks falling down by hundreds per second are no longer dirt and stone rather my build because i didnt care to check if planned area is not overlapping with existing builds... and as you may know there is no "undo" for uncompromising old fashion fillers. The need to stand next to it and feed it with stacks because area you are filling is bigger then filler inventory... the crappy tunneling you had to do because you had to define landmarks... the mess of water, lava, oil spilling into dark nothingness as filler do its job... the epic feel when you had 4 or 5 of them running at the same time and you were standing above it all slowly and systematically clearing... the fun of forgetting you are in area of working filler and trying to place block which instantly disappear... the rage when it get stuck on on special block not willing to be deleted... oh man if this machine had a sound it would still ring in my ears today.Used a Filler to clear and then fill out the top layer of the area...
Yes. Really not a huge fan of the Filler either, but within the confines of survival it was this or a Quarry + Builders WandI remember those times when buildcraft/filler was my best no-worldedit-yet friend. Ahh... the waiting for xxx chunks to be cleared... and the glorious end-of-the-world moments when i realize that blocks falling down by hundreds per second are no longer dirt and stone rather my build because i didnt care to check if planned area is not overlapping with existing builds... and as you may know there is no "undo" for uncompromising old fashion fillers. The need to stand next to it and feed it with stacks because area you are filling is bigger then filler inventory... the crappy tunneling you had to do because you had to define landmarks... the mess of water, lava, oil spilling into dark nothingness as filler do its job... the epic feel when you had 4 or 5 of them running at the same time and you were standing above it all slowly and systematically clearing... the fun of forgetting you are in area of working filler and trying to place block which instantly disappear... the rage when it get stuck on on special block not willing to be deleted... oh man if this machine had a sound it would still ring in my ears today.
Yes a lot of the things I do could have been done better, simpler or "grander" from a pure building perspective if I had been building in creative, I agree on that. But most my motivation for playing comes from playing in survival. I can for short intervals do projects that serve no function(like the villa I just did in the Sacred springs), but eventually I have to go back to something that have a purpose. And what really do it for me is building cosmetic facades and housings for machines and automation.While i despise some of your decisions i generally admire your dedication to make everything functional, which i gave up years ago. Maybe its going hand in hand building in survival but still you deserve a big cookie.
I will give it a shot. It is a bit difficult due to how densely layered the bunker is. JourneyMap and Zans tend to just compact multiple floors into one jumble because of this and hidden cable tunnels etc. obscures it even further.I would like to see combined(ground/underground/dimensions) map-overview of whole build.
Yes there are multiple posts about both experience and mob essence farms. Recently set up an enchanting lab. At the very beginning of the TPPI project I set up a Cursed earch setup(Mob essence->Autoenchanter). I however usually don't build things at the same time so you will have to look for it.dem 100k views tho<3
Also would love to see some experience farm!
Im currently making one myself do you have earlier posts about this?
49 pages is a bit to much to search through haha.
Well.. I have ideas for stuff that depending on if I can find another modpack to play or not, might get added to this world. Some of them are so large and "good" ideas I would rather save them for a new project. But I still have smaller ideas that are marked for this world.So how much is planned to add to this project ?
Yeah I do that constantly. Some times I just get fed up with a section and want to do something else for a whileAlso do you plan to revisit some sections and improve them ?
I doubt it with my current PC. But I am looking into purchasing a new PC so maybe something like a final farewell tour to the world.Another question is if you plan to take and share some screenshots with shaders.
There have been several. Latest one is a couple weeks old. You can find them here:Will there someday be a download of the world?